Poitras, Gabriel Arthur

POITRAS, Gabriel Arthur (1904- c. 1966) was born in Quebec City, P.Q. on 14 June 1904 and studied at Laval University. He studied architecture at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Quebec in 1924-29 and, at the same time, articled as a student under the prominent Quebec architect Heliodore Laberge from June 1925 until early 1930. He joined the Province of Quebec Association of Architects in 1929, and in 1933 he became a professional associate of Laberge in 1933 (R.A.I.C. Journal, x, Jan. 1933, 22). Poitras remained active in the profession until 1965, and resigned from the Association in 1966 (inf. P.Q.A.A., Membership Records)