McIntosh, Duncan Neil

McINTOSH, Duncan Neil (1900-1985) was born in Simcoe, Ont. on 18 February 1900 and attended the University of Toronto in 1919-24, obtaining a degree in engineering. He worked for Smith, Hinchman & Grylls in Detroit, a leading firm of architects and engineers, from January to November 1925, then joined the S.S. Kresge Co. of Detroit in December 1925 and spent four years as a staff architect and engineer, designing warehouses and retail stores for this retail chain in the United States and Canada. In June 1929 he formed a partnership with Garnet A. McElroy in Windsor (see list of works under McElroy & McIntosh). After WWII he moved to Hamilton, Ont. and practiced there under his own name. McIntosh resigned from the Ontario Association of Architects in December 1970 and moved to North Carlolina in 1975 where he obtained U.S. citizenship. He died in Pinehurst, Moore Co., North Carolina on 2 April 1985 (inf. Ontario Assoc. of Architects).


WATERFORD, ONT., school for the local Board of Education, 1949-50 (C.R., lxii, Nov. 1949, 125)
SIMCOE, ONT., major addition to the High & Vocational School, 1950 (C.R., xliii, January 1950, 148)
BRADFORD, ONT., storage plant for the Bradford Co-Operative Cold Storage Ltd., 1950 (C.R., lxiii, July 1950, 128)