Taylor, John

TAYLOR, John (fl. 1876-77), an obscure figure who was credited with a distinctive Gothic Revival design for Chalmers Presbyterian Church, Henderson Street, ELORA, ONT., 1876-77; restored 2011-12 (Elora Observer, 18 July 1876, 3, t.c.; Guelph Daily Mercury, 14 Nov. 1877, 1, descrip.; Lightning Express [Elora], 15 Nov. 1877, 2, descrip.; B. Cairns, "Chalmers Church, Elora" in ACORN [Toronto], xxxix, No. 1, Spring 2014, 13-14, illus.). Taylor was also credited as “the architect” who was engaged to draw the plans for the Wellington County Industrial Farm and House of Refuge, near ELORA, ONT., in 1877; barn still standing in 2023, located to the west of the House of Industry (Elora Observer, 14 June 1877, 2; Lightning Express [Elora], 13 Dec. 1877, 2).