Darling, Frank

DARLING, Frank (1850-1923), was, without question, the dean of the architectural profession in Canada from 1875 to 1920, and a remarkably prolific architect credited with over 300 works from British Columbia to Newfoundland, and every province in between. He was connected with the following successful offices:

Frank Darling, Toronto, 1873 to July 1874
MacDougall & Darling, Toronto, Ont., July 1874 - April 1875 (with Henry MacDougall)
Frank Darling, Toronto, May 1875 to 1880
Darling & Curry, Toronto, 1880 to 1890 (with Samuel G. Curry)
Darling, Curry, Sproatt & Pearson, Toronto, 1891 to 1893 (with Samuel G. Curry, Henry Sproatt and John Pearson)
Darling, Sproatt & Pearson, Toronto 1893 to 1896 (with Henry Sproatt and John Pearson)
Darling & Pearson, Toronto, 1897-1923 (with John Pearson)
Darling, Pearson & Over, Winnipeg, 1902-1909 (branch office headed by Walter P. Over)
Darling & Pearson, Regina, 1907-1910 (branch office headed by Francis H. Portnall)
Darling & Pearson, Toronto, 1923-1940 (see list of works under John Pearson)

(biography in preparation)

FRANK DARLING (works in Toronto unless noted)

ST. MATTHIAS ANGLICAN CHURCH, Bellwoods Avenue at Robinson Street, new Chapel School, 1873 (Mail [Toronto], 1 Sept. 1873, 4, and 6 Jan. 1874, 4, descrip.)
(attributed) BENLAMOND AVENUE, and BENLAMOND DRIVE, two adjacent houses at No. 57 Benlamond Avenue and No. 6 Benlamond Drive, designed by Frank Darling for his father Rev. William Darling, 1873-76 (inf. City of Toronto Designation statement and Bylaw 1989-0633)
ST. THOMAS ANGLICAN CHURCH, Bathurst Street at Wells Street, 1874-75; relocated to Huron Street at Sussex Street, 1882; moved again to Dufferin Street at Eglinton Avenue West, 1892; demol. (Dominion Churchman [Toronto], 7 Feb. 1878, 65; J.R. Robertson, Landmarks of Toronto, 1904, iv, 69-72, illus. & descrip.; Household of God: A Parish History of St. Thomas's Anglican Church, Toronto, 1993, 7-8, 162-4, illus.)
ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, John Street, new furniture in nave and choir, 1876; church burned 1955 (Dominion Churchman, [Toronto], 16 Nov. 1876, 176)
TRINITY COLLEGE, Queen Street West at Strachan Avenue, new Convocation Hall, 1876; Chapel, 1882-83 by Darling & Curry; West Wing, 1889-90 by Darling & Curry; East Wing, 1894 by Darling, Sproatt & Pearson; Gates and iron fence, 1904 by Darling & Pearson; all demolished in 1956 except for gates facing Queen Street West which still stand as of 2022 (Globe [Toronto], 29 July 1876, 7, t.c.; Globe [Toronto], 13 Oct. 1877, 5, descrip.; Mail [Toronto] 5 Oct. 1882, 8, descrip.; Evangelical Churchman [Toronto], 7 June 1883, 54, descrip.; The Empire [Toronto], 23 Nov. 1889, 9, descrip.; Toronto Daily Mail, 18 June 1894, 5, descrip.; Thomas A. Reed, History of the University of Trinity College 1852-1952, 79, 103; W. Dendy, Lost Toronto, 1978, 122-7, illus. & descrip.)
GLEN STEWART CRESCENT, west of Southwood Drive, large residence for Rev. William S. Darling, c. 1875-76, still standing in 2024 (M. Campbell & B. Myrvold, The Beach in Pictures 1793-1932, 1988, 30-31, illus.; inf. Grant Van Iderstine, Toronto). An early photograph of the exterior of this large residence was published in the Toronto Daily Star, 10 May 1905, 5; , and another view, taken c. 1930, was published in Canadian Homes & Gardens [Toronto], vol. x, Sept. 1933, 3, illus. in advert.)
HUNTLEY STREET, near Selby Street, residence for James T. Boyd, 1876 (Globe [Toronto], 4 Dec. 1876, 3)
HUNTLEY STREET, near Isabella Street, residence for Beauford H. Vidal, 1876 (Globe [Toronto], 4 Dec. 1876, 3)
PORT HOPE, ONT., Trinity College School, Deblaquire Street North at Ward Street, alterations and improvements to the Chapel, 1877, 1883; Gymnasium, 1891, burned February 1895; rebuilding of Chapel and School, 1895-96, Principal's Residence, 1898, burned 1928 (Dominion Churchman [Toronto], 25 Oct. 1877, 511-12, descrip.; 25 Oct. 1883, 667; The Globe [Toronto], 3 July 1896, 2, detailed descrip.; Canadian Churchman [Toronto], 16 July 1896, 457, 459-60, descrip.; C.A.B., i, April 1888, illus.; xi, Sept. 1898, illus.; W.A. Craick, Port Hope Historical Sketches, 1901, 96-7, illus.)
BRAMPTON, ONT., High School, 1877 (Globe [Toronto], 5 March 1877, 4, t.c.)
SCARBOROUGH HEIGHTS HOTEL, Kingston Road near Balsam Avenue, 1878; burned 1885 (OA, Fonds F 158, Minute Book for the Scarboro Heights Hotel Co., Box 277 482; inf. Barbara Myrvold, Toronto)
(with William T. Thomas) MONTREAL, QUE., St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ontario Street at St. Urbain Street, 1877-79; Parish Hall and Clergy house renovated in 1928 by Noel Chipman (Gazette [Montreal], 23 Feb. 1928, 8, descrip.; Church of St. John the Evangelist 1878-1928, 45; Montreal, Les Eglises, 1981, 268-75, illus.; inf. Scott Edwards)
HOME FOR INCURABLES, Dunn Avenue, 1879-80; with new West Wing 1885; all demol. 1979 (Mail [Toronto], 13 Dec. 1880, 8, descrip.; Globe [Toronto], 28 Oct. 1885, 2, t.c.; W. Dendy, Lost Toronto, 1993, 172-3, illus.)
OSHAWA, ONT., St. George's Anglican Church, Centre Street South at Bagot Street, a new Schoolhouse for the church, 1880; demol. and replaced by new church in 1924 designed by Eden Smith (Evangelical Churchman [Toronto], 28 Oct. 1880, 393, descrip.)
ST. LUKE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, Bay Street at St. Joseph Street, 1881-82; demol. 1930 (Mail [Toronto], 20 Nov. 1880, 2, descrip.; Dominion Churchman [Toronto], 20 April 1882, 186, descrip.; R.A.I.C. Journal, i, April-June 1924, 39, illus.)

DARLING & CURRY (works in Toronto unless noted)

