Criddle, Benjamin Evered

CRIDDLE, Benjamin Evered (1859-1910) was educated and trained in London, Engl. and emigrated to Canada before 1900. He was first employed as draftsman in the B.C. Dept. of Public Lands in Victoria and was appointed to the newly created post of Supervising Architect for the province in April 1909. During his tenure he was responsible for the design of many provincial buildings, but only one notable example survives, that of the Court House and Provincial Building at Nakusp, B.C., built 1909-10. His term in office would have been a lengthy one were it not for his untimely death on 30 May 1910 (obituary Daily Colonist [Victoria], 31 May 1910, 6). Criddle was succeeded in office by Robert F. Lawrence .

SAANICH, B.C., a public school, near the Pumping Station on the Quadra Street extension, 1909 (Evening Post (Victoria), 23 April 1909, 15, t.c.)
CRESTON, B.C., a public school, 1909 (Creston Review, 20 May 1909, 2, t.c.)
PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., a public school, 1909 (Port Essington Loyalist, 22 May 1909, 2, t.c.)
NAKUSP, B.C., Court House & Provincial Building, Broadway Street West at 5th Avenue N.W., 1909-10; still standing in 2023 (Margaret Carter, Early Canadian Court Houses, 1983, 231, illus.)