Lockwood, Amos D.

LOCKWOOD, Amos D. (1811-1884) and Stephen GREENE (1851-1901)
(biography in preparation)

HALIFAX, N.S., Halifax Cotton Co., Kempt Road at Young Street, spinning mill, 1881 (Evening Herald [Halifax], 28 May 1881, 2, descrip., but lacking attribution; Morning Chronicle [Halifax], 19 Sept. 1881, 2, descrip.)
ST. CROIX, N.B., large complex of four buildings for a cotton mill, 1880-81 (Evening Herald [Halifax], 28 May 1881, 2, detailed descrip.; Saint John Daily Globe, 30 May 1881, 1, descrip.)
MARYSVILLE, N.B., cotton mill for Alexander Gibson, with several blocks of tenement housing for workers, Morrison Street, 1883; Overseer's Residence, Canada Street, 1885 (Fredericton Capital, 28 July 1883, 2, descrip.; H. Kalman, History of Canadian Architecture, 1994, 238-9, illus. & descrip.; J. Leroux, Building New Brunswick - An Architectural History, 2008, 112, illus.; inf. Dana Johnson, Ottawa)
WELLAND, ONT., Plymouth Cordage Co., Main Street South at Fourth Street, c. 1905 (S.B. Lincoln, Lockwood Greene - The History of an Engineering Business, 1960, 254)
MONTREAL, QUE., Gillette Safety Razor Co. Ltd., St. Alexander Street at Dowd Street, 1911-12 (C.R., xxv, 10 May 1911, 56; Le Prix Courant [Montreal], xlv, 31 May 1912, illus. & descrip.; Montreal, Architecture Industrielle, 1982, 52-3, illus.)
HAMILTON, ONT., Imperial Cotton Mills, Sherman Avenue North, c. 1912 (S.B. Lincoln, Lockwood Greene - The History of an Engineering Business, 1960, 306)
YARMOUTH, N.S., Cosmos Cotton Mills, c. 1912 (S.B. Lincoln, Lockwood Greene - The History of an Engineering Business, 1960, 306)
SAINT JOHN, N.B., T.S. Simms & Co., Suspension Bridge Road in Fairville, brush and broom factory, 1913 (Canadian Builder & Carpenter, iii, Dec. 1913, 38, illus. & descrip.; J. Leroux, Building New Brunswick - An Architectural History, 2008, 113, illus.)
MONTREAL, QUE., Thompson & Norris Co. of Canada Ltd., Masson Street at Des Erables Street, factory and power house, 1916 (C.R., xxx, 23 Aug. 1916, 45)
LONDON, ONT., Holeproof Hoisery Co. of Canada, Bathurst Street at Richmond Street, office and factory, 1919 (Architecture [New York], xl, Dec. 1919, 349, illus.; S.B. Lincoln, Lockwood Greene - The History of an Engineering Business, 1960, 428, illus.)
HAMILTON, ONT., Carr Fastener Co. of Canada, Gage Avenue at Beach Road, 1920 (C.R., xxxv, 14 Sept. 1921, 59, illus. in advert.)
KITCHENER, ONT., major additions to Dominion Tire Factory, Strange Street at C.N.R. tracks, 1920 (Building with Foresight - Lockwood Greene Co. of Canada, 1920, 23, 25, illus.)
WELLAND, ONT., Empire Cotton Mills, Queen Street near CNR tracks, 1922 (C.R., xxxvi, 24 May 1922, 54, t.c.)
HALIFAX, N.S., Hillis & Sons Ltd., Kempt Road, foundry, 1922 (C.R., xxxvi, 10 May 1922, 52)
(with Mathers & Haldenby) TORONTO, ONT., Campbell Soup Co., Birmingham Street, Etobicoke, c. 1930 (S.B. Lincoln, Lockwood Greene - The History of an Engineering Business, 1960, 616, illus.)