TORONTO ISLAND, Club House for the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, 1880-81 (Globe [Toronto], 10 Sept. 1880, 3, t.c.; and 13 April 1881, 8, descrip.; W. Dendy. Lost Toronto, 1993, 44, illus.)
COLLEGE STREET, near Yonge Street, residence for Lucius O'Brien, 1881; demol. 1984 (inf. Toronto Historical Board)
SIMCOE, ONT., Trinity Anglican Church, Court Street at Colborne Street South, 1882-83; still standing in 2022 (Free Press [London], 28 Oct. 1882, 3, descrip.)
PETLEY & PETLEY STORE, King Street East near Jarvis Street, 1882-83 (Telegram [Toronto], 23 Dec. 1882, 5, t.c.)
PERTH, ONT., St. James Anglican Church, new spire, facade and alterations, Mornington Street at Hamilton Street, 1883; still standing in 2022 (Perth Courier, 22 June 1883, 2, descrip.; Dominion Churchman [Toronto], 31 May 1883, 343; and 13 Aug. 1885, 518, descrip.)
CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, Richmond Street West near York Street, extensive interior alterations, 1884-85 ; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 18 April 1885, 14, descrip.; J.R. Robertson, Landmarks of Toronto, 1904, iv, 61-2, illus. & descrip.)
BANK OF MONTREAL, Yonge Street at Front Street West, 1885-86; still standing in 2022 (Globe [Toronto], 21 May 1886, 2, illus. & descrip.; Mail [Toronto], 31 May 1887, 6, descrip.; Eric Arthur, Toronto - No Mean City, 1964, 184-85, illus. & descrip.; W. Dendy & W. Kilbourn, Toronto Observed, 1986, 112-14, illus. & descrip.; Money Matters-A Critical Look at Bank Architecture, 1990, 62-3, 128-9, illus.)
ANGLICAN SEE HOUSE, Howland Avenue, adjacent to St. Alban the Martyr Anglican Church [and now called Royal St. George's Anglican College], 1885-86; still standing in 2022 (Telegram [Toronto], 13 May 1885, 4, t.c.; The Globe [Toronto], 15 May 1885, 5, t.c.; inf. Jonathan Lofft, Toronto)
MOUNT PLEASANT CEMETERY, the Volunteers Monument, for Grenadiers Mr. Moor and Mr. Hughes, in the Toronto General Burying Ground, Plot H, Lot 27, 1885 (Globe [Toronto], 1 Sept. 1885, 6)
HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH, Trinity Square, new Schoolhouse, 1887 (Toronto World, 6 Feb. 1888, 1, descrip.)
HAMILTON, ONT., Church of the Ascension, John Street South, 1887-88, reconstruction of the church after fire in January 1887 (M. Farmer, Church of the Ascension-A Short History, 1950, 11)
COLLEGE STREET, at McCaul Street, residence for Nathaniel Pearson, 1887 (Telegram [Toronto], 25 Feb. 1887, 3, t.c.)
PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL, St. David's Street near Sackville Street, 1887; demol. (Annual Report of the Inspector of Public Schools in Toronto, 1887, Appendix, 18)
BLOOR STREET WEST, near Yonge Street, residence for John Foy, 1887; demol. (G.M. Adam, Toronto Old And New, 1891, 146, illus.)
ST. JOHN'S HOSPITAL, Major Street near College Street, 1888; addition for a chapel, 1892; hospital demol. 1998; chapel restored 2012 and now called Kensington Hospice (Dominion Churchman [Toronto], 29 March 1888, 199; Toronto World, 2 June 1888, 3, descrip.; C.R., iii, 6 Aug. 1892, 1, t.c.; Richard Longley, "Kensington Hospice", in ACORN [Toronto], xxxix, No. 1, Spring 2014, 11-12, illus. & descrip.)
ALMONTE, ONT., St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clyde Street opposite Brougham Street, enlargement and alterations, 1887 (Dominion Churchman [Toronto], 16 Feb. 1888, 103; C.A.B., i, Aug. 1888, illus.)
NEW HAMBURG, ONT., St. George’s Anglican Church, Byron Street at Waterloo Street, 1888; still standing in 2023 (Free Press [London], 8 Dec. 1887, 8; Dominion Churchman [Toronto], 31 May 1888, 343-4)
LITTLE TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH, King Street East at Trinity Street, major addition to the church, with new chancel and two new vestries, and interior alterations to the church, 1888; still standing in 2023 (Globe [Toronto], 6 July 1888, 5, detailed descrip.)
TORONTO CLUB, Wellington Street West at York Street, 1888-89; addition 1912; still standing in 2022 (Globe [Toronto], 18 April 1888, 5, t.c.; Toronto World, 26 June 1889, 1, descrip.; Eric Arthur, Toronto - No Mean City, 1964, 189, illus. & descrip.; W. Dendy & W. Kilbourn, Toronto Observed, 1986, 126-8, illus. & descrip.)
ST. JAMES ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL, King Street East at Church Street, removal of galleries over side aisles, new lectern and alterations, 1888 (Dominion Churchman [Toronto], 7 June 1888, 359; 6 March 1890, 152)
ROBERT McCAUSLAND & CO., King Street West near Bay Street, new store, 1888; demol. (C.A.B., i, Aug. 1888, illus.)
COBOURG, ONT., St. Peter's Anglican Church, King Street East at College Street, new Sunday School and alterations to the church, 1888; still standing in 2022 (inf. Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee, Cobourg)
PERTH, ONT., residence for John A. McLaren, 1889 (C.A.B., ii, Dec. 1889, 143)
KINGSTON, ONT., St. George's Anglican Cathedral, Wellington Street. Darling served as consulting architect to Power & Son, Architects, Kingston, for the new Parish Hall and alterations to Cathedral, 1889-91; still standing in 2023 (Daily British Whig [Kingston], 10 April 1890, 2, descrip.; A. Anderson, The Anglican Churches of Kingston, 1963, 31; Historic Kingston, xxiv, March 1976, 41)
HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, College Street at Elizabeth Street, 1889-91; still standing in 2022 (Telegram [Toronto], 22 April 1889, 1, t.c.; Toronto World, 26 Dec. 1890, 2, illus. & descrip.; Globe [Toronto], 2 May 1891, illus. & descrip.; C.A.B., v, April 1892, illus.; Annmarie Adams, Medicine by Design: The Architect and the Modern Hospital 1893-1943, 2008, 55-7, illus. & descrip.)
WEST TORONTO JUNCTION, factory for Barnum Wire & Iron Co., 1890-91 (C.R., i, 29 Nov. 1890, 2)
DOMINION BANK, College Street at Spadina Avenue, 1890-91; addition 1902; demol. (C.R., i, 29 Nov. 1890, 2, descrip.)
PORT HOPE, ONT., Trinity College Boys School, a new Gymnasium for the College, 1890 (Gazette [Montreal], 25 Dec. 1890, 2, descrip.)
SMITHS FALLS, ONT., St. John's Anglican Church, George Street South, opposite Main Street West, 1893-94; still standing in 2022 (Rideau Record [Smiths Falls], 1 May 1890, 4; and 17 May 1894, 1, descrip.; C.A.B., iii, April 1890, illus.)
ROSEDALE, in Toronto, residence for an unidentified client, 1890 (C.A.B., iii, July 1890, illus.)
NORTH STREET, residence for the architect Samuel G. Curry, 1890 (C.A.B., iii, Dec. 1890, illus.)

DARLING CURRY SPROATT & PEARSON (works in Toronto unless noted)

TORONTO ISLAND, Lakeside Home for Sick Children, major addition and alterations, 1891; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 9 May 1891, 2, illus. & descrip.; Mail [Toronto], 16 Jan. 1892, Supplement, 1, illus. & descrip.; W. Dendy, Lost Toronto, 1978, 28-9, illus.)
PRINCE ARTHUR AVENUE, near Huron Street, residence for William Ince, 1891-92 (C.R., ii, 7 Nov. 1891, 2)
INGERSOLL, ONT., Canadian Pacific Railway Station, off Thomas Street South, and west of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, 1891; demol. 1976 (Globe [Toronto], 4 Dec. 1891, 3, descrip.)
BRANDON, MAN., Imperial Bank, 1891-92 (Brandon Mail, 7 Jan. 1892, 1, descrip.)
CHAPEL OF THE ANGLICAN SISTERS OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, Major Street, 1892, and now called Kensington Hospice, 1892; still standing in 2022 (Richard Longley and F. Leslie Thompson, "Kensington Hospice", in ACORN [Toronto], Vol. 46 No. 1, Spring 2021, 18-19, illus. & descrip.)
ST. MARY MAGDALENE ANGLICAN CHURCH, Ulster Street at Manning Avenue, designed 1892; completed by Darling & Pearson 1907-08 (C.A.B., v, Oct. 1892, illus.; Daily Mail & Empire [Toronto], 19 Dec. 1896, Section Two, 6, illus. & descrip.; Canadian Churchman [Toronto], 21 May 1908, 349-50, illus. & descrip.). The firm of Darling & Curry exhibited their architectural drawings for this project at the Montreal Art Association Autumn Exhibition in 1894 (Montreal Daily Star, 5 Oct. 1894, 6)
LINDSAY, ONT., Dominion Bank, 1892 (C.R., iii, 16 April 1892, 2)
CALGARY, ALTA., Imperial Bank of Canada, Stephen Avenue at McTavish Street, all the bank interiors of new branch, with exterior designed by Child & Wilson of Calgary (Calgary Daily Herald, 24 March 1892, 2, t.c.; and 18 May 1892, 1, detailed descrip.; Calgary Tribune, 17 Aug. 1892, 1, detailed descrip.)
CARLETON STREET, at Church Street, residence for Mrs. Catherine Cameron, c. 1893 (C.A.B., vi, May 1893, illus.)

