DILLON, Benjamin (1871-1942), an important regional architect in Eastern Ontario who practised there for over 40 years. Born in Lyndhurst, Ontario on 8 May 1871, he studied architecture and mechanical drawing with John Robb, a private tutor in Kingston, and then attended classes at the Kingston School of Art for two seasons before articling with Arthur Ellis, a prominent architect in Kingston. He opened an office in Renfrew in the Ottawa Valley in 1896 and worked there for two years, then moved permanently to Brockville in late 1898 and continued to live and work there for the next 35 years. Despite competition from architects in nearby Kingston and Ottawa, Dillon was successful at sustaining his own career, and in obtaining commissions throughout Leeds, Grenville and Lanark Counties, Dundas County, and in Lennox & Addington Counties, and his name can now be linked to over 80 projects which he completed for institutional, ecclesiastical, commercial, residential and industrial projects during the period from 1899 to 1937. These included over fifteen churches located in towns and villages, invariably designed in a bold and expressive Romanesque Revival style which he favoured for his Methodist, Presbyterian and Anglican clients. He adapted this style for institutional commissions, best seen in his design for the Town Hall in Athens, Ontario (1903-04), and for the Carnegie Library in Brockville (1903), both of which have survived and are still in use today.
His designs for churches are almost instantly recognizable for the sheer size and scale of the building, and for the asymmetrical appearance and composition of each work. His unique and outstanding ecclesiastical commissions include St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Pakenham, Ont. (1896-97), and the sprawling Methodist Church in the tiny community of Chesterville, Ont. (1907), both of which are still standing. His career was not without setbacks; in February 1916 his business office in the Harding Block in Brockville was gutted by fire (along with those of several other tenants) and he lost all of his architectural drawings and records (see the Weekly British Whig (Kingston), 10 Feb. 1916, 8). This may explain why no archival collection of his drawings has been located in Canadian institutions or local museums. Dillon died at Maitland, Ont. on 9 July 1942 (obituary and port. Brockville Recorder, 17 July 1942; biog. and port. National Reference Book, Vol. 3, 1929-30, 111; biog. Jennifer McKendry, Architects Working in the Kingston Region 1820-1920, 2019, 36; inf. Ontario Association of Architects, Toronto).
Benjamin DILLON (works in Renfrew)
MAIN STREET, residence for M. McKinnon, 1896 (Renfrew Mercury, 8 May 1896, 5, t.c.)
MAIN STREET, new facade for Dr. Cleary's Block, 1896 (Renfrew Mercury, 15 May 1896, 5)
unnamed street, residence for Mrs. R. Airth, 1896 (Renfrew Mercury, 3 July 1896, 5, t.c.)
MAIN STREET, commercial block with Opera House, 1896 (C.R., vii, 23 July 1896, 2)
unnamed street, residence for T.E. Freedland '....near the CPR Station', 1896 (Renfrew Mercury, 23 Oct. 1896, 5)
FIREMAN'S SKATING & CURLING RINK, 1896 (Renfrew Mercury, 27 Nov. 1896, 5, descrip.)
MAIN STREET, commercial block for John Smith 'opposite the Dominion House', 1896-97 (Renfrew Mercury, 25 Dec. 1896, 7)
unnamed street, residence for I.E. Pedlow, 1897 (Renfrew Mercury, 26 Feb. 1897, 3, t.c.)
ISOLATION HOSPITAL, 1897 (Renfrew Mercury, 23 April 1897, 1, descrip.; C.R., viii, 29 April 1897, 2)
METHODIST CHURCH, Main Street, 1897 (Renfrew Mercury, 30 April 1897, 5, descrip.; C.R., viii, 2 Sept. 1897, 2, t.c.)
MURPHY BLOCK, Main Street, a commercial block of three stores for Dr. Murphy, 1897 (C.R., viii, 29 April 1897, 2)
ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, Argyle Street South at Patrick Street, a new rectory for the church, 1897 (C.R., viii, 13 May 1897, 2, t.c.)
