BROWNE, John James (1837-1893)
(biography in preparation)
John James BROWNE (Institutional & Ecclesiastical works in Montreal)
ST. CONSTANT STREET, school house, 1859 (Montreal Transcript, 4 March 1859, 2, t.c.)
JEWISH SYNAGOGUE, St. Constant Street, 1859-60 (Montreal Transcript, 14 May 1859, 2, t.c.; and 24 May 1860, 1, descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 13 July 1859, 2)
ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, including animal compounds, museum, entrance gates, and new Hall for circuses, menageries, dress balls and concerts, for J.E. Guilbault, 1862 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.)
MOUNT ROYAL CEMETERY, The Molson Family Tomb, with vaults and monument, 1862 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.; Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada Bulletin, xvi, Dec. 1991, 99, illus.; F. Remillard & B. Merrett, Montreal Architecture, 1990, 62, illus.)
UNION CHURCH, Cote St. Paul, 1864 (Montreal Herald, 8 Aug. 1864, 2, descrip.)
WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH, Wellington Street, Point St. Charles, 1864-65 (Montreal Herald, 11 Oct. 1864, 1 and 2, descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 25 Dec. 1865, Illustrated Supplement, 20-1, illus.)
ST. GABRIEL WARD, new Station No. 2, for the Police & Fire Department, St. Gabriel Street, 1866; still standing in 2022, but tower removed (Gazette [Montreal], 14 Aug. 1866, 1, t.c.)
POINT ST. CHARLES, Police & Fire Station, 1867 (Montreal Herald, 22 March 1867, Supplement, 4)
JACQUES CARTIER SQUARE, additions and renovations to Recorder's Court & Police Station, 1867 (Montreal Herald, 22 March 1867, Supplement, 6; John Osborne, "Urban Picturesque: John James Browne and the Fire Stations of Montreal" in the Journal of the Society of Architecture in Canada, xlvi, No. 1, 2021, , p. 7, illus. & descrip.)
ST. THOMAS ANGLICAN CHURCH, St. Mary Street, renovations and interior decoration, 1867 (Montreal Herald, 22 March 1867, Supplement, 1)
THE CATHEDRAL BLOCK & MUSIC HALL, St. Catherine Street West, from University Street to Victoria Street, 1871 (Evening Star [Montreal], 4 May 1871, 1, descrip.)
ST. ANN'S MARKET, McGill Street, fish market building, 1871 (Canadian Illustrated News, iii, 3 June 1871, 350, t.c.)
FIRE STATIONS, at several locations in Montreal, including Station No. 2, St. Gabriel Street, 1871-72, and Station No. 3, Wellington Street Fire Station, Wellington Street at Dalhousie Street, 1871-72 (Evening Star [Montreal], 26 May 1871, 1, descrip.; La Minerve [Montreal], 17 June 1871, 1, t.c.; and 19 July 1871, 1, t.c.; Canadian Illustrated News, x, 12 Dec. 1874, 376-7, illus. but lacking attribution)
FIRE & POLICE STATION No. 6, 1872, demol.; and FIRE & POLICE STATION No. 8, Craig Street, 1872; demol. (John Osborne, "Urban Picturesque: John James Browne and the Fire Stations of Montreal" in the Journal of the Society of Architecture in Canada, xlvi, No. 1, 2021, p. 9, illus. & descrip.)
CHRIST CHURCH ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL, University Street, a new rectory for the Bishop, 1875 (Evening Star [Montreal], 20 April 1875, 1, descrip.; inf. from E. Collard in the Gazette [Montreal], 18 July 1959, 6)
BONSECOURS MARKET, St. Paul Street East, addition of a new arcade 500 ft. long, with 60 stalls, and iron columns supporting the roof, 1875 (Evening Star [Montreal], 20 April 1875, 1, descrip.)
MACKAY PROTESTANT INSTITUTE FOR DEAF MUTES, Cote St. Luc Road, 1877; with later addition of a colonnade on the south side in 1883 (Gazette [Montreal], 1 Dec. 1876, 3; and 7 June 1877, 4, descrip.; and 12 July 1883, 5, descrip.; Evening Star [Montreal], 7 June 1877, 1, descrip.)
ST. GABRIEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Ste. Catherine Street West near Phillips Square, 1878-79 (Canadian Illustrated News, xviii, 27 July 1878, 50-3, illus. & descrip.; and xix, 7 June 1879, 354-6, illus. & descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 27 May 1879, 4, descrip.)
WESLEYAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Ste. Catherine Street opposite City Councillors Street, 1878 (Evening Star [Montreal], 19 July 1878, 1, detailed descrip.)
