Newbold, Harry Bryant

NEWBOLD, Harry Bryant (1883-1952), active in Victoria, B.C. (fl. 1912-13) where he designed an elaborate English half-timber house for A.W. Payne Le Sueur, Shore Road, Uplands, VICTORIA, B.C. in 1912 (Colonist [Victoria], 9 June 1912, 10, advert. and signed dwg.) . The client for the house was well known to the local architectural profession; he held the position as stenographer and secretary of the B.C. Society of Architects. A court case over the house and its plans erupted in 1913, but the outcome is not known (Colonist [Victoria], 9 May 1913, 11). Newbold appears to have left Canada shortly after and returned to England where he continued to practise. Born in East Retford, Co. Nottinghamshire in April 1883, Newbold is best known for a series of books which he wrote after 1920 on the subject of building and construction techniques. These include House & Cottage Construction (4 volumes), 1923; The Modern Carpenter & Joiner (3 volume set), 1926-31; Modern Practical Building (4 volume set), 1940; and Building Repairs & Renovations (3 volume set), 1951. Newbold died in England in late 1952 (obit. Builder [London], cl, 13 Feb. 1953, 264; biog. F. Chatterton, Who's Who in Architecture, 1923, 182; R.I.B.A., Directory of British Architects 1834-1914, Vol. 2, 2001, 250).

SAANICH, B.C., residence for Ernest Kennedy, Santa Rosa Avenue, 1913 (Donald Luxton & Jennifer Barr, Saanich Heritage Structures, 2008, 53, illus. & descrip.)