Griffith, Vincent Colyer

GRIFFITH, Vincent Colyer (fl. 1885-1900), an architect from Brooklyn, N.Y. was responsible for the design of an unusual Shingle Style railway station at BRIDGEWATER, N.S., for the Nova Scotia Central Railway in 1888 (M.B. Des Brisay, History of the County of Lunenburg, 1895, 536) and it is possible that he may have designed other station buildings along the same railway line. In New York he was associate architect for the addition of a tower and cupola to the Brooklyn City Hall, 1898 (E. Willensky & N. White, A.I.A. Guide to New York City, 1988, 565, illus.) and he frequently lectured at the Brooklyn Institute of Arts & Sciences. He was nominated as a Fellow of the American Inst. of Architects in 1898 (D.S. Francis, Architects in Practice: New York City 1840-1900, 36). He may be the same as, or related to, "the Rev'd. Vincent Colyer Griffith" who died in Brooklyn in March 1921 (death notice New York Times, 13 March 1921, 22).