FRENCH EPISCOPAL PROTESTANT CHURCH [also called Church of the Redeemer], Chatham Street, 1879-80 (Evening Star [Montreal], 28 July 1879, 2, descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 16 April 1880, 4)
ST. STEPHEN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, St. Paul Street at Inspector Street, 1879-84 (Evangelical Churchman [Toronto], iv, 19 June 1879, 87, descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 19 Sept. 1879, 4; and 31 Jan. 1881, 3, descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 12 July 1883, 5, descrip.; and 24 March 1884, 3. descrip.; Evening Star [Montreal], 31 Jan. 1881, 1, descrip.)
CHURCH OF ENGLAND FRENCH MISSION CHURCH, built "...last season" in 1880, Canning Street, 1880 (Evening Star [Montreal], 4 Feb. 1881, 1, descrip.)
CHURCH OF ENGLAND FRENCH MISSION SCHOOL [also called The Sabrevois School], a rectory, a three storey school, and a residence for the school Principal, St. Urbain Street, 1881 (Evening Star [Montreal], 22 Jan. 1881, 2, t.c.; and 4 Feb. 1881, 1, detailed descrip.; Evangelical Churchman [Toronto], v, 10 Feb. 1881, 633)
MOUNT ROYAL CEMETERY, monument for the late T.L. Hackett, 1881 (Gazette [Montreal], 10 May 1881, 5)
McGILL UNIVERSITY, David Morrice Hall & Library for the Presbyterian Theological College, McTavish Street, 1881-82 (Prebytertian College Journal, i, 9 April 1881, 25-7, illus. & descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 28 Nov. 1882, 5, extensive descrip.; Canadian Illustrated News, xxvi, 9 Dec. 1882, 371, 376, illus. & descrip.; Montreal, Les Couvents, 1984, 338-43, illus.)
FIRE STATION, St. Gabriel Street, extensive alterations and improvements, 1887 (Montreal Daily Star, 8 Sept. 1887, 6)
FIRE STATION, Ste. Catherine Street West, extensive alterations and improvements, 1887 (Montreal Daily Star, 8 Sept. 1887, 6)
ST. JEAN BAPTISTE WARD, extensive alterations and improvements for fire station, 1887 (Montreal Daily Star, 8 Sept. 1887, 6)
ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN CHURCH, St. Denis Street at Marie Anne Street, 1888-89 (Montreal Daily Star, 30 May 1888, 4; Gazette [Montreal], 16 Aug. 1888, 3; Canadian Churchman, 30 May 1889, 342)
ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, Prefontaine Street at Rouville Street, 1891-92 (Canadian Churchman, 12 Feb. 1891, 105; and 7 Jan. 1892, 5)
GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH, Wellington Street at Fortune Street, 1891-92; tower removed 1979 (Canadian Churchman, 24 Sept. 1891, 582, descrip.; and 29 Sept. 1892, 585, descrip.; Montreal Daily Star, 12 Sept. 1891, 3, illus. & descrip.; and 17 Sept., 1892, 4, descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 19 Sept. 1892, 8, descrip.; Montreal Daily Star, 17 Sept. 1904, 2, illus. & descrip.; Montreal, Les Eglises, 1981, 46-9, illus.)
John James BROWNE (Institutional & Ecclesiastical works outside Montreal)
HUNTINGDON, QUE., Huntingdon County Court House, 1859-60 (M. Carter, Early Canadian Court Houses, 1983, 88, 210, illus.)
LACHUTE, QUE., St. Simeon's Anglican Church, 1881; parsonage, 1887 (Evangelical Churchman [Toronto], vii, 7 Sept. 1882, 236, descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 12 Jan. 1887, 2)
LACOLLE, QUE., Anglican Church, 1882 (Evangelical Churchman [Toronto], vii, 17 Aug. 1882, 193)
CORNWALL, ONT., Town Hall, addition of a tower, 1882 (M. MacRae & A. Adamson, Cornerstones of Order, 1983, 216, illus.)
CORNWALL, ONT., Eastern District County Court House, Pitt Street, major addition and alterations, 1885 (Montreal Daily Star, 20 Dec. 1884, 6; The Freeholder [Cornwall], 2 Jan. 1885, 3, descrip.; Globe [Toronto], 7 Jan. 1885, 3, t.c.)
ST. MATTHIAS CHURCH, at Cote St. Antoine, large addition, 1887 (Montreal Daily Star, 8 Sept. 1887, 6)
OTTAWA, ONT., a Sunday School Hall for Dominion Methodist Church, Metdalfe Street at Queen Street, 1888 (Ottawa Journal, 21 April 1888, 8, t.c.)
