Stevens, W.C.

STEVENS, W.C. (fl. 1910-11), an obscure figure active in Vancouver, B.C. where he described himself as an architect and he published an illustrated self-advertisement showing facades of buildings in Vancouver reputedly designed by him. This promotion for his projects appeared in the special Convention Number of the Daily Province [Vancouver], 20 September 1910, 9, illus. The article was reprinted in the journal Construction [Toronto], iii, Oct. 2010, 43. His projects in Vancouver, B.C. included The Dellar Building, an eleven storey block on East Hastings Street, the H.O. Lee Building, a five storey block at the northwest corner of Broadway & Ninth Avenue, and the F. Morgan Building, East Hastings Street, 1910 (H. Kalman, Exploring Vancouver, 1978, 59, illus.).

Stevens was born in London, Ont., then moved to Toronto where he was "...associated with some of the best known architects and contractors of that city" (Vancouver Daily World, 1 Nov. 1910, Section 4, page 6, advert.). He opened his office in Vancouver in August 1910, but he appears to have left that city by 1912.

W.C. STEVENS (works in Vancouver)

WESTMINSTER AVENUE, at Broadway, a 5 storey commercial block of offices and retail stores " under construction", 1910 (Saturday Sunset [Vancouver], 9 July 1910, 50, biog. and works)
DELLAR BUILDING, East Hastings Street, an 11 storey block, 1910 (Daily Province [Vancouver], 20 September 1910, 9, illus.)
H.O. LEE BUILDING, Broadway at 9th Avenue, a 5 storey commercial block, 1910 (Daily Province [Vancouver], 20 September 1910, 9, illus.)
F. MORGAN BUILDING, East Hastings Street, 1910 (Daily Province [Vancouver], 20 September 1910, 9, illus.)