NORTH WARD PUBLIC SCHOOL, 1897 (Renfrew Mercury, 21 May 1897, 1; C.R., viii, 24 June 1897, 2)
unnamed street, large residence for Alexander Barnett, 1902-03 (Weekly British Whig (Kingston), 25 Aug. 1902, 3; C.R., xiii, 10 Dec. 1902, 1, t.c.)
Benjamin DILLON (works in Brockville)
unnamed street, major addition and alterations to residence for George P. Graham, 1899 (C.R., x, 17 May 1899, 2, t.c.)
LEEDS COUNTY REGISTRY OFFICE, addition and alterations, 1899 (C.R., x, 28 June 1899, 2)
ONTARIO GLOVE WORKS, Broad Street, major addition to factory, 1899-1900 (Brockville Recorder, 22 June 1900, 6, illus. & descrip.)
CANADIAN OAK BELTING CO., major addition to factory, 1901 (C.R., xi, 16 Jan. 1910, 2, t.c.)
BOHEMIAN AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, club house, 1901 (C.R., xii, 17 April 1901, 2)
BROCKVILLE WATER COMMISSION, pumping station, Water Street, 1901 (C.R., xii, 15 May 1910, 2, t.c.)
GENERAL HOSPITAL, Pearl Street at Ormond Street, major addition, 1901; laundry building, 1907; addition to Nurse's Home, 1911 (C.R., xii, 19 June 1901, 2; and xviii, 19 June 1907, 2, t.c.; and xxv, 12 July 1911, 58, t.c.)
PERTH STREET, residence for William Kyle, 1902 (C.R., xiii, 2 April 1902, 2, t.c.)
unnamed street, residence for A. Barnet, 1902 (C.R., xiii, 27 Aug. 1902, 1)
SKATING ARENA, Broad Street, for the Brockville Recreation Co., 1902 (C.R., xiii, 10 Sept. 1902, 2)
VICTORIA HALL, King Street East, major addition and alterations, 1903 (C.R., xiii, 11 Feb. 1903, 2, t.c.)
DELTA PARK, pavilion for the Brockville & Westport Railway, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 29 April 1903, 3, t.c.)
EXHIBITION GROUNDS, major addition to the grandstand, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 6 May 1903, 2)
SKATING ARENA, for Newton Cossitt and L.R. Cossitt, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 13 May 1903, 2, t.c.)
CARNEGIE LIBRARY, George Street at Buell Street, 1903; still standing in 2022 (C.R., xiv, 5 Aug. 1903, 2; Evening Recorder [Brockville], 29 Oct. 1903, 3, descrip.)
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL HOSPITAL, Pine Street, laundry building, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 23 Sept. 1903, 2, t.c.)
COSSITT BROS LTD., foundry for Charles S. Cossitt and Fremont B. Cossitt, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 11 Nov. 1903, 2, t.c.)
PINE STREET, residence for William E. Braund, 1906 (C.R., xvii, 28 March 1906, 2, t.c.)
BETHUNE STREET, residence for Joseph Deacon, 1906 (C.R., xvii, 2 May 1906, 2, t.c.)
ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, Pine Street at Victoria Street, chancel addition, 1906 (C.R., xvii, 6 June 1906, 2, t.c.)
FIRE HALL, Perth Street, 1910 (inf. Brockville Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee)
KING STREET EAST, major addition and alterations to residence for Hugh A. Stewart, 1911 (C.R., xxv, 1 Feb. 1911, 33, t.c.)