SOUTH FINCH, ONT., St. Luke's Presbyterian Church, Front Street at George Street, 1889, burned April 1907 (The Freeholder [Cornwall], 3 May 1889, 1)
BUCKINGHAM, QUE., Town Hall & Market House, 1890 (Gazette [Montreal], 9 Aug. 1890, 1)
John James BROWNE (Commercial & Industrial works in Montreal)
COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, Place d'Armes, alterations and additions for Mr. Compain, 1859 (Montreal Transcript, 27 Aug. 1859, 2, descrip.)
NOTRE DAME STREET, commercial block for Mr. Dubois ' to the store for McDunnough, Muir & Co.', 1860 (Montreal Transcript, 24 Feb. 1860, 2)
GAULT BROTHERS CO., Recollet Street at St. Peter Street, a commercial block for Hugh Thompson occupied by Gault Bros Ltd., 1861 (Pilot [Montreal], 25 March 1861, 2, descrip.). A photographic plate showing this building, with description of the company, was published in Dominion Illustrated : Special Number Devoted to Montreal, 1891, 33, illus.
ST. ANTOINE MARKET, Bonaventure Street at Mountain Street, 1861 (Gazette [Montreal], 28 May 1861, 2, descrip.)
ST. GABRIEL MARKET, Centre Street at Richmond Street, 1861 (Gazette [Montreal], 28 May 1861, 2, descrip.)
ST. LAWRENCE MARKET, St. Lawrence Main Street, 1861 (Gazette [Montreal], 28 May 1861, 2, descrip.)
PAPINEAU MARKET, Papineau Square near Craig Street, 1861(Gazette [Montreal], 28 May 1861, 2, descrip.; Pilot [Montreal], 28 May 1861, 2, descrip.)
CATTLE MARKET, 1861 (Gazette [Montreal], 28 May 1861, 2, descrip.)
MOSS & CO., Notre Dame Street through to Recollet Street, four warehouses for David and Edward Moss, 1861; later converted to one single warehouse block, 1867 (Pilot [Montreal], 14 Aug. 1861, 2, descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.; Montreal Herald, 22 March 1867, Supplement, 4)
THOMAS MOLSON LTD, conversion of old factory and gas house into warehouses for storage, 1862 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.)
JAMES LAW & CO., Wellington Street, warehouse and offices, 1862 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.)
WILLIAM RODDEN PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERIES, Great St. James Street, with retail shops, 1862 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.)
DORCHESTER STREET WEST, at Bleury Street, a three storey commercial block for William Doran, with a shop and two dwellings, 1862 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.)
GEORGE WINKS & CO., McGill Street at Victoria Square, stores and warehouses, 1867 (Montreal Herald, 5 Jan. 1867, 2, descrip.; and 22 March 1867, Supplement, 4, descrip.)
GAULT BROTHERS & CO., St. Helen Street at Recollet Street, 1870; major alterations, 1893 (Montreal Herald, 28 Nov. 1870, 1, descrip.; Montreal, Les Magasins Les Cinemas, 1985, 38-41, illus.)
WILLIAM STREET, extension to foundry for William Clendinning, 1870 (Montreal Herald, 29 Nov. 1870, 1)
MONTREAL WITNESS OFFICES, St. James Street, additional storey to existing block for William Clendinning, 1870 (Montreal Herald, 29 Nov. 1870, 1)
ST. JAMES STREET, block for Robert Campbell '....on the site formerly occupied by Mr. Seale', 1870 (Montreal Herald, 29 Nov. 1870, 1)
PULLAN & MALTBY CO., Seigneurs Street, for the J.H. Evans Estate, 1870 (Montreal Herald, 29 Nov. 1870, 1)
MOLSON BREWERY, St. Mary Street, new brewery building, c. 1870 (dwgs. at NAC, 76703/10, Dwgs. 194-196)
MOISIC IRON CO., St. Patrick Street near Napolean Road, c. 1871 (J. Borthwick, Montreal-Its History, 1875, 50)
VICTORIA BUILDINGS, Craig Street facing Victoria Square, five-storey warehouses for William Clendinneng and for Greenshields & Son, " the Italian style", 1875-76 (Evening Star [Montreal], 20 April 1875, 1, descrip.; Canadian Illustrated News, xiii, 3 June 1876, 356, 363, illus. & descrip.). A photographic plate of this building, together with a history of the company, appears in the publication called Dominion Illustrated: Special Number Devoted to Montreal, 1891, 58.
BONAVENTURE STREET, retail store for an unnamed client, 1875 (Evening Star [Montreal], 30 April 1873, 2, t.c.)
