Leger, William Patrick

LEGER, William Patrick (1882-1959) was born in Amherst, N.S. on 8 June 1882 and was active in Halifax from c. 1913 where he worked under his own name from an office in the Cragg Building on Barrington Street, Halifax (Halifax City Directory, 1918). He also worked in collaboration with his brother Frank P. Leger as a staff architect in the Architectural Department of the Eastern Investment Corp. Leger moved to Vancouver, B.C. in 1920 but not practise architecture there because of the regulation of the profession by the A.I.B.C. which disqualified him from membership, so he moved to Portland, Oregon in 1923 and finally to California in 1926 where he remained for the duration of his career. Leger died in San Mateo, Calif. on 20 November 1959 (biog. M. Rosinski, Architects of Nova Scotia: A Biographical Dictionary, 1994, 247; inf. Gary Shutlak, PANS; inf. Gerald Leger)

(works in Halifax)

OXFORD STREET, near Jennings Street, residence for E.E. Sillitier, 1913 (City of Halifax b.p. 3472, 3473, 30 Sept. 1913)
OXFORD STREET, residence for W.H. Muir,1916 (City of Halifax b.p. 5061, 25 July 1916)
MODERN GARAGE BUILDING CO., Spring Garden Road, auto service garage, 1919 (Morning Chronicle [Halifax], 6 Jan. 1919, 3)
(with Andrew R. Cobb) ST. THOMAS AQUINAS ANGLICAN CHURCH, Oxford Street at Cornwall Street, a parish hall for the church, 1919 (Morning Herald [Halifax], 16 July 1919, 3; dwgs. at PANS)
(with David F. Saxton) SKATING ARENA, 1920 (Morning Herald [Halifax], 21 Oct. 1920, 9)