Nesbitt, Arthur Franklin

NESBITT, Arthur Franklin (1875-1958) was active in Manitoba in 1909-10 where he won the competition for a public school at Headingly, Manitoba. By 1912 he had moved to Edmonton where he formed a partnership with E.W. Morehouse. Their joint practice was shortlived; by 1913 Nesbitt had left the Edmonton area. He is likely the person with the same name who was born in St. Stephen, New Brunswick on 2 June 1875 and who learned the building trades before moving to western Canada after 1900. In 1914 he was recorded as an architect in Edmonton. Nesbitt later died in Montreal on 16 July 1958.

A.F. NESBITT (works in Manitoba)

BIRTLE, MAN., Town Hall, 1909 (Eye Witness [Birtle], 8 June 1909, 1)
SHOAL LAKE, MAN., a brick church for an unnamed congregation, 1909 (C.R., xxiii, 14 April 1909, 20, t.c.)
HEADINGLY, MAN., school for District No. 2, 1910 (C.R., xxiv, 27 April 1910, 28)

NESBITT & MOREHOUSE (works in Edmonton)

NORTH EDMONTON, brick factory for Western Foundry & Machine Co., in the Industrial Heights area, 1912 (Edmonton Journal, 25 June 1912, 6, t.c.)
ADA BOULEVARD, near Houston Street, in the Highlands neighbourhood, a mansion for William J. Magrath, designed by Nesbitt & Morehouse in 1912; completed by E.W. Morehouse in 1912-13 (Edmonton Journal, 16 July 1912, 12, t.c.)
EDMONTON, ALTA., residence for Herbert E. McLuhan, 64th Street near 113th Avenue, 1912 (inf. D. Luxton, Edmonton)