GURNEY & CO., Stove Manufacturers, a new showroom building with offices on upper floors, St. James Street, near the Mechanics Hall, for the Campbell Estate, 1877 (Evening Star [Montreal], 26 June 1877, 3, descrip.)
ROYAL INSURANCE CO., Notre Dame Street at Place d'Armes, alterations and conversion of the old Merchant's Bank into new headquarters for the Royal Insurance Co., 1879 (Gazette [Montreal], 18 July 1879, 4, descrip.; Montreal Daily Star, 7 Dec. 1888, 4, descrip. of plans by J.J. Browne for alterations and conversion)
EXCHANGE BANK, Notre Dame Street at St. Francois Xavier Street, rebuilding and renewal after a fire, 1880-81 (Evening Star [Montreal], 4 Feb. 1881, 1, descrip.)
H.R. IVES & CO., Queen Street, a foundry, and two warehouses, 1883-86 (Gazette [Montreal], 19 Oct. 1883, 3; 1 Feb. 1886, 3)
HENRY R. HOLLAND CO., St. Paul Street West near Ste. Sulpice Street, a warehouse owned by George B. Burland, 1886-87 (Montreal Daily Star, 4 Sept. 1886, 3, descrip.; and 21 Oct. 1886, 2, descrip.; and 8 Sept. 1887, 6; Gazette [Montreal], 21 Oct. 1886, 5, descrip.; Montreal, Les Magasins Les Cinemas, 1985, 80-2, illus.)
CHARLES MORTON & CO., McGill Street near St. Maurice Street, a warehouse owned by George B. Burland, 1886 (Montreal Daily Star, 4 Sept. 1886, 3, descrip.; and 21 Oct. 1886, 2, descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 21 Oct. 1886, 5, descrip.)
FREEMAN'S RESTAURANT, in the Barron Block, St. James Street, 1887 (Gazette [Montreal], 12 Jan. 1887, 2, descrip.)
WELLINGTON ARCADE, Ste. Catherine Street West at Mansfield Street, new facade, 1887 (Gazette [Montreal], 12 Jan. 1887, 2)
COMMISSIONERS STREET, Harbour Chambers, a conversion of an existing block for Mr. Matthews, 1887 (Gazette [Montreal); 12 Jan. 1887, 2; Montreal Daily Star, 8 Sept. 1887, 6)
GAULT BROS, new offices, 1887 (Montreal Daily Star, 8 Sept. 1887, 6)
CRAIG STREET, warehouse for James Haldane, "....adjoining Messrs. Kenneth Campbell & Co. warehouse", 1887 (Montreal Daily Star, 8 Sept. 1887, 6)
ST. JAMES STREET, extensive remodelling of the old Alexander Molson Building, for Rice, Sharpley & Co., 1888-89 (Montreal Daily Star, 7 May 1888, 4, descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 8 May 1888, 3, descrip.; C.A.B., i, May 1888, 5; ii, Jan. 1889, 9)
A.S. NORDHEIMER PIANO CO., St. James Street West near St. Pierre Street, a five storey retail store and warehouse, 1888; gutted by fire Dec. 1896, then rebuilt (Gazette [Montreal], 12 Nov. 1887, 3, descrip.; and 27 June 1889, 3, descrip.; Montreal, Les Hotels Les Immeubles de Bureaux, 1983, 113-15, illus.). A full-page engraved elevation of this building, together with a history of the company, appears in the publication called Dominion Illustrated: Special Number Devoted to Montreal, 1891, 90-91.
ROYAL INSURANCE CO., Place d'Armes Square, addition of two storeys above existing building, and extensive alterations to existing block, 1889; demol. (Gazette [Montreal], 17 Nov. 1888, 3, descrip.; Montreal Daily Star, 7 Dec. 1888, 4, descrip.; C.A.B., ii, Jan. 1889, 9)
CAFE DE VIENNE, Donegani Avenue opposite Windsor Street and the CPR Station, 1891-92 (C.R., ii, 21 March 1891, 2; Le Prix Courant, xi, 4 Nov. 1892, 11)
DOMINION COTTON MILLS, Notre Dame Street East, addition, 1892-93 (Le Prix Courant, xi, 28 Oct. 1892, 11; C.R., iv, 9 March 1893, 1, t.c.)
HUDON COTTON MILLS, at Hochelaga, major extension, with stables, 1893 (Gazette [Montreal], 15 March 1893, 5) m
ST. ANTOINE STREET WEST, at Vinet Street, commercial block for Mathieu Dineen, 1892 (Le Prix Courant, xi, 23 Sept. 1892; Montreal, Les Magasins Les Cinemas, 1985, 306-07, illus.)
