McNicol, Robert

McNICOL, Robert (1856- c. 1883), a native of Scotland, was active in Winnipeg where he was assistant to, then partner with, Balston C. Kenway (see list of works under Kenway & McNicol). Formed in March 1881 their relationship was a stormy one and lasted only two months; Kenway later wrote disparagingly about McNicol as 'a draftsman in my employ that I paid high wages for very pretty drawings, a great many of which turned out to be useless' (Winnipeg Times, 5 Nov. 1881, 1). In September 1881 McNicol entered a new partnership with Walter Chesterton that continued for nearly two years (see list of works under Chesteron & McNicol). McNicol left Canada in late 1883 and moved to Colorado (Manitoba Daily Free Press [Winnipeg], 29 Aug. 1883, 8)