Racicot, J.C.

RACICOT, J.C. (fl. 1854-56) of Montreal, Que. was recorded as an early business partner with the important Montreal architect Michel Laurent, and it is possible that Laurent may have served an apprenticeship under him, either as a carpenter or as a draughtsman. Their partnership was first recorded in January 1854 but it had been dissolved by March 1856 and Laurent then launched his own successful career.

RACICOT & LAURENT (works in Montreal)

ST. DENIS STREET, residence for T.D. St. Louis, 1854 (ANQM, H. Weston, notaire, 17 Jan. 1854, No. 348)
ST. PAUL STREET, house on the property owned by the Archbishop of Montreal, 1854 (ANQM, C.E. Belle, notaire, 20 Feb. 1854, No. 1874)
ST. ANTOINE STREET, at Aqueduc Street, three pairs of houses for Jean Bruneau, 1854 (ANQM, T. Doucet, notaire, 16 May 1854, No. 7237)
LAGAUCHETIERE STREET, three houses for Duncan MacDonald, 1855 (ANQM, J. Belle, notaire, 11 Dec. 1855, No. 15345)
ST. SERVIN STREET, two houses for Peter Henry, 1856 (ANQM, J. Belle, notaire, 2 February 1856, No. 15431)