ST. JAMES CHAMBERS, St. James Street, an 9 storey block of stores and offices for Samuel Carsley, 1893 (Gazette [Montreal], 15 March 1893, 5, descrip.; Montreal Star, 25 March 1893, 3, illus. & descrip.)
John James BROWNE (Commercial & Industrial works outside Montreal)
TORONTO, ONT., Gordon, McKay & Co., Front Street West at Bay Street, warehouses, 1871 (J. Borthwick, Montreal-Its History, 1875, 50)
TROIS RIVIERES, QUE., Spool Cotton Co., factory, c. 1872 (J. Borthwick, Montreal-Its History, 1875, 50)
CORNWALL, ONT., an industrial complex of 15 buildings, perhaps for the Stormont Cotton Mills Co., 1874 (Evening Star [Montreal], 6 April 1874, 2, t.c.) - see Cornwall citation below under 1879-81.
CORNWALL, ONT., Stormont Cotton Mills, 1879-81; and new 3 storey addition, 1886-87 (La Minerve [Montreal], 20 May 1879, 1, descrip.; Mail [Toronto], 14 March 1881, 7, t.c.; Gazette [Montreal], 13 Aug. 1881, 5, descrip.; and 12 Jan. 1887, 2; Cornwall Standard, 21 Oct. 1886, 3, detailed descrip.)
TORONTO, ONT., Royal Insurance Co., Yonge Street at Wellington Street, alterations, 1880 (Globe [Toronto], 2 Oct. 1880, 7, t.c.)
FARNHAM, QUE., factory for the Farnham Beet-Root Sugar Co., 1880-81 (La Minerve [Montreal], 18 Dec. 1880, 2, t.c.)
CAMPBELLFORD, ONT., Trent Valley Woolen Mills, 1881; demol. c. 1978 (Mail [Toronto], 14 Feb. 1881, 7, t.c.)
VALLEYFIELD, QUE., Montreal Cotton Co., major addition to the cotton mill building, and worker's cottages, and a Protestant Church, 1882-83 (Gazette [Montreal], 12 July 1882, 3, descrip.; 12 July 1883, 5, descrip.)
VALLEYFIELD, QUE., two stores and dwellings for Mr. Belque, 1883 (Gazette [Montreal], 12 July 1883, 5)
VALLEYFIELD, QUE., two stores and dwellings for Mr. Clark, 1883 (Gazette [Montreal], 12 July 1883, 5)
OTTAWA, ONT., Central Chambers, Elgin Street at Queen Street, office block for Seybold & Gibson, 1890 (Ottawa Citizen, 15 Nov. 1889, 2, descrip.; Free Press [Ottawa], 22 March 1890, 5, descrip.; H. Kalman, History of Canadian Architecture, 1994, 572-3, illus. & descrip.; Andrew Waldron, Exploring the Capital: An Architectural Guide to the Ottawa-Gatineau Region, 2017, 24-25, illus. & descrip.)
MAGOG, QUE., Dominion Cotton Mills, major addition to mill, with workers cottages, club, Lecture Hall, bowling green, dye house, and boiler house, 1892-93 (Le Prix Courant, xi, 14 Oct. 1892, 11; C.R., iv, 9 March 1893, 1, t.c.; Gazette [Montreal], 15 March 1893, 5)
John James BROWNE (Residential works in Montreal)
WELLINGTON STREET, at Magdalain Street, row of 6 brick houses, 1858 (Gazette [Montreal], 1 June 1858, 3, advert.)
LAGAUCHETIERE STREET WEST, three houses 'on the Latour property', 1859 (Montreal Transcript, 19 March 1859, 3, t.c.)
MANSFIELD STREET, row of four brick houses for an unidentified client, 1859 (Montreal Transcript, 4 June 1859, 2, t.c.)
THE CANADIAN TERRACE, major improvements to this residential terrace, including new ground floor colonnade, verandah on the second floor, and balconies on the third floor, 1862 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.)
ULSTER TERRACE, Upper St.. Urbain Street, a row of seven houses, with colonnade in front of the three houses in the center of the row, 1862 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.)
LAGAUCHETIERE STREET, large residence for Hugh Thompson, located " to the Baptist Church, 1862 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.)
CLONTARF TERRACE, Lagauchetiere Street, major addition of a new house to the existing row of houses, for Joseph Fitzpatrick, 1862 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.)
SHERBROOKE STREET WEST, major additions of tower and wings for residence of Stanley Clark Bagg, 1862 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.)
SHERBROOKE STREET WEST, improvements and repairs to villa for Hon. Judge Meredith, 1862 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.)
SHERBROOKE STREET WEST, major improvements and alterations to the mansion of the late Hon. John Molson, for his eldest son, 1862 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.)