DARLING SPROATT & PEARSON (works in Toronto unless noted)

KEMPENFELT BAY, ONT., 'Ladywood', a mansion for Herbert E.H. Vernon, 20th Sideroad north of the 13th Concession, facing Lake Simcoe, 1893 (J.A.H. Vernon, Ladywood 1892-1992, 1992, 14-17, plates 27-39, illus.)
IMPERIAL BANK, Wellington Street East at Leader Lane, new addition and alterations to existing building, 1893-94; demol. c. 1940 (C.R., iv, 8 June 1893, 1, t.c.; C.A.B., viii, Jan. 1895, 8-11, illus.)
COBOURG, ONT., major additions and interiors to "Heathcote", the mansion for Mrs. William F. Ladd, King Street East, 1894; demol. 1930 (Globe [Toronto], 25 Aug. 1894, 6, descrip.)
BELLEVILLE, ONT., St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Church Street at Victoria Avenue, reconstruction of the church after the fire, with a new addition, 1895; still standing in 2022 (C.A.B., viii, Jan. 1895, illus.; Belleville Weekly Intelligencer, 21 Nov. 1895, 3, illus. & descrip.)
ELMSLEY PLACE, near St. Joseph Street, residence for Andrew D. Patterson, 1895; demol. (C.A.B., viii, April 1895, illus.; x, Feb. 1897, illus.)
PORT HOPE, ONT., rebuilding of Trinity College Boys School after the fire of February 1895, including a 4 storey school block, with extension for boilers & bathrooms, 1895-96 (The Globe [Toronto], 3 July 1896, 2, detailed descrip.)
YARKER, ONT., St. Anthony Anglican Church, Camden Parish, 1895-96 (Daily British Whig [Kingston], 16 Jan. 1896, 2, descrip.; Canadian Churchman [Toronto], 30 Jan. 1896, 72, descrip.)
LISTOWEL, ONT., Christ Church (Anglican), Main Street West at Livingstone Avenue North, 1896-97; still standing in 2022 (Listowel Banner, 6 Aug. 1896, 4, descrip.; Canadian Churchman [Toronto], 3 June 1897, 344-5, descrip.)
MADISON AVENUE, near Lowther Avenue, residence for George Ross, 1896 (Toronto b.p. 3238, 17 July 1896)

DARLING & PEARSON (Banks in Toronto)

BANK OF COMMERCE, Yonge Street at Bloor Street West, 1898-99; demol. 1972 (C.A.B., xiv, May 1901, illus.; E. Arthur, Toronto No Mean City, 1964, 218, illus.)
BANK OF COMMERCE, Queen Street West at Bathurst Street, 1901, still standing in 2022 (Toronto Daily Star, 21 Feb. 1901, 3, t.c.; C.A.B., xiv, Dec. 1901, illus.)
BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, King Street West near Jordan Street, 1902-03; addition 1907, demol. 1969 (C.A.B., xv, Dec. 1902, illus.; The Globe (Toronto), 28 Jan. 1903, 5, illus. & descrip.; Toronto Daily Star, 25 April 1904, 2, detailed architectural descrip.; Eric Arthur, Toronto-No Mean City, 1964, 223, illus. & descrip.; W. Dendy, Lost Toronto, 1978, 96-7, illus. & descrip.; dwgs. at Bank of Nova Scotia Archives, Toronto)
(with Robert J. Edwards) CANADA PERMANENT & MORTGAGE CORP., Toronto Street, offices, 1903 (C.A.B., xvi, June 1903, 96, illus. & descrip.)
METROPOLITAN BANK, Dundas Street West at Ossington Avenue, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 25 March 1903, 1, t.c.)
DOMINION BANK, Yonge Street at Cottingham Street, 1904 (Toronto b.p. 763, 25 June 1904)
BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, Dundas Street West at Brock Avenue, 1905 (C.R., xvi, 10 May 1905, 2; dwgs. at Bank of Nova Scotia Archives, Toronto)
BANK OF COMMERCE, Parliament Street at Carlton Street, 1905 (C.R., xv, 22 Feb. 1905, 1, t.c.)
BANK OF COMMERCE, Dundas Street West near Keele Street, Toronto Junction, 1905 (C.R., xv, 22 Feb. 1905, 1, t.c.)
BANK OF COMMERCE, Queen Street West near Dunn Avenue, 1905 (C.A.B., xix, Feb. 1906, 30, illus.; C.R., xxv, 8 March 1911, 148, illus. in advert.)
BANK OF COMMERCE, College Street at Spadina Avenue, 1905 (C.R., xvi, 12 April 1905, 2, t.c.; C.R., xxv, 8 March 1911, 148, illus. in advert.)
IMPERIAL BANK, Yonge Street at Bloor Street East, 1905 (C.R., xvi, 31 May 1905, 1, t.c.)
BANK OF COMMERCE, Yonge Street, north of Queen Street East, 1905; still standing in 2023 and now part of The Massey Residential Tower (Toronto Daily Star, 15 May 1905, 1; C.A.B., xix, Feb. 1906, illus.)
BANK OF COMMERCE, Queen Street East at Grant Street, 1905 (Toronto b.p. 2292, 18 Oct. 1905)
IMPERIAL BANK, King Street West near Spadina Avenue, 1906 (Toronto b.p. 3058, 8 March 1906)
DOMINION BANK, Queen Street East at Broadview Avenue, 1906; demol. (Toronto b.p. 4649, 18 July 1906)
BANK OF COMMERCE, King Street East at Jarvis Street, 1907 (C.R., xviii, 24 April 1907, 8)
IMPERIAL BANK, King Street East at Sherbourne Street, 1907; partly demol. in 2002, but facade still standing (C.R., xviii, 9 Oct. 1907, 4)
METROPOLITAN BANK, Queen Street East at Lee Avenue, 1908 (Toronto b.p. 11015, 13 May 1908)
BANK OF MONTREAL, Yonge Street at Queen Street East, 1909-10; addition 1920; interiors altered 2001-02 to accommodate a subway station entrance (Toronto Daily Star, 6 March 1909, 10; C.R., xxiii, 10 March 1909, 26; Const., iii, Aug. 1910, 49-51, illus.)
BANK OF COMMERCE, College Street at Dovercourt Road, 1909 (Toronto b.p.15124, 7 May 1909)
METROPOLITAN BANK, Broadview Avenue at Danforth Ave., 1909; demol. (C.R., xxiii, 2 June 1909, 22, t.c.)
BANK OF COMMERCE, Gerrard Street at Pape Avenue, 1909 (Toronto b.p. 16398, 15 July 1909)
METROPLITAN BANK, Queen Street West at Lansdowne Avenue, 1909 (C.R., xxiii, 11 Aug. 1909, 23, t.c.)
STANDARD BANK, King Street West at Jordan Street, 1909-10; demol. (Const., iv, Oct. 1911, 48-52, illus. & descrip.; Builder [London], civ, 24 Jan. 1913, 104, illus.)
UNION BANK, King Street West at Bay Street, 1910; demol. (Const., iv, March 1911, 46, illus.; v, Jan. 1912, 62, illus.; C.R., xxv, 30 Aug. 1911, 46-7, illus. & descrip.; Builder [London], ciii, 2 Aug. 1912, 139-40, illus. & descrip.; Architectural Review [London], xxxvi, Aug. 1914, 32, illus. & descrip.; Building News [London], cix, 22 Sept. 1915, 320 and plate illus.)
BANK OF MONTREAL, Queen Street East, east of Broadview Avenue, c. 1910; still standing in 2022 (dwgs. at Bank of Montreal, Premises Dept., Toronto)
BANK OF COMMERCE, Bloor Street West at Dufferin Street, 1910 (Toronto Daily Star, 14 Jan. 1910, 12, t.c.; C.R., xxiv, 19 Jan. 1910, 24, t.c.)
IMPERIAL BANK, Queen Street West at Roncesvalles Avenue, 1910 (C.R., xxiv, 27 July 1910, 27, t.c.)
IMPERIAL BANK, Bloor Street West at Dundas Street West, 1910 (Toronto b.p. 22922, 26 Aug. 1910)
UNION BANK, Queen Street West near Roncesvalles Avenue, 1912 (Toronto b.p. 33883, 13 May 1912)
METROPOLITAN BANK, College Street at Bathurst Street, 1913; altered 1978 (Toronto b.p. 1672, 9 Jan. 1913; dwgs. at Bank of Nova Scotia Archives)
DOMINION BANK, King Street West at Yonge Street, 1913-14; still standing in 2022 (Globe [Toronto], 14 Nov. 1914, 16, descrip.; Const., vii, Dec. 1914, 424-55, illus. & descrip.; Builder [London], cvi, 17 April 1914, 476, illus. & descrip.; Architecture [New York], xxxii, Nov. 1915, 280, with plate illus.; W. Dendy & W. Kilbourn, Toronto Observed, 1986, 170-1, illus. & descrip.; D. Winterton, "Toronto's Edwardian Skyscraper Row", in the Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, xl, No. 2, Autumn 2015, 91-94, illus. & descrip.)
IMPERIAL BANK, Queen Street East at Yonge Street, 1914 (C.R., xxviii, 25 Feb. 1914, 78; dwgs. at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Archives, Toronto)
DOMINION BANK, Yonge Street at St. Clair Avenue East, 1917; demol. (Toronto b.p. 12666, 14 June 1917)
DOMINION BANK, Yonge Street at Hayden Street, 1919; demol. (Const., xiv, Dec. 1921, 374, illus.)
MERCHANTS BANK, King Street West at Yonge Street, 1919-20; demol. (Financial Post [Toronto], 4 Oct. 1919, 14, descrip.; Const., xiv, Sept. 1921, 256-59, illus. & descrip.)
DOMINION BANK, Bay Street at Queen Street West, 1919; demol. (Const., xiv, Dec. 1921, 373, illus.)
BANK OF MONTREAL, Cherry Street at Villiers Street, 1920; still standing in 2023 (Const., xiv, Dec. 1921, 371-2, illus.)

