Harvey, Adam

HARVEY, Adam (1845-1918), active in Ottawa, Ont. as a civil engineer, patent solicitor, and as an architect. Born in Cabarz, Germany on 31 August 1845, he likely trained in Germany before emigrating to Canada in 1881. His name appears in Ottawa City Directories from 1882 onward, and by 1888 he had begun to style himself as an architect, preparing an elaborate Gothic Revival design for St. Paul’s German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Wilbrod Street at King Edward Avenue, OTTAWA, ONT., 1888-89 (Evening Journal [Ottawa], 19 Jan. 1888, 1, descrip.; St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Ottawa 1874-1934, 6-7; City of Ottawa LACAC Committee, Ottawa: A Guide to Ottawa Structures, 2000, 113, illus.). He maintained an office as an architect in the Central Chambers Building on Elgin Street as late as 1896 (William T. Comstock, The Architects’ Directory of the United States and Canada, 1895-1896, 94). One of his assistants was the German-born architect Werner E. Noffke, who worked in Harvey’s office in 1892-96 (H. Kalman, The Architecture of W.E. Noffke, 1976, 5).