DUROCHER STREET, extensive additions and new wing to the villa residence for James Law, " the head of Durocher Street", 1862 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.)
unnamed street, extensive additions and improvements to the villa for Samuel Molson, 1862 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.)
UNION AVENUE, residence for William Sache, 1862 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Jan. 1863, 2, descrip.)
FORTIFICATION STREET, two houses for E. David, 1863 (Montreal Herald, 14 Feb. 1863, 2, t.c.)
SHERBROOKE STREET WEST, at Metcalfe Street, 'Dilcoosha', a mansion for Jesse Joseph, c. 1865 (J. Borthwick, Montreal-Its History, 1875, 50)
SHERBROOKE STREET WEST, near Drummond Street, residence for Robert MacKay, c. 1865 (list of works in Montreal-The Metropolis of Canada, 1894, 348)
SHERBROOKE STREET WEST, near Park Avenue, gate, fence & pillars on the grounds of 'Fairmount Villa' for Stanley C. Bagg, 1867 (Montreal Herald, 22 March 1867, Supplement, 6)
PRINCE ARTHUR TERRACE, Victoria Street, a row of seven houses for William Clendinning and Richard Eaton, 1867 (Montreal Herald, 7 Dec. 1867, 2)
SUMMERHILL AVENUE, 'Rockmount', a villa for John Foulds 'on the summit above Sherbrooke Street West', 1870 (Montreal Herald, 28 Nov. 1870, 1, descrip.)
PALACE STREET, villa for William Clendinning, 1870 (Montreal Herald, 28 Nov. 1870, 1, descrip.)
ST. MONIQUE STREET, at Latour Street, residence for the J.H. Evans Estate, 1870 (Montreal Herald, 29 Nov. 1870, 1)
ST. URBAIN STREET, at Evans Street, residence for John Wilson, 1870 (Montreal Herald, 29 Nov. 1870, 1)
CEMETERY STREET, 'Cavan Place', a row of four houses for Francis B. McNamee and John Riley, 1870 (Montreal Herald, 29 Nov. 1870, 1)
AQUEDUCT STREET, a terrace of eleven houses for James Sheridan, 1870 (Montreal Herald, 29 Nov. 1870, 1)
STANLEY STREET, 'Tyrone Place', a terrace of four houses, with plans for extension of three additional houses, 1870 (Montreal Herald, 29 Nov. 1870, 1)
STANLEY STREET, opposite St. George's Church, two houses for James O'Brien, 1870 (Montreal Herald, 29 Nov. 1870, 1)
REDPATH STREET, residence for David Morrice, 1870 (Montreal Herald, 29 Nov. 1870, 1)
SHERBROOKE STREET WEST, at Redpath Street, residence for John J. Redpath, 1870 (Montreal Herald, 29 Nov. 1870, 1)
SHERBROOKE STREET WEST, near Redpath Street, addition of glass conservatory for 'Kildonan', for Joseph Mackay, 1870 (Montreal Herald, 29 Nov. 1870, 1)
MacGREGOR AVENUE, cottage for W.H. Smith, 1870 (American Architect & Builder's Monthly, i, April 1870, 23)
ST. JANVIER STREET, three cut-stone houses for an unnamed owner, 1871 (Evening Star [Montreal], 31 Aug. 1871, 4, t.c.)
BUCKINGHAM TERRACE, St. Luke Street, a terrace of thirteen houses for the Colonial Building & Investment Co., "...with two dwellings at each end and two dwellings in the centre in the Italian style, and the remainder in the Gothic style", 1875; demol. 1973 (Evening Star [Montreal], 20 April 1875, 1, descrip.; J. Borthwick, Montreal-Its History, 1875, 50)
LITTLE ST. ANTOINE STREET, row of fourteen houses for Dr. Patrick O'Leary, c. 1875 (J. Borthwick, Montreal-Its History, 1875, 50)
SHUTER STREET, two houses for the Colonial Building & Investment Co., 1875 (Evening Star [Montreal], 20 April 1875, 1, descrip.)
LENTON AVENUE, four pairs of semi-detached houses, for the Colonial Building & Investment Co., 1875 (Evening Star [Montreal], 20 April 1875, 1, descrip.)
UNIVERSITY STREET, residence for John P. Seybold, " the Italian style", 1875; demol. 1973 (Evening Star [Montreal], 20 April 1875, 1, descrip.; J. Borthwick, Montreal-Its History, 1875, 50)
UNIVERSITY STREET, at Prince Arthur Street, four houses for William Rodden, each 3 storeys, with Mansard roofs, 1875 (Evening Star [Montreal], 20 April 1875, 1, descrip.)
