Davison, Arthur Whitley

DAVISON, Arthur Whitley (1906-1993) graduated from the Dept. of Architecture at the University of Toronto in 1929 and opened offices in Brockville and Cornwall in 1934. In 1936 he won third prize in a national competition for Small House Designs sponsored by the federal government under the Dominion Housing Act (R.A.I.C. Journal, xiii, May 1936, 89, 91, illus.). In 1937 he formed a partnership with Harry P. Smith of Kingston, Ont. (R.A.I.C. Journal, xiv, May 1937, 100) and worked throughout the St. Lawrence Valley and in the Ottawa area. After serving with the R.C.A.F. during WWII, he was appointed Director of Engineering and Architectural Services for the Dept. of Veterans Affairs in 1946 and supervised construction projects for that federal bureau for the next twenty five years (inf. from Arthur W. Davison, Ottawa). Davidson died in Ottawa on 19 March 1993.


(with J. Albert Ewart) OTTAWA, ONT., The Hardy Arcade, Sparks Street, running through to Queen Street, a pedestrian arcade nearly 200 ft. long, with eleven retail stores, 1935-36 (Ottawa Journal, 19 Dec. 1936, 25, illus. & descrip.; Andrew Waldron, Exploring the Capital: An Architectural Guide to the Ottawa-Gatineau Region, 2017, 20-21, illus. & descrip.)


BROCKVILLE, ONT., residence for Hugh R. Starr, James Street East, 1936 (C.H.G., xiii, June-July 1936, 33, illus.)
BROCKVILLE, ONT., residence for George T. Lewis, Ormond Street, 1937 (C.H.G., xiv, July-Aug. 1937, 25, illus.)
BROCKVILLE, ONT., residence for George W. Hyslop, Prescott Road, 1937 (C.H.G., xiv, Oct. 1937, 30-1, illus.)