Burton, Frederick Murray

BURTON, Frederick Murray (1873-1940), an architect and draftsman active in Nova Scotia in the late 19th C. and early 20th C. Born in Halifax on 1 December 1873, he trained in the Halifax office of Elliot & Hopson where he had worked “...for a number of years” before opening an office under his own name in Sydney, N.S. (Sydney Record, 6 March 1901, 5, advert.). By early 1903 he had returned to Halifax, where he advertised his new office on Bedford Row, stating that he had “....a practical knowledge of architectural work gained in the United States and Canada” (Halifax Herald, 26 Feb. 1903, 12, advert.). The Halifax City Directories then record him working in a succession of offices, including Harris & Horton (1907), with H.E. Gates (1909-10), with William M. Brown (1911-13), with Andrew R. Cobb (1914-17), with Halifax Shipyards Ltd. (1919-20), with Charles A. Fowler (1921-22), and with the provincial Lands & Forests Dept (1930-33).

Burton died in Halifax in September 1940 (obituary Evening Mail [Halifax], 5 September 1940, 5; obit. Morning Herald [Halifax], 5 Sept. 1940, 7; biog. in M. Rosinski, Architects of Nova Scotia: A Biographical Dictionary, 1994, 191; inf. Garry Shutlak, PANS, Halifax).