Forbes, Arthur Buchanan

FORBES, Arthur Buchanan (1890-1958) was born and educated in Montreal, Que. and articled Alexander F. Dunlop (in 1909-11) and with Hutchison Wood & Miller (in 1911-14) before moving to Philadelphia to attend courses in architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. He began practice in Montreal in 1920 but only a few of his works have been identified, including a residence for C.H. Fildes, Hartland Avenue, OUTREMONT, QUE., 1921 (Outremont b.p. 1413, 26 Sept. 1921). In 1928 he carried out the restoration of St. Andrew's United Church, HUNTINGDON, QUE. which had been heavily damaged in a fire (H. Bergevin, Eglises Protestantes, 1981, 100, illus.). In 1939 he joined the Foundation Company of Canada and was employed there at the time of his death on 24 July 1958 (obit. Gazette [Montreal], 26 July 1958, 27; inf. R.I.B.A., London).