Dudley, Henry C.

DUDLEY, Henry C. (1813-1894), a talented architect in New York City, N.Y. and active there for more than 40 years, either under his own name, or in the following partnerships:

Wills & Dudley, New York City, 1852-53 (with Frank Wills)
Henry C. Dudley, New York, 1854-55
Dudley & Condit, New York, 1856 (with Caleb H. Condit)
Henry C. Dudley, New York, 1857-1864
Diaper & Dudley, New York, 1864-1868 (with Frederic Diaper)
Henry C. Dudley, New York, 1869-1891

Born in England, he worked in the office of John Hayward, a prominent architect in Exeter, England, and it was there that he met another young English architect Frank Wills, with whom he was to later form a partnership after both had emigrated to the United States and settled in New York City (see list of works under Wills & Dudley). Their collaboration ended in 1853, but Dudley continued to live and work in New York for the next 40 years under his own name, and in partnership with others. He specialized in ecclesiastical works, and was credited with the design of over 160 churches in the United States, half of them in New York State. Dudley died in New York in 1894 (biog. H. Withey, Biographical Dictionary of American Architects, 1956, 182-83; inf. Dennis S. Francis, Architects in Practise New York City 1840-1900, 1979, 27; biog. and list of works in MacMillan Encyclopedia of Architects, 1982, Vol. 1, 608).

(works in Canada)

OTTAWA, ONT., The Victoria Hotel, O'Connor Street at Wellington Street, 1859, in association with local Ottawa architects Hopkins, Lawford & Nelson (Daily News [Kingston], 22 Dec. 1859, 2, descrip.)