LeCardonnel, Paul Alexis

LECARDONNEL, Paul Alexis (1869-1898), a prominent architect in Paris, France who, with the French sculptor Paul Chevre, was among twenty competitors who submitted an entry in the international competition for the Samuel Champlain Monument in QUEBEC CITY, QUE. in 1896. Their entry was awarded First Premium and was erected on the Dufferin Terrace (Gazette [Montreal], 26 Feb. 1896, 8; C.R., vii, 13 Aug. 1896, 1; Montreal Daily Star, 14 May 1898, 7, illus. & detailed descrip.; City of Quebec b.p. 1561, 23 May 1896; Luc Noppen et al, Quebec - Trois Siecles d'architecture, 1979, 423, illus.). The design by LeCardonnel for a granite plinth supporting the bronze sculpture above it still stands today. In 1898 LeCardonnel was asked to prepare plans for Mme. Pelletier for a substantial hotel building on the site of the Old City Hall in QUEBEC CITY, QUE. (C.R., ix, 18 May 1898, 4), but this scheme was not realised, likely because of the untimely death of LeCardonnel later that year (obituary Montreal Daily Star, 6 Dec. 1898, 7; obit. La Construction Moderne [Paris], xiv, 1898, 143; biog E. Delaire, Les Architectes Eleves de l'Ecole des Beaux Arts 1793-1907, 316).