PRINCE ARTHUR STREET, residence for William Rodden, two storeys with Mansard roof, 1875 (Evening Star [Montreal], 20 April 1875, 1, descrip.)
SHERBROOKE STREET WEST, facing Mountain Street, 'Rokeby', a large villa or mansion for A.F. Gault, " the early English castellated style", 1875-78; demol. c. 1924 (Evening Star [Montreal], 20 April 1875, 1, descrip.; and 22 Nov. 1878, 2, descrip.; J. Borthwick, Montreal-Its History, 1875, 50)
SEIGNEURS STREET, fourteen brick tenement houses for Dr. O'Leary, 1875 (Evening Star [Montreal], 20 April 1875, 1, descrip.)
UNION AVENUE, five houses for William Rodden, c. 1875 (J. Borthwick, Montreal-Its History, 1875, 50)
WESTMOUNT, residence for John P. Seybold, Weredale Park, 1878; alterations 1892 (Montreal, Les Residences, 1987, 636-7, illus.; City of Westmount, Westmount: A Heritage to Preserve, 1991, 39, illus.)
SHUTER STREET, above Milton Street, a terrace of six houses for R. McKeown, each 3 storeys high, with unique octagonal bay windows, 1881 (Evening Star [Montreal], 29 Sept. 1881, 3, detailed descrip.)
SHERBROOKE STREET WEST, at Drummond Street, residence for Thomas Craig, 1882; altered 1901 (F. Remillard & B. Merrett, Mansions of the Golden Square Mile 1850-1930, 168-71, illus.; Montreal, Les Residences, 1987, 157-9, illus.)
ATWATER AVENUE, at Ste. Catherine Street West, two large houses for Matthew Dineen, 1883 (Gazette [Montreal], 12 July 1883, 5, descrip.)
FORT STREET, south of Ste. Catherine Street West, two large houses for Peter Lyall, 1883 (Gazette [Montreal], 12 July 1883, 5, descrip.)
WEREDALE PARK, alterations to villa for W.F. Lewis, 1883 (Gazette [Montreal], 12 July 1883, 5)
DUROCHER STREET, at the head of University Street, extensive alterations to "Bellevue House", the residence of W. David Law, including a glass conservatory, 1883 (Gazette [Montreal], 12 July 1883, 5, descrip.)
MONIQUE STREET, a row of 8 houses, for an unnamed client, 1886 (Montreal Daily Star, 6 Feb 1886, 8, t.c.)
PALACE STREET, two houses for an unnamed client, 1886 (Montreal Daily Star, 6 Feb. 1886, 8, t.c.)
PEEL STREET, two houses for George B. Burland, 1886 (Montreal Daily Star, 9 Feb. 1886, 3, descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 12 Jan. 1887, 2)
MACKAY STREET, north of Ste. Catherine Street West, a row of three houses for Mrs. James Haldane, 1886 (Montreal Daily Star, 9 Feb. 1886, 3, detailed descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 12 Jan. 1887, 2)
REDPATH STREET, residence for William Yuile, 1886; addition, 1892 (Montreal Daily Star, 21 Oct. 1886, 2, descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 21 Oct. 1886, 5, descrip.; Le Prix Courant, xi, 4 Nov. 1892, 11)
DRUMMOND STREET, north of Sherbrooke Street West, residence for David N. Yuile, 1886 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Oct. 1886, 5, descrip.; Montreal Daily Star, 21 Oct. 1886, 2, descrip.; and 8 Sept. 1887, 6)
PALACE STREET, at Monique Street, additions and alterations to residence for Archdeacon Lewis Evans, 1887 (Gazette [Montreal], 12 Jan. 1887, 2; Montreal Daily Star, 8 Sept. 1887, 6) )
ST. ANTOINE STREET, residence for Matthew Dineen, 1887 (Gazette [Montreal], 12 Jan. 1887, 2)
DRUMMOND STREET, large stables building at "Braehead", the residence of the late M.H. Gault, 1887; residence originally designed in 1864 by Frederick Lawford (Montreal Daily Star, 8 Sept. 1887, 6)
REDPATH STREET, extensive alterations to residence of D. Morice, 1887 (Montreal Daily Star, 8 Sept. 1887, 6)
BISHOP STREET, residence for Peter Lyall, 1889 (Montreal Herald, 6 July 1889, 6, descrip., ".... in the Norman Gothic style "; C.A.B., iv, April 1891, illus.; Montreal, Les Residences, 1987, 426-9, illus.; F. Remillard & B. Merrett, Mansions of the Golden Square Mile 1850-1930, 116-19, illus.)