KING STREET EAST, carriage house and other works at residence for Mrs. Charles E. Fulford, 1911 (C.R., xxv, 1 March 1911, 27)
BROCKVILLE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Pearl Street at Ormond Street, addition of a new storey above the existing South Wing, for a new Maternity Ward, 1911 (C.R., xxv, 24 May 1911, 59, t.c.; inf. Scott Edwards)
WELLINGTON STREET, at Ormond Street, pair of houses for John W. Ridgeway, 1912 (inf. Brockville Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee)
ROBERT WRIGHT & CO. STORE, King Street West at Broad Street, interior alterations to existing department store located within the Dunham Block, 1917 (Const., x, May 1917, 185; inf. Scott Edwards)
ONTARIO MENTAL HOSPITAL, boat house facing the St. Lawrence River, 1919 (Ontario, Sessional Papers, 1920, No. 13, Report of the Chief Architect, 11)
ABBOTT, GRANT & CO. LTD., Church Street, major addition to factory, 1920 (Daily Standard [Kingston], 4 March 1920, 12)
MACHINERY & FOUNDRIES LTD., Pearl Street East at North Augusta Road, foundry, 1920 (C.R., xxxiv, 10 March 1920, 62, t.c.)
HENDERSON & SONS, new facade and front for retail store, 1925 (Daily Standard [Kingston], 25 Feb. 1925, 11, t.c.)
(with Colin Drever) E.F. PHILLIPS ELECTRICAL WORKS LTD., King Street West, major addition to offices and factory, 1936 (C.R., vol. 50, 26 Aug. 1936, 34, t.c.)
Benjamin DILLON (works elsewhere)
EGANVILLE, ONT., residence for Dr. Chananhouse, 1896 (C.R., vii, 20 Aug. 1896, 1)
PAKENHAM, ONT., St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth Street at Jeanie Street, 1896-97; still standing in 2022 (C.R., vii, 26 Nov. 1896, 2, t.c.)
SEELEY'S BAY, ONT., St. Peter's Anglican Church, Main Street at Adelaide Street, 1898; still standing in 2022 (C.R., ix, 30 March 1898, 2; Jennifer McKendry, Architects Working in the Kingston Region 1820-1920, 2019, 36, illus.)
CARDINAL, ONT., residence for the Postmaster, 1898 (Renfrew Mercury, 3 June 1898, 5)
PORTAGE DU FORT, QUE., large residence for G.E. Reid, 1898 (C.R., ix, 15 June 1898, 3, t.c.)
SEELEY'S BAY, ONT., store and residence for George R. Hawkins, 1898 (C.R., ix, 23 Nov. 1898, 2)
LANARK, ONT., interior alterations to St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clarence Street, 1899 (Lanark Era, 12 April 1899, 1; and 31 May 1899, 1)
ATHENS, ONT., Methodist Episcopal Church, Church Street opposite Victoria Street, designed 1899; built 1902; still standing in 2022 (Daily British Whig [Kingston], 25 Feb. 1899, 2, descrip.; C.R., x, 1 March 1899, 2, t.c.)
WESTPORT, ONT., public school, 1899 (Daily British Whig [Kingston], 18 July 1899, 5)
PERTH, ONT., Skating Arena, 1899 (Perth Courier, 6 Oct. 1899, 4, descrip.; C.R., x, 18 Oct. 1899, 2, t.c.)
CHAPLEAU, ONT., parsonage for the Methodist Church, Beech Street, 1900 (C.R., xi, 2 May 1900, 2)
FAIRFIELD, ONT., Methodist Church, 1901 (C.R., xii, 4 Sept. 1901, 1, t.c.)
LANSDOWNE, ONT., residence near the town for W.A. McNeill, 1901-02 (C.R., xii, 18 Dec. 1901, 5)
JONES FALLS, ONT., summer residence for A.L. Fennesy 'of New York City', 1901 (C.R., xii, 2 Oct. 1901, 2, t.c.)
SMITHS FALLS, ONT., residence for W.W. Williams, 1902 (C.R., xiii, 23 April 1902, 3)
LANSDOWNE, ONT., manse for the Presbyterian Church, 1902 (C.R., xiii, 9 July 1902, 1)
MALLORYTOWN, ONT. residence near the town for Mr. Foley, 1902-03 (C.R., xiii, 31 Dec. 1902, 1)
NORTH AUGUSTA, ONT., Methodist Church, Main Street near Mill Street, 1903-04; still standing in 2023 (Weekly British Whig (Kingston), 10 Dec. 1903, 6; C.R., xiv, 9 Dec. 1903, 1)
ATHENS, ONT., Town Hall, Main Street West at Elgin Street South, 1903-04; still standing in 2022 (Brockville Recorder, 20 Oct. 1905, 3, illus. & descrip.; M. MacRae & A. Adamson, Cornerstones of Order, 1983, 251-2, illus.)
