Weatherhead, Albert Victor

WEATHERHEAD, Albert Victor(1895-1936) was born in Leicester, Engl. on 3 July 1895 and came to Canada in 1904. He graduated in civil engineering from the University of Toronto in 1914 and after serving with Canadian Forces during WWI he moved to Nova Scotia to work for the provincial Public Works Dept. In 1923 he moved to Saint John, N.B. and received his architectural training under F. Neil Brodie. He opened his own office there in late 1925 and a branch office in Moncton in 1930. In 1934 he designed the Public School at MINTO, N.B. (C.R., xlviii, 4 July 1934, 562). He died suddenly in Halifax on 25 Nov. 1936 (obituary in Halifax Herald, 26 Nov. 1936, 15; Canadian Engineer, lxxi, 8 Dec. 1936, 22; R.A.I.C. Journal, xiv, Jan. 1937, 19)