Rousseau, Paul

ROUSSEAU, Paul (1902-1982) was born in Quebec City on 29 January 1902, son of Arthur Rousseau, a local doctor. He graduated with an arts degree from the Quebec Seminary in 1921, then moved to Montreal where he studied at the local Ecole des Beaux Arts. In 1926 or 1927 he moved to Paris, France and later graduated from the Ecole Nationale des Arts Decoratifs de Paris on 7 July 1931. While there, he worked briefly for Henri Sauvage, an leading architect in France and a progressive figure in the modernist movement in the early 20th C. Rousseau then returned to Canada and held a position as Professor of Architecture at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Quebec City from 1931 to 1936. During this period he was in partnership with Philippe Cote (in 1932-35), then practised under own name until 1943 when he formed a new partnership with Leo Turcotte. They ended their collaboration in 1949 and Rousseau continued to work under his own name until after 1970. He died in Quebec City on 4 October 1982 (biog. and list of works in Qui Etes-Vous, 1946, 182; inf. Province of Quebec Association of Architects, Montreal)


MATANE, QUE., rebuilding of St. Jerome Roman Catholic Church, 1933 (C.R., xlvii, 10 May 1933, 38; Continuite [Quebec], No. 47, Spring 1991, 41; Jacques Robert, "Jean-Thomas Nadeau - Le Rationalisme au Service du Renouveau De l'Architecture Religieuse a Quebec au Debut du XXe Siecle", in Lucie Morisset, The Architecture of Identity, 2020, 255-56, illus. & descrip.)


(with J.S. Bergeron) QUEBEC CITY, QUE., Mining School for Laval University, Ste. Foy Road, 1938-39 (C.R., li, 23 Feb. 1928, 136; lii, 21 June 1939, 99)
GASPE, QUE., major addition to the Hotel Dieu Hospital, 1939 (C.R., lii, 5 July 1939, 36)
DOUGLASTOWN, QUE., presbytery for the Roman Catholic Church, 1939 (Qui etes-Vous, 1946, 182, list of works)
QUEBEC CITY, QUE., major addition to department store for Maurice Pollack Ltee., Charest Boulevard, 1942 (C.R., lv, 29 April 1942, 31, t.c.)


QUEBEC CITY, QUE., retail store for P.A. Alain Ltd., de l'Eglise Street, 1943 (Qui etes-Vous, 1946, 182, list of works)
ANCIENNE LORETTE, QUE., Roman Catholic school, 1944 (C.R., lvii, 1 March 1944, 25-6)
GASPE, QUE., tuberculosis sanatorium for the Provincial Dept. of Health, 1946 (C.R., lix, April 1946, 144; Architecture Batiment Construction, ii, Sept. 1947, 67, illus.)
VILLE ST. LAURENT, QUE., major addition to Hopital Notre Dame de l'Esperance, St. Mathieu Street, 1946 (C.R., lix, August 1946, 158; Architecture Batiment Construction, ii, Sept. 1947, 66, illus.)
QUEBEC CITY, QUE., major addition and alterations to store and office for the Singer Sewing Machine Co., St. Joseph Street, 1946 (C.R., lix, Sept. 1946, 145)
(with Paul Cauchon) QUEBEC WEST, QUE., Roman Catholic church for the parish of Notre Dame de la Recouvrance, 1946-47 (C.R., lix, Nov. 1946, 102)
QUEBEC CITY, QUE., Zellers Department Store, St. John Street, 1946 (Qui etes-Vous, 1946, 182, list of works)
(with J.C. Fortin) VAL D'OR, QUE., Hopital St. Sauveur, 1947-48 (Architecture Batiment Construction, ii, Sept. 1947, 96; C.R., lxi, Jan. 1948, 178)


QUEBEC CITY, QUE., printing plant for the Quebec Newspapers Co. Ltd., publishers of the Quebec Chronicle Telegraph, St. Sacrement Avenue, 1948-49 (C.R., lxi, Oct. 1948, 180)
QUEBEC CITY, QUE., offices, bus garage and sheds for the J.B. Baillargeon Motor Express Ltd., Savane Road, 1950-51 (C.R., lxiii, Nov. 1950, 123)


DOMINION HOUSING ACT, National Competition, 1938. Over 300 designs from across Canada were submitted for the Design of a Low Cost House. Paul Rousseau, working with A.H. Tremblay, was one of ten finalists who received $250 for their effort (Kitchener Daily Record, 10 Feb. 1938, 10, list of winners)