Martineau, Auguste

MARTINEAU, Auguste (1907-1985)
(biography in preparation)

A. MARTINEAU (works in Quebec and Ontario)

VAL D'OR, QUE., Roman Catholic School, 1937-38 (C.R., vol. 50, 7 April 1937, 35)
ROUYN, QUE., hostel for working girls, for the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corp. of Temincamingue, 1937-38 (C.R., vol. 50, 22 Dec. 1937, 25)
VILLE MARIE, QUE., Agricultural School for the Quebec Provincial Dept. of Public Works, 1938-39 (C.R., li, 9 Nov. 1938, 27; and lii, 10 May 1939, 42)
AMOS, QUE., major addition to the Prison, 1938-39 (C.R., li, 30 Nov. 1938, 31)
ROUYN, QUE., rebuilding of a large hotel for Albert Coutu, 1938-39 (C.R., li, 28 Dec. 1938, 87)
ROUYN, QUE., Mine & Technical School for the Provincial Dept. of Public Works, Rheaume Street, 1939-40 (C.R., lii, 9 Aug. 1939, 33; R.A.I.C. Journal, xviii, Nov. 1941, 12, illus. in advert.)
ROUYN, QUE., Provincial Courthouse, Taschereau Street at Mercier Street, 1939-40 (C.R., lii, 11 Oct. 1939, 28)
NORANDA, QUE., major addition to Youville Roman Catholic Hospital, 9th Street, 1946 (Canadian Hospital, xxiii, July 1946, 29, illus. & descrip.; and xxvi, Feb. 1949, 49, illus.; C.R., lix, April 1946, 145; Architecture Batiment Construction, ii, Sept. 1947, 16, 49-51, illus.; Continuite, No. 39, Spring 1988, 56)
JOLIETTE, QUE., Saint-Eusebe Hospital for the Sisters of Providence, Manseau Boulevard, 1946 (C.R., lix, Feb. 1946, 112; Architecture Batiment Construction, ii, Sept. 1947, 52-3, illus.)
OTTAWA, ONT., Rideau Street at Dalhousie Street, a four storey commercial block with stores and offices, for M. Zagerman & Son, 1946 (Ottawa Journal, 9 Jan.1946, 6, illus. & descrip.; C.R., lix, April 1946, 149)
GATINEAU MILLS, QUE., St. Jean Vianney Roman Catholic Church and Presbytery, 1946-47 (C.R., lix, July 1946, 101; and lx, Feb. 1947, 144; Ottawa Journal, 30 June 1947, 8, descrip.)
RIMOUSKI, QUE., Roman Catholic School of Commerce, 1946-47 (C.R., lix, Oct. 1946, 92)
HULL, QUE., St. Jean Bosco Roman Catholic Church and Rectory, 1947 (C.R., lx, Jan. 1947, 84)

MARTINEAU & TALBOT (works in Quebec)

ROUYN, QUE., St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church, 1947-48 (Architecture Batiment Construction, ii, Oct. 1947, 50)
JOLIETTE, QUE., School of Arts & Letters, for the Provincial Government Dept. of Youth & Social Welfare, 1947-48 (C.R., lx, Nov. 1947, 141, t.c.; Architecture Batiment Construction, ii, Dec. 1947, 15, 35, illus.)

A. MARTINEAU (works in Quebec and Ontario)

ROUYN, QUE., hockey arena and market for the Rouyn Athletic Association, 1948 (C.R., lxi, Oct. 1948, 185)
(with Louis N. Audet) OTTAWA, ONT., Roman Catholic seminary and hospital at Hurdman's Bridge, facing Tremblay Road and River Road, 1948-51, but later leased to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in January 1953 (C.R., lxi, Dec. 1948, 104-06; inf. Joan Mattie, National Historic Parks, Ottawa)
OTTAWA, ONT., St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Young Street at Bayswater Avenue, 1949-51 (C.R., lxii, Feb. 1949, 148; Ottawa Jounal, 22 June 1951, 12, illus.)
JOLIETTE, QUE., Roman Catholic school and residence for teachers, for the School Commission of St. Borromee, 1949 (C.R., lxii, Feb. 1949, 151)
OTTAWA, ONT., office building for J. Earl Copeland, 1949 (C.R., lxii, Feb. 1949, 152)
ST. GABRIEL DE BRANDON, QUE., Roman Catholic school, 1949 (C.R., lxii, May 1949, 164)
ROUYN, QUE., Roman Catholic school, 1949 (C.R., lxii, July 1949, 134)
MANIWAKI, QUE., Roman Catholic convent and residence, for the Catholic School Board, 1949-50 (C.R., lxii, Aug. 1949, 221; and lxiii, January 1950, 144; and April 1950, 127)
BERTHIERVILLE, QUE., parish hall for Ste. Genevieve Roman Catholic Church, 1949-50 (C.R., lxii, Oct. 1949, 142)
ST. LAURENT, QUE., Roman Catholic school, 1950 (C.R., lxiii, March 1950, 136)
ST. FELIX DE VALOIS, QUE., Roman Catholic school for boys, and residence for teachers, 1950 (C.R., xliii, April 1950, 128; and Oct. 1950, 154)
ROUYN, QUE., Roman Catholic convent for the Grey Nuns, 1950 (C.R., lxiii, April 1950, 124)
HULL, QUE., major addition to the Roman Catholic Normal School for Girls, for the Rev. Soeurs Grise de la Croix, 1950-51 (C.R., lxiii, July 1950, 118; and Dec.. 1950, 108)
OTTAWA, ONT., residence for the architect, Range Road, 1950 (Ottawa Citizen, 16 July 1995, A 10, illus.)
WAWA, ONT., hospital for Algoma Ore Properties, 1950-51 (C.R., lxiii, Sept. 1950, 129)
MONTREAL, QUE., Ecole de Ladauversiere, a Roman Catholic school, Jeanne d'Arc Avenue near Lafontaine Street East, in St. Albert Le Grand parish, 1950-51 (C.R., lxiii, Nov. 1950, 116)