ATHENS, ONT., public school, 1905 (C.R., xvi, 31 May 1905, 2, t.c.)
NEWBORO, ONT., Union Bank, Drummond Street, opposite Carleton Street, 1905; still standing in 2022 (inf. Parks Canada, Canadian Inventory of Historic Buildings, Ottawa)
NAPANEE, ONT., Eastern Methodist Church, Bridge Street East at John Street, 1905-06; still standing in 2022 (Daily Standard (Kingston), 10 Aug. 1905, 1, t.c.; C.R., xvi, 16 Aug. 1905, 1, t.c.; Canadian Cement & Concrete Review [Toronto], ii, March 1908, 54, illus. & descrip.)
LYNDHURST, ONT., rectory for a church, 1906 (C.R., xvii, 7 March 1906, 2, t.c.)
LYN, ONT., addition to the rectory for St. John's Anglican Church, Main Street East, 1906 (C.R., xvii, 18 July 1906, 2, t.c.)
CHESTERVILLE, ONT., Methodist Church, Casselman Street at Water Street, 1907; still standing in 2022 (The Advance [Kemptville], 21 March 1907, 2; C.R., xviii, 29 May 1907, 6, t.c.)
HULBERT, ONT., Methodist Church, 1907; burned January 1938 (Weekly Advance [Kemptville], 8 Sept. 1938, 4, historical article on the church; and reference in the published booklet, History of Hulbert United Church 1874-1974)
NAPANEE, ONT., indoor Skating Rink, 1910 (Daily Standard [Kingston], 3 May 1910, 2)
JOYCEVILLE, ONT, Sand Hill Presbyterian Church, Sand Hill Road near Highway 15, 1911; still standing in 2022 (Daily Standard [Kingston], 16 June 1911, 5)
LANSDOWNE, ONT., public school, 1912 (C.R., xxiv, 17 April 1912, 65, t.c.)
GANANOQUE, ONT., remodelling of the Town Hall, with town offices on the first floor, and an Assembly Hall on the second floor, 1913 (Daily Standard (Kingston), 19 Sept. 1913, 3; and 16 Oct. 1913, 9, descrip.)
GANANOQUE, ONT., conversion of the old Post Office into a private residence for Mr. Rogers, 1914 (Daily Standard (Kingston), 17 Nov. 1914, 9)
CARDINAL, ONT., Benson Continuation School, 1921-22 (Daily British Whig (Kingston), 14 March 1921, 7; Weekly British Whig (Kingston), 23 March 1922, 3)
MALLORYTOWN, ONT., Consolidated School, Highway 2 at Tedmar Road, 1921; demol. (Daily British Whig (Kingston), 6 Sept. 1921, 15, detailed descrip.)
HALLVILLE, ONT., public school, 1922 (C.R., xxxvi, 26 April 1922, 50)
MOUNTAIN, ONT., in Dundas County, a new 2 storey Consolidated School, located "...one mile north of Mountain CPR Station", 1922 (Daily Standard [Kingston], 28 April 1922, 16, descrip.)
RICHMOND, ONT., public school, 1924 (Ottawa Journal, 25 June 1924, 13, t.c.)
ELGIN, ONT., a Continuation School, 1927 (Whig-Standard (Kingston), 31 May 1927, 11, t.c.)
LANSDOWNE, ONT., a new Presbyterian Church, King Street West at Prince Street, 1930; still standing in 2022 (Kingston Whig-Standard, 17 June 1930, 19, t.c.)
NEWBORO, ONT., United Church, Carleton Street, 1937; still standing in 2022 (Kingston Whig-Standard, 16 April 1937, 5)