SUMMERHILL AVENUE, at Cote des Neiges Road, residence for an unnamed client, 1893 (Le Prix Courant, xii, 12 May 1893, 11)
John James BROWNE (Residential works outside Montreal)
HAMILTON, ONT., residence for David Law, Upper James Street, 1864 (Spectator [Hamilton], 11 Jan. 1864, 2, t.c.; J. Borthwick, Montreal-Its History, 1875, 50)
CORNWALL, ONT., worker's cottages and hotel, perhaps for the Stormont Cotton Mills Co., c. 1873 (dwgs. at OA)
TORONTO, ONT., residence for John Gordon, Wellington Street West, 1874-75; demol. 1912 (J. Borthwick, Montreal-Its History, 1875, 50; W. Dendy, Lost Toronto, 1993, 62-3, illus.,)
CORNWALL, ONT., residence for Rev. Charles Murray, Roman Catholic priest, Fourth Street, 1873 (Evening Star [Montreal], 30 April 1873, 2, t.c.; J. Borthwick, Montreal-Its History, 1875, 50)
CHICAGO, ILL., a mansion costing $1 million dollars, for Mr. Potter Palmer, Dearborn Avenue, on the north side of Central Park, designed by Browne in 1881, and it was stated that it will "...somewhat resemble Mr. A.F. Gault's residence in Montreal", which was also designed by J. J. Browne in 1875-78. However, the following year, in 1882, the architectural commission for the mansion was given to local Chicago architects Henry Ives Cobb & Charles S. Frost, who appear to have followed the plans prepared by J.J. Browne of Montreal. The mansion was demolished in 1950. A detailed architectural description of the Chicago design by J.J. Browne was published in The Evening Star [Montreal], 7 Feb. 1881, 3. A series of illustrations of the Chicago mansion can be found in David G. Lowe, Lost Chicago, 2000, 36-38, illus.
SAINT JOHN, N.B., 'Caverhill Hall', a mansion for Simeon Jones, Sydney Street at Mecklenburg Street, 1882-83 (Gazette [Montreal], 12 July 1883, 5; La Minerve [Montreal], 8 April 1884, 1, descrip.; Saint John Globe, 19 April 1884, 1, descrip.; Evening Times-Globe [Saint John], 18 Jan. 1928, 9, descrip. in historical article on the mansion)
VALLEYFIELD, QUE., a villa for Mr. Loudon, 1883 (Gazette [Montreal], 12 July 1883, 5)
VALLEYFIELD, QUE., a villa for Mr. Clark, 1883 (Gazette [Montreal], 12 July 1883, 5)
CORNWALL, ONT., cottage for George Ross, Second Street at York Street, 1884 (Cornwall Freeholder, 4 April 1884, 3, descrip.)
STANLEY ISLAND, LAKE ST. FRANCIS, ONT., " Edgewater Castle" a large summer residence for the architect John J. Browne, c. 1885 (Gazette [Montreal], 5 Feb. 1894, 4, descrip. in advert.)
OTTAWA, ONT., residence for Edward Seybold, Cartier Street at Somerset Street, 1886 (Gazette [Montreal], 21 Oct. 1886, 5)
OTTAWA, ONT., residence for Warren Y. Soper, Metcalfe Street at Nepean Street, c. 1890 (list of works in biography in Montreal - The Metropolis of Canada, 1894, 348)
TORONTO, ONT., major additions to residence for Samuel Nordheimer, Glen Edyth Drive, 1892 (Le Prix Courant, xi, 14 Oct. 1892, 12)
LACHINE, QUE., cottage for Peter Lyall, Dixie Street, 1892 (Le Prix Courant, xi, 25 Nov. 1892, 11)
WINNIPEG, MAN., University of Manitoba, 1881, In March 1881 it was reported that the Montreal architect John Jackson Browne [sic], presumably John James Browne, had prepared plans for University buildings in Winnipeg to cost $1 million dollars (see the report in the Daily Expositor (Brantford), 28 March 1881, 1; and in the Morning Herald (Halifax) 5 April 1881, 2). This may have been a competition entry, or a speculative proposal, but none of the schemes by Browne appear to have been accepted.
OTTAWA, ONT., Central School, Elgin Street, 1890. He is likely the same "Mr. Brown [sic] of Montreal" who was one of six architects who entered the competition for the new school in Ottawa (Evening Journal [Ottawa], 28 March 1890, 3). It is unclear who won this competition.
MONTREAL, QUE., Board of Trade Building, 1891. J.J. Browne was one of a group of Canadian architects whose plans were rejected for consideration by the Building Committee who would only accept plans by six invited American architects (Montreal Daily Star, 6 March 1891, 8). Many other Canadian architects strongly objected to being excluded from submitting a design. The winners were Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge of Boston.