DARLING & PEARSON (Banks outside Toronto)

WINDSOR, ONT., Bank of Commerce, Ouellette Avenue at Sandwich Street, 1899 (Evening Record [Windsor], 15 July 1899, 8, extensive descrip.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Bank of Commerce, Main Street near Lombard Avenue, with local supervising architect Charles H. Wheeler, 1899-1900; facade dismantled 1913 and reassembled on Scarth Street in Regina, Sask. by Victor Horsburgh (Manitoba Weekly Free Press (Winnipeg), 10 Nov. 1898, 5; Manitoba Morning Free Press (Winnipeg), 18 Jan. 1899, 4, detailed descrip.; C.A.B., xii, March 1899, illus.; and xiv, Nov. 1901, illus.; Winnipeg Tribune, 14 March 1899, 2, descrip.; and 8 April 1899, 1, illus.; and 23 Oct. 1900, 5, extensive architectural descrip.; Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 18 Jan. 1899, 4, descrip.; and 25 Oct. 1900, 7, illus. & descrip.; C.R., xxvii, 17 Dec. 1913, 56-7, illus. & descrip.; Winnipeg, Monuments to Finance, i, 1980, 31-3, illus. & descrip.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Dominion Bank, Main Street at McDermot Avenue, 1899-1900; demol. 1968 (Winnipeg Tribune, 23 March 1899, 8; and 8 April 1899, 1, illus.; C.A.B., xiv, Oct. 1901, illus.)
VICTORIA, B.C., Bank of Commerce, Government Street at Fort Street, 1900 (Toronto Daily Star, 18 Aug. 1900, 5; Brantford Expositor, 18 Aug. 1900, 1)
PARIS, ONT., Bank of Commerce, Grand River Street North at William Street, 1901 (C.R., xii, 20 March 1901, 2)
HAMILTON, ONT., Trader's Bank, King Street West near James Street North, 1901; demol. (C.R., xii, 20 March 1901, 3)
WIARTON, ONT., Bank of Commerce, 1902 (C.R., xiii, 16 July 1902, 1, t.c.)
COLLINGWOOD, ONT., Bank of Commerce, Hurontario Street, 1902 (Collingwood Bulletin, 7 Aug. 1902, 8, descrip.; C.R., xiii, 27 Aug. 1902, 2)
HALIFAX, N.S., Bank of Nova Scotia, Hollis Street, 1903 (dwgs. at Bank of Nova Scotia Archives, Toronto)
SYDNEY, N.S., Bank of Commerce, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 6 May 1903, 6)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Union Bank, Main Street at William Street, 1903-04 (Winnipeg Tribune, 23 May 1903, 10, descrip.; C.A.B., xvii, Sept. 1904, illus.; and Nov. 1904, 189, descrip.; Western Architect [Minneapolis], xi, May 1908, illus.; Winnipeg, Monuments to Finance, ii, 1982, 33-40, 114, illus. & descrip.; Winnipeg, 1992-1993 The Year Past, 1995, 53-58, illus. & descrip.)
CARMAN, MAN., residence for the Manager of the Bank of Commerce, 1903 (Winnipeg Tribune, 1 June 1903, 2, t.c.)
ORANGEVILLE, ONT., Bank of Commerce, Broadway at Mill Street, 1904; later sold to the Royal Bank in 1925; building later sold to the Orangeville Public Library c 1990; still standing in 2022 (C.R., xiv, 30 Dec. 1903, 1, t.c.; dwgs, at Royal Bank Archives, Montreal)
MEDICINE HAT, ALTA., Bank of Commerce, Toronto Street at Fourth Avenue, designed in 1904, but not built until 1907 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 11 Feb. 1904, 2, t.c.; Evening Journal [Edmonton], 5 Feb. 1907, 5)
PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, MAN., Bank of Commerce, 1904 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 11 Feb., 1904, 2, t.c.)
MIDDLETON, N.S., Bank of Commerce, 1904 (dwgs. at Bank of Nova Scotia Archives, Toronto)
AYR, ONT., Bank of Commerce, 1904 (Free Press [London], 14 July 1904, 5, t.c.)
EDMONTON, ALTA., Bank of Commerce, Jasper Avenue East, between McDougall Street and Queens Avenue, 1904 (Daily Edmonton Bulletin, 30 Sept. 1904, 6, detailed architectural descrip.; C.A.B., xviii, Oct. 1905, 133, descrip., and illus.)
CAYUGA, ONT., Bank of Commerce, Cayuga Street North at Talbot Street West, 1904; still standing in 2022 (Brantford Daily Expositor, 11 Aug. 1904, 3, t.c.)
FORT WILLIAM, ONT., Bank of Commerce, 1905 (C.R., xv, 25 Jan. 1905, 4)
PORT ARTHUR, ONT., Bank of Commerce, Arthur Street at Cumberland Street, 1905 (C.R., xv, 1 March 1905, 4)
NIAGARA FALLS, ONT., Bank of Commerce, 1905 (C.R., xvi, 19 April 1905, 1, t.c.)
PRINCE ALBERT, SASK., Bank of Commerce, King Street at River Street, 1905 (dwgs. at C.I.B.C. Archives, Toronto)
(with Wilson & Hodgson of Calgary) INNISFAIL, ALTA., Bank of Commerce, 50th Street, 1905 (Daily Herald [Calgary], 31 March 1905, 2, t.c.)
(with Wilson & Hodgson of Calgary) CLARESHOLM, ALTA., Bank of Commerce, 1st Street West, 1905 (Daily Herald [Calgary], 31 March 1905, 2, t.c.)
SWAN RIVER, MAN., Bank of Commerce, Main Street East, 1905 (C.R., xvi, 19 April 1905, 6, t.c.)
INDIAN HEAD, SASK., Union Bank, Grand Avenue at Otterlo Street, 1905; still standing in 2023 (C.R., xvi, 31 May 1905, 5, t.c.)
LONDON, ONT., Bank of Commerce, Dundas Street at Richmond Street, 1905 (Free Press [London], 12 April 1905, 1, descrip.; and 14 April 1905, 6, illus.; C.A.B., xix, March 1906, iv, illus. in advert.)
ESSEX, ONT., Imperial Bank, Talbot Road North, 1906 (C.R., xvi, 13 Dec. 1905, 1, t.c.)
BRANDON, MAN., Bank of Commerce, Rosser Avenue at Tenth Street, 1905 (Brandon b.p. 336, 28 June 1905)
PICTON, ONT., Metropolitan Bank, 1905 (dwgs. at NAC, Power Coll., 81203/19)
VANCOUVER, B.C., Bank of Commerce, West Hastings Street at Granville Street, 1906-08 (Province [Vancouver], 19 Dec. 1908, 11, descrip.; Vancouver & Victoria Architecturally, 1911, illus.; Builder [London], ciii, 6 Sept. 1912, 281, illus.; Architectural Review [London], xxxvi, Aug. 1914, 33, illus. & descrip.; dwgs. at Vancouver City Archives)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Imperial Bank, Main Street at Bannatyne Avenue, 1906-07 (C.A.B., xx, Jan. 1907, illus.; Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 28 July 1906, 17, illus. & descrip.; and 6 Dec. 1906, 26, illus. & descrip.; and 6 June 1908, 6, descrip.; Western Architect [Minneapolis], xi, May 1908, illus.; Builder [London], cv, 5 Dec. 1913, 615, illus.; Winnipeg, Monuments to Finance, ii, 1982, 41-5, 115, illus. & descrip.)
CHATHAM, ONT., Dominion Bank, 1906 (inf. Toronto Dominion Bank, Premises Division, South West Region)
DRESDEN, ONT., Bank of Commerce, Main Street at North Street, 1906; still standing in 2023 (dwgs. at C.I.B.C. Archives, Toronto)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Bank of Commerce, Nairn Avenue near Stadacona Street, in Elmwood, 1906 (Winnipeg Daily Tribune, 29 Sept. 1906, Supplement, 5, descrip.; Winnipeg, Monuments to Finance, ii, 1982, 73-4, illus.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Bank of Commerce, Logan Avenue at Blake Street, 1906 (Winnipeg, Monuments to Finance, ii, 1982, 78-9, illus.)
TREHERNE, MAN., Bank of Commerce, Railway Avenue, 1906; demol. (C.R., xvii, 14 March 1906, 4)
MOOSE JAW, SASK., Bank of Commerce, Main Street North, 1906 (C.R., xvii, 16 May 1906, 4; Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 1 Sept. 1906, 13, illus. & descrip.; Moose Jaw Times Semi-Weekly, 6 Sept. 1907, 6, illus. & descrip.)
CANORA, SASK., Canadian Bank of Commerce, Main Street at 1st Avenue, 1906; demol. (NAC, Photography Coll., Acc. Mikan 3315 461)
SAINT JOHN, N.B., Bank of Commerce, King Street, 1906 (dwgs. at NBA, Mott Coll., 164/427)
YORKTON, SASK., Union Bank, Broadway Street East, 1906 (C.R., xvii, 6 June 1906, 2; dwgs. at Royal Bank Archives, Montreal)
