Twizell, George Sterling

TWIZELL, George Sterling (1880-1957), was the younger brother of Robert P.S. Twizell, and was active in Vancouver, B.C. in the following offices:

Twizell & Twizell, Vancouver, 1912-14 (with Robert P.S. Twizell)
Twizell, Birds & Twizell, Vancouver, 1920-21 (with Samuel B. Birds and Robert P.S. Twizell)
Twizell & Twizell, Vancouver, 1924-51 (with Robert P.S. Twizell)

Born in Newcastle-on-Tyne on  24 December 1880, he trained in the office of Hicks & Charlewood in Newcastle from August 1896 to 1899, then worked in that office for the next six years as junior assistant, then as chief assistant until 1905 when he joined the office of Charles Walker, another local architect. He was awarded the Glover Medal and Travelling Scholarship from the Northern Architectural Association there, but his poor health led to a recommendation from his doctors to leave England. In May 1906 he emigrated to Canada, settling in Montreal where he joined the office of Edward & W.S. Maxwell, a leading firm of architects in eastern Canada, and he remained with them for one year. Twizell then moved to Vancouver, B.C. to join Charles O. Wickenden where he stated that he “....designed all work since entering and helped to supervise....and was in full charge during his [Wickenden's] absence for 5 months in England, and at present while he is in California” (R.I.B.A., London, Application for Membership Records, George S. Twizell, dated 3 March 1911).

He also worked part-time in the office of his brother Robert P.S. Twizell from late 1907 to 1911, and it was Robert who invited his brother to create a new partnership in Vancouver in 1912. Their practise was interrupted by WW1, but re-opened in 1920. They were joined by Samuel B. Birds for one year, and then both brothers continued under their own partnership name from 1924 onward and remained active for nearly 30 years. George Twizell retired after 1950 and moved to Victoria, B.C. where he died on 6 August 1957 (death notice Daily Colonist [Victoria], 8 Aug. 1957, 22; biog. Donald Luxton, Building The West, 2003, 314-17, with list of works by Twizell & Twizell page 522; inf. Royal Institute of British Architects, London - Membership Records No. 1642, dated 12 Sept. 1911).