Davidson, Bedford

DAVIDSON, Bedford (1872-1963) was active in Vancouver as an architect and builder where he was credited with the design of an eight storey commercial building called The Dawson Block, 1911. He was born in Amherst, N.S., son of James Davidson and was described in the local paper as '....an old Cumberland [County] boy who is doing exceedingly well in the growing city of Vancouver...and has been doing architectural building and contract work in the city for some years' (Daily News [Amherst], 12 Feb. 1912, 4). Davidson died in North Vancouver on 4 July 1963 (death notice The Sun [Vancouver], 5 July 1963, 25; biog. D. Luxton, Building the West: The Early Architects of British Columbia, 2003, 460, 497).

(works in Vancouver)

KITSILANO, two rooming house blocks for Mr. McKay and for T.V. Scudamore, at the n.e. corner of York Street at Yew Street, 1910 (Vancouver Daily World, 9 July 1910, Section Two, 1, illus. & descrip.)
KITSILANO, commercial block of four stores and five apartments for Fred Baylis, at the n.w. corner of York Street at Yew Street, 1910 (Vancouver Daily World, 9 July 1910, Section Two, 1, descrip.)
DAWSON BLOCK, Main Street at East Hastings Street, 1911 (Province [Vancouver], 30 May 1911, 12, descrip.; Vancouver Daily World, 6 Jan. 1912, Progress & Building Edition, 95, illus.)
KENNEDY MOTOR CO., Davie Street, between Burrard Street and Thurlow Street, 1920 (Vancouver Daily World, 27 Jan. 1920, 9, descrip.; dwgs. at Vancouver City Archives)


VICTORIA, B.C., Provincial Royal Jubilee Hospital, 1913. Davidson collaborated with Percy L. James, as the Vancouver firm of James & Davidson, and they were one of several firms who submitted drawings for this project (Vancouver Sun, 18 Aug. 1913, 4). They received the Third Prize of $500. The winner was Loring P. Rixford of Victoria.