HUMBOLDT, SASK., Union Bank, Main Street at 6th Avenue, 1906; still standing in 2023 (Morning Leader [Regina], 28 June 1906, 2, t.c.)
DELORAINE, MAN., Dominion Bank, 1906 (C.R., xvii, 22 Aug. 1906, 4, t.c.)
CARMAN, MAN., Bank of Commerce, 1906 (C.R., xvii, 19 Sept. 1906, 2, t.c.)
SASKATOON, SASK., Bank of Commerce, 2nd Avenue at 21st Street, 1906-07 (C.R., xvii, 24 Oct. 1906, 2)
TRURO, N.S., Bank of Nova Scotia, 1907 (dwgs. at Bank of Nova Scotia Archives, Toronto)
AMHERST, N.S., Bank of Nova Scotia, 1907 (inf. and dwgs. at Bank of Nova Scotia Archives, Toronto)
MONTREAL, QUE., Bank of Commerce, St. James Street, 1907-08; still standing in 2023 (Toronto Daily Star, 1 April 1907, 1, illus. & descrip.; Financial Post [Toronto], 6 April 1907, 2, descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 13 Nov. 1908, 8, descrip.; Const., ii, Nov. 1908, 79, illus.; Montreal Daily Star, 3 June 1909, 10, illus. & detailed architectural descrip.; Builder [London], ci, 4 Aug. 1911, illus.; R.A.I.C. Journal, iv, Feb. 1927, 55, illus.; Montreal, Les Banques, 1980, 14-17, illus.)
WETASKIWIN, ALTA., Bank of Commerce, 1907 (Winnipeg Tribune, 9 Jan. 1907, 2, t.c.; C.R., xvii, 9 Jan. 1907, 2, t.c.)
DAUPHIN, MAN., Bank of Commerce, Main Street North at 2nd Avenue N.W., 1907; demol. (Winnipeg Tribune, 9 Jan. 1907, 2, t.c.; C.R., xvii, 9 Jan. 1907, 2, t.c.)
WEYBURN, SASK., Bank of Commerce, Main Street at Souris Avenue, 1907; still standing in 2023 (Winnipeg Tribune, 9 Jan. 1907, 2, t.c.; C.R., xvii, 9 Jan. 1907, 2, t.c.)
INNISFREE, ALTA., Bank of Commerce, 50th Avenue at 52nd Street, 1907; still standing in 2023 (Susan Wagg, Money Matters-A Critical Look at Bank Architecture, 1990, 84, 156, illus.)
DELORAINE, MAN., a bank building, Broadway Street South at South Railway Avenue, 1907; still standing in 2023 (C.R., xvii, 30 Jan. 1907, 5, t.c.)
KENTVILLE, N.S., Bank of Nova Scotia, Aberdeen Street at Webster Street, 1907; demol. (dwgs. at PANS, Halifax)
KINGSTON, JAMAICA, Bank of Nova Scotia, designed in 1907; built 1908-09; still standing in 2023 (Montreal Daily Star, 18 Jan. 1907, 12; Financial Post [Toronto], 26 Jan. 1907, 3; and 25 Jan. 1908, 5; Canadian Engineer, xvi, 16 April 1909, 523-26, illus. & descrip.; dwgs. at Bank of Nova Scotia Archives, Toronto)
BRANTFORD, ONT., Bank of Nova Scotia, Colborne Street, 1908 (Brantford Daily Expositor, 24 Jan. 1908, 1, descrip.)
STRATHCONA [South Edmonton}, ALTA., Bank of Commerce, Whyte Avenue (now called 82nd Avenue), near 109 Street NW, a 3 storey bank building, 1908 (Strathcona Evening Chronicle, 2 May 1908, 1, descrip.; Evening Journal [Edmonton], 2 June 1908, 5, t.c.; and 4 Nov. 1908, 5, detailed descrip.)
BOLTON, ONT., Imperial Bank, Queen Street, 1908 (C.R., xxii, 23 Sept. 1908, 28, t.c.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Bank of Nova Scotia, Portage Avenue at Garry Street, 1908-10 (Winnipeg Tribune, 6 April 1908, 4, descrip.; and 19 Dec. 1908, 26, descrip.; C.A.B., xxi, April 1908, 10-11, descrip. & illus.; Western Architect [Minneapolis], xi, May 1908, illus.; Const., iv, June 1911, 66-9, illus.; Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 14 Nov. 1908, 25, illus. & descrip.; Winnipeg, Monuments to Finance, i, 1980, 19-27, illus. & descrip.; dwgs. at Bank of Nova Scotia Archives, Toronto)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Bank of Commerce, Osborne Street at Stradbrooke Place, Fort Rouge, 1909 (C.R., xxiii, 17 Feb. 1909, 23)
TRURO, N.S., Bank of Commerce, Prince Street, 1909 (dwgs. at C.I.B.C. Archives, Toronto)
CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I., Bank of Commerce, Grafton Street at Queen Street, 1909 (dwgs. at C.I.B.C. Archives, Toronto)
CRANBROOK, B.C., Imperial Bank, Baker Street, 1909 (dwgs. at C.I.B.C. Archives, Toronto)
LETHBRIDGE, ALTA., Bank of Commerce, 5th Street South, 1909 (C.R., xxiii, 5 May 1909, 23)
DELISLE, SASK., Bank of Commerce, First Street West at 2nd Avenue West, 1909; later sold to the Royal Bank of Canada; still standing in 2022 (dwgs at Real Estate Dept., Royal Bank, Montreal)
SASKATOON, SASK., Union Bank, Second Avenue at 21st Street, 1909 (Saskatoon Phoenix, 20 May 1909, 8, detailed descrip.; and 25 June 1909, 5)
NORTH BATTLEFORD, SASK., Bank of Commerce, 1909 (dwgs. at C.I.B.C. Archives, Toronto)
KENORA, ONT., Imperial Bank, Main Street South at 2nd Street South, 1910; still standing in 2023 (Kenora Miner, 12 Feb. 1910, 1; and 5 Nov. 1910, 1, descrip.)
REVELSTOKE, B.C., Bank of Commerce, 1st Street East at MacKenzie Avenue, 1910; still standing in 2023 (dwgs. at C.I.B.C. Archives, Toronto)
NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C., Bank of Commerce, Columbia Avenue, 1910 (C.R., xxiv, 4 May 1910, 24)
BASSANO, ALTA., Bank of Commerce, 2nd Avenue near 3rd Street, 1910; still standing in 2022 (Bassano News, 1 July 1910, 1, detailed architectural descrip.)
STRATHMORE, ALTA., Bank of Commerce, 1910 (Bassano News, 1 July 1910, 1)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Bank of Commerce, Main Street near Lombard Avenue, 1910-12; still standing in 2023 (Financial Post [Toronto], 29 Oct. 1910, 13, descrip.; C.R., xxv, 22 Feb. 1911, 41, illus. & descrip.; Const., iv, April 1911, 64, illus.; Architectural Review [London], xxxvi, Aug. 1914, 31-33, descrip. with Plate X, illus.; Winnipeg, Monuments to Finance, i, 1980, 32-40, illus.; H. Kalman, History of Canadian Architecture, 1994, 581-2, illus. & descrip.; dwg at NAC, 82303/15)
VICTORIA, B.C., Bank of Commerce, Douglas Street at Bay Street, a pre-fabricated wood frame bank building, 1910; still standing in 2023 (M. Segger & D. Franklin, Victoria, 1979, 76-7, illus.; Victoria Heritage Foundation, This Old House: Victoria's Heritage Neighbourhoods, Vol. 3, 2021, 41-42, illus. & descrip.)
STRATHROY, ONT., Bank of Commerce, 1910-11 (C.R., xxv, 8 March 1911, 148, illus. in advert.)
KINGSTON, ONT., Bank of Commerce, King Street East at Brock Street, a 3 storey bank building, 1911; still standing in 2023 (C.R., xxv, 26 April 1911, 55; J. McKendry, Modern Architecture in Kingston, 2014, 12, illus. & descrip.)
REGINA, SASK., Imperial Bank, Scarth Street at Eleventh Avenue, 1911 (Morning Leader [Regina], 30 Nov. 1911, Building Number supplement, illus. & descrip.)
CALGARY, ALTA., Canadian Bank of Commerce, 1st Street West at 12th Avenue, a 3 storey bank building, 1912; restored and still standing in 2023 (Calgary Herald, 5 August 1912, 1, descrip.)
ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., Bank of Nova Scotia, Water Street, 1915 (dwgs. at Bank of Nova Scotia Archives, Toronto)
WINDSOR, ONT., Dominion Bank, Riverside Drive at Ouelette Avenue, addition, 1920 (inf. Toronto Dominion Bank Archives, Toronto)
NAPANEE, ONT., Dominion Bank, 1919 (C.R., xxxiii, 22 Oct. 1919, 45)
SUDBURY, ONT., Canadian Bank of Commerce, Elm Street, 1919 (C.R., xxxiii, 12 Feb. 1919, 48)
OTTAWA, ONT., Bank of Commerce, Sparks Street, between Metcalfe Street and O'Connor Street, 1921-23 (Evening Journal [Ottawa], 7 Feb. 1921, 1 & 2, descrip.; and 12 May 1923, 34 & 35, illus. & descrip.; Ottawa Citizen, 5 May 1923, 30-31, illus. & descrip.; Const., xvii, July 1924, 215-17, illus. & descrip.; dwgs. at C.I.B.C. Archives, Toronto)

DARLING & PEARSON (Institutional & Educational Works in Toronto)

TORONTO HUNT CLUB, Kingston Road near Warden Avenue, Scarborough Heights, 1897; burned early 1911; new Clubhouse, 1911-12; still standing in 2022 (C.A.B., xi, May 1898, illus.; Toronto Star, 28 June 1911, 1, illus.; Toronto Society of Architects Exhibit Catalogue, 1912, 63, 65, illus.; Building News [London], cv, 24 Oct. 1913, illus.; Eric Arthur, Toronto - No Mean City, 1964, 197, illus.; inf. Barbara Myrvold, Toronto)
PARKDALE CURLING CLUB, Cowan Avenue near Queen Street West, 1897-98 (Toronto World, 17 Dec. 1897, 3, descrip.)
VICTORIA SQUARE, Portland Street, monument for the Imperial Regiments, 1901; still standing in 2022 (Toronto Daily Star, 10 April 1901, 4; C.A.B., xiv, April 1901, 86)
(with Francis Heakes) MINING BUILDING, College Street opposite McCaul Street, 1902-03; still standing in 2022 (C.A.B., xv, Nov. 1902, illus.)
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO MEDICAL SCIENCES BUILDING, 1902-03; demol. 1967 (C.R., xiii, 12 March 1902, 3; A.B. Macallum, The New Medical Buildings of the University of Toronto, 1903, 2)
ST. JAMES CEMETERY, Parliament Street, opposite Wellesley Street East, Gate Lodge, fence and gates, 1905 (C.R., xv, 11 Jan. 1905, 1, t.c.)
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE WOMEN'S RESIDENCE, Queen's Park Crescent near Grosvenor Street, 1905 (C.R., xvi, 10 May 1905, 2, t.c.)
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, Convocation Hall, King's College Circle, 1905-06; still standing in 2022 (Globe [Toronto], 2 April 1904, 20, illus. & descrip.; Toronto Daily Star, 14 July 1905, 7, descrip.; C.A.B., xviii, May 1905, 66; and xxi, Feb. 1908, 53-7, illus.; Builder [London], cv, 5 Dec. 1913, illus.; and cvii, 16 Oct. 1914, 362 ff., plate illus.)
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PHYSICS LABORATORY, King's College Road, 1906-07; damaged by fire February 1977; restored and still standing in 2022 (Toronto Daily Star, 25 April 1906, 15, t.c.; C.A.B., xx, July 1907, 120-1, illus., plates in Architects Edition only)
FACULTY OF EDUCATION, Bloor Street West at Spadina Avenue, 1908-09; additions 1924 and 1931; still standing in 2022 (C.R., xxii, 19 Aug. 1908, 21, illus. & descrip.; Toronto Daily Star, 11 March 1909, 8, t.c.; Const., xvii, Aug. 1924, 245-7, illus. & descrip.; C.R., xlv, 7 Oct. 1931, 1223-4, illus. & descrip.; dwgs. at Univ. of Toronto Archives)
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY, Bookstack Building, at the rear of the Sigmund Samuel Library, facing Queen's Park Crescent, 1909; altered 2002; still standing in 2022 (C.R., xxiii, 10 Nov. 1909, 33, illus. & descrip.)
ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM, Queen's Park Crescent at Bloor Street West, West Wing facing Philosopher's Walk, 1910-11; still standing in 2022 (Const., iii, Sept. 1910, 59, illus.; dwgs. at Univ. of Toronto Archives)
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, Central Light, Heat & Power Plant., 1910, demol. (C.R., xxiv, 18 May 1910, 27)
TORONTO GENERAL HOSPITAL, College Street at University Avenue, 1910-12; Nurses Home, 1911; Power House & Laundry, 1911; Private Patients Building, 1911; Obstetrics Building, 1911 (Const., iii, May 1910, 64-9, illus. & descrip.; and vi, Nov. 1913, 410, 412-32, illus. & descrip.; C.R., xxv, 17 May 1911, 36-7, illus. & descrip.)
YORK CLUB, Bloor Street West at St. George Street, addition of verandah and dining room, 1911; still standing in 2022 (W. Dendy & W. Kilbourn, Toronto Observed, 1986, 132)
NORTH TORONTO RAILWAY STATION, Yonge Street at Summerhill Avenue, for the Canadian Pacific Railway and Canadian Northern Railway, 1915-16; still standing in 2022 (C.R., xxix, 15 Sept. 1915, 964, illus. & descrip.; and xxx, 12 July 1916, 680-1, illus. & descrip.; Const., x, April 1917, 120-4, illus. & descrip.; Canadian Railway & Marine World, xviii, Aug. 1915, 298-99, illus. & descrip.; and xix, July 1916, 287-89, illus. & descrip.; W. Dendy & W. Kilbourn, Toronto Observed, 1986, 192-3, illus. & descrip.)
ART GALLERY OF TORONTO, Dundas Street West at Beverley Street, 1916-18; Walker Court, with East and West Wings, 1924-25; additions 1935; still standing in 2022, with additions by others in 1968, 1974, 1988-90, and 2006-08 (Const., xi, May 1918, 136-41, 152, illus. & descrip.; and xix, April 1926, 104-12, illus. & descrip.; Toronto Daily Star, 2 Jan. 1926, 5, detailed architectural descrip.; R.A.I.C. Journal, iii, March/April 1926, 63, 66-7, illus.; dwgs. at Art Gallery of Ontario Archives)
MOUNT PLEASANT CEMETERY, Mausoleum, 1917-18; still standing in 2022 (Const., xiv, Sept. 1921, 264-8, illus. & descrip.)
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ANATOMY BUILDING, Queen's Park Crescent, 1919-21 (C.R., xxxvi, 27 Dec. 1922, 1231-2, illus. & descrip.; Const., xvii, Aug. 1924, 249-52, illus. & descrip.; R.A.I.C. Journal, ii, Jan.-Feb. 1925, 13, illus.)
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ELECTRICAL BUILDING, Taddle Creek Road, 1920 (Toronto b.p. 28945, 11 March 1920)
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS BUILDING, 1920, with addition, 1926; still standing in 2024, and now called The Engineering Annex (Toronto Daily Star, 13 May 1926, 19; L.W. Richards, University of Toronto - A Campus Guide, 2019, 96, illus. and descrip.)
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO TRINITY COLLEGE, Hoskin Avenue, designed 1914; constructed in 1923-25; still standing in 2022 (Const., xv, March 1922, 78, illus.; and xviii, Nov. 1925, 332-41, illus. & descrip.; R.A.I.C. Journal, ii, Nov.-Dec. 1925, 195-203, illus. & descrip.; Graham Owen, 'Projects for Trinity College, Toronto', in Journal of Canadian Art History, iv, Spring 1977, 61-72, illus. & descrip.; dwgs at Trinity College Archives, Toronto)
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, Women's Union Building, St George Street, addition, 1922 (University of Toronto Monthly, xxii, June 1922, 404; C.R., xxxvi, 26 July 1922, 78)
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, SIMCOE HALL, King's College Circle, 1922-23; still standing in 2022 (Const., xvii, Aug. 1924, 240-4, illus. & descrip.; R.A.I.C. Journal, ii, Jan.-Feb. 1925, 10-11, 23, illus.)

DARLING & PEARSON (Institutional & Educational Works outside Toronto)

WINNIPEG, MAN., Nurses Home for the General Hospital, Bannatyne Avenue at Olivia Street, 1906 (C.R., xvii, 18 April 1906, 5, t.c.)
REGINA, SASK., Land Titles Office, Victoria Avenue at Cornwall Street, 1906-07 (Morning Leader [Regina], 23 Feb. 1907, 8, descrip.; and 27 April 1907, 11, descrip.; Saskatchewan, Annual Report of the Dept. of Public Works of Saskatchewan 1907-08, 152)
REGINA, SASK., Metropolitan Methodist Church, Victoria Park, 1907 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 9 Nov. 1907, 17, descrip.)
YORKTON, SASK., Land Titles Office, 1907 (C.R., xviii, 10 July 1907, 4-6, t.c.; Saskatchewan, Annual Report of the Dept. of Public Works of Saskatchewan 1907-08, 152-3)
MOOSOMIN, SASK., Provincial Jail, 1908 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 18 Feb. 1908, 12, descrip.; C.R., xix, 19 Feb. 1908, 17, t.c.; Saskatchewan, Annual Report of the Dept. of Public Works of Saskatchewan 1907-08, 154)
BATTLEFORD, SASK., Land Titles Building, 23rd Street West, 1907-08 (Manitoba Morning Free Press [Winnipeg], 3 July 1907, 21, t.c.; Saskatchewan, Annual Report of the Dept. of Public Works of Saskatchewan 1907-08, 152; Sask. Association of Architects, Historic Architecture of Saskatchewan, 1986, 76, illus.) MOOSE JAW, SASK., Court House, Ominica Street West, 1908-09 (C.R., xix, 18 March 1908, 20, t.c.; Saskatchewan, Annual Report of the Dept. of Public Works of Saskatchewan 1907-08, 153)
OTTAWA, ONT., Ottawa Country Club, new clubhouse, 1908 (C.R., xix, 26 Feb. 1908, 17, t.c.)
REGINA, SASK., Assiniboia Club House, Victoria Avenue near Rose Street, 1911 (C.R., xxv, 2 Aug. 1911, 60)
REGINA, SASK., new buildings for the General Hospital, 14th Avenue, 1912 (C.R., xxv, 13 Dec. 1911, 118)
GILFORD, ONT., "Innisfree Farm", a model farm, with a large barn, silos and outbuildings, for Sir Edmund Walker, 2nd Line Road near Limerick Street, 1913; still standing 2017 (inf. David Winterton, Toronto)
(with Andrew R. Cobb) HALIFAX, N.S., Dalhousie University Campus, (R.A.I.C. Journal, iii, Jan.-Feb. 1926, 15, 19-27, illus. & descrip.; dwgs. at PANS), with several new buildings on campus including:
Science Building, 1913-15 (Evening Mail [Halifax], 13 Nov. 1913, 6); and
McDonald Memorial Library, Dalhousie University, 1914-15; and
Shirreff Hall Women's Residence, South Street near Oxford Street, 1919-22 (Evening Mail [Halifax], 7 Feb. 1919, 5, descrip.; and 13 July 1922, 18, descrip.; and 5 June 1925, 8, detailed architectural descrip.; C.R., xxxiv, 28 July 1920, 51)

DARLING & PEARSON (Ecclesiastical works in Toronto unless noted)

CAMDEN EAST, ONT., St. Luke's Anglican Church, County Road 4, opposite Queen Victoria Street, 1897; still standing in 2022 (Canadian Churchman [Toronto], 13 Jan. 1898, 24-5, descrip.)
PARKDALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Dunn Avenue, new Sunday School, 1899 (Toronto b.p. 31, 3 May 1899)
MONTREAL, QUE., St. John The Evangelist Anglican Church, Ontario Street, design and installation of a new stone chancel screen in the nave interior, 1901 (Gazette [Montreal], 25 June 1901, 5, descrip.)
ST. JAMES ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL, new Rectory, Adelaide Street East at Church Street, 1903; Parish Hall, 1909; interior alterations 1913; all still standing in 2022 (C.R., xiv, 4 March 1903, 1, t.c.; and xxiii, 31 March 1909, 20, t.c.; and xxvii, 28 May 1913, 68; Canadian Churchman [Toronto], 10 Dec. 1908, 820, illus.; Toronto World, 17 Aug. 1910, 2, descrip.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., new rectory for Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Graham Avenue at Donald Street, 1905 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 6 May 1905, 10, illus. & descrip.; and 30 Oct. 1905, 30, illus.; C.A.B., xix, July 1906, 101, descrip. & illus.)
(with Saxe & Archibald) MONTREAL, QUE., Emmanuel Congregational Church, Drummond Street, 1906-07; still standing in 2022 (Montreal, Les Eglises, 1981, 22-5, illus.)
REGINA, SASK., Metropolitan Methodist Church, Lorne Street at Victoria Avenue, 1906-07; damaged by tornado in 1912; rebuilt to original plans 1912-13 (Morning Leader [Regina], 30 May 1906, 5, t.c.; and 10 Sept. 1906, 1 & 2, illus. & descrip.; and 27 April 1907, 3, 26, illus. & descrip.; and 21 Sept. 1907, 2, descrip.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Broadway Baptist Church, Broadway at Walnut Street, 1906 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 6 Dec. 1906, 53, illus. & descrip.)
ST. MARY MAGDALENE ANGLICAN CHURCH, Manning Avenue at Ulster Street, 1907; still standing in 2023 (Globe [Toronto], 24 April 1907, 14, illus. & descrip.)
HAMILTON, ONT., St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church (now St. Paul's Presbyterian Church) James Street South at Jackson Street West, major extension of the chancel and interior alterations, with local Hamilton architect Hugh Vallance, (Evening Times [Hamilton], 7 Sept. 1909, 7, detailed descrip.; M. MacRae & A. Adamson, Hallowed Walls, 1975, 151; inf. Robert Hamilton)
D4NDAS, ONT., memorial brass plaque inside St. James Anglican Church, honoring three Canadian soldiers, Major. Charles C. Gwyn (1884-1917) , Lieut. Edward R. Osler (1895-1917) , and Lieut. Ralph F. L. Osler (1891-1916) , designed 1923 (Spectator [Hamilton], 26 Jan. 1924, 11, descrip).

DARLING & PEARSON (Commercial & Industrial works in Toronto unless noted)

LAWLOR BUILDING, King Street West at Yonge Street, 1897; demol. (C.R., viii, 25 March 1897, 3; and 8 July 1897, 3)
TORONTO RAILWAY COMPANY OFFICE, King Street East at Church Street, 1897-98; demol. (C.R., viii, 15 July 1897, 3; C.A.B., xi, Feb. 1898, 27)
GEORGE N. MORANG PUB. CO., Wellington Street West near York Street, a 3 storey commercial block, 1898-99; demol. c. 1970 (Globe [Toronto], 6 Feb. 1899, 10, detailed descrip.; Vancouver Daily World, 13 Feb. 1899, 3)
NIAGARA FALLS, ONT., reconstruction of the Clifton House Hotel after a fire in 1898, completed in 1899; burned December 1932 (C.R., ix, 11 Jan. 1899, 2)
MUSKOKA, ONT., a large 4 storey resort hotel, on Wrenshalls Point, Lake Rosseau, near Port Carling, 1900 (Globe [Toronto], 24 Feb. 1900, 23, illus. & descrip.)
ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTS, remodelling of offices for the O.A.A., King Street West, 1900; demol. (C.A.B., xiii, Nov. 1900, 210, descrip.; and xiv, March 1901, 52-3, illus.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Canada Life Assurance Co., Portage Avenue at Main Street, addition of two storeys to existing building, with new facade, 1902 (C.R., xiii, 2 April 1902, 3)
CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., King Street West at Simcoe Street, a 4 storey office block, designed 1903; built 1907-08; still standing in 2022 (Toronto Daily Star, 24 Jan. 1903, 1, descrip., and 7 Feb. 1903, 6, illus. & descrip.; C.A.B., xx, Aug. 1907, 136, illus.; Const., ii, Dec. 1908, 56-9, illus. & descrip.)
JOHN INGLIS CO., office building, Strachan Avenue, 1904 (Toronto b.p. 553, 27 May 1904)
McCLARY MANUFACTURING CO., King Street West near York Street, warehouse, 1904; demol. (Toronto b.p. 694, 17 June 1904; dwgs. in Univ. of Western Ontario, Moore Coll.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Osler Hammond & Nanton Building, Portage Avenue at Main Street, 1906-07 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 6 Dec. 1906, 26, 32, descrip.; Western Architect [Minneapolis], xi, May 1908, illus.; Winnipeg, 1981 The Year Past, 1982, 47-8, illus. & descrip.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Winnipeg Grain Exchange Building, Lombard Avenue at Rorie Street, 1906-07 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 2 June 1906, 17, illus. & descrip.; 6 Dec. 1906, 41, illus. & descrip.; 21 Nov. 1907, 21, illus. & descrip.; 29 Aug. 1908, 13, illus. & descrip.; 14 Nov. 1908, 25, descrip.; Winnipeg Daily Tribune, 19 Dec. 1908, 26, descrip.; Western Architect [Minneapolis], xi, May 1908, illus.; Winnipeg, 1992-1993 The Year Past, 1995, 47-50, illus. & descrip.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., North West Commercial Traveller's Building, Bannatyne Avenue at King Street, 1906 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 21 July 1906, 1, illus. & descrip.; Winnipeg Telegram, 21 July 1906, 10; Commercial Traveller, iv, Sept. 1906, 21, illus.; and v, Dec. 1907, 16-7, descrip.; Winnipeg, 1979 The Year Past, 13-4, illus. & descrip.)
PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, MAN., Ideal Furniture Company Block, 1906 (C.A.B., xx, Jan. 1907, illus.)
REGINA, SASK., Nichols & Shepard Threshing Machine Co., Broad Street, between 7th & 8th Avenue, office building and warehouse, 1907 (Morning Leader [Regina], 16 Feb. 1907, 1, descrip.; and 27 April 1907, 11, descrip.)
REGINA, SASK., Darke Block, a five storey block for Francis N. Darke, Eleventh Avenue near Scarth Street, 1907 (Morning Leader [Regina], 9 March 1907, 3, descrip.; and 27 April 1907, 3 and 9, illus. & descrip.)
REGINA, SASK., Mackenzie & Brown Block, Scarth Street, a commercial block for Norman Mackenzie K.C., and George W. Brown, barrister, 1907-08 (Morning Leader [Regina], 29 June 1907, 14, t.c.; and 6 June 1908, 14, illus.; C.R., xviii, 10 July 1907, 4)
FORT WILLIAM, ONT., office block for E.H. Cuthbertson, Victoria Avenue, 1908 (C.R., xxii, 16 Sept. 1908, 29; dwgs. at Bank of Nova Scotia Archives, Toronto)
PORT ARTHUR, ONT., office block for R.A. Ruttan, 1909 (C.R., xxiii, 31 March 1909, 21)
WATERLOO, ONT., Mutual Life Assurance Company, King Street at Union Street, 1910-12; addition 1927; still standing in 2022 (Const., vii, April 1914, 122, 125-35, illus. & descrip.; Building News [London], cix, 15 Sept. 1915, 290 & plate illus.; C.R., xli, 1 June 1927, 50; inf. Ms. N. Maitland, Archives Div., Mutual Life Assurance Co.)
VANCOUVER, B.C., Canada Life Assurance Co., West Hastings Street, 1909-10 (C.R., xxiii, 6 Oct. 1909, 25, t.c.; dwgs. at Vancouver City Archives)
CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY BUILDING, Yonge Street at King Street East, 1911-12; still standing in 2022 (Toronto Society of Architects Exhibit Catalogue, 1912, 139, illus.; Const., vi, Aug. 1913, 290, 293-300, illus. & descrip.; David Winterton, "Toronto's Edwardian Skyscraper Row", in the Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, xl, No. 2, Autumn 2015, 89-91, illus. & descrip.)
MONTREAL, QUE., Sun Life Assurance Company, Dominion Square, 1914-18; addition on Mansfield Street, 1923-25; large addition with tower, 1927-31; all still standing in 2022 (La Presse [Montreal], 28 Dec. 1912, 25, illus. & descrip.; Const., xi, Dec. 1918, 370-92, illus. & descrip.; and xix, March 1926, 72-82, 88, illus. & descrip.; Montreal Daily Star, 21 May 1927, 3, illus. & descrip.; Gazette [Montreal], 21 May 1927, 5; Canadian Engineer, lxiii, 27 Sept. 1932, 5-10, illus. & descrip.; Architectural Review [London], xlvi, Sept. 1919, 52-55, illus. & descrip.; Montreal, Les Hotels Les Immeubles de Bureaux, 1983, 215-20, illus.; H. Kalman, History of Canadian Architecture, 1994, 738-9, illus. & descrip.; inf. Scott Edwards)

DARLING & PEARSON (Residential works in Toronto unless noted)

ST. GEORGE STREET, at Bloor Street West, for Col. George A. Sweny, c. 1897; demol. 1930 (R.I.B.A. Journal [London], xx, 25 Jan. 1913, 165-181, illus in essay by Francis S. Baker; and list of works in obituary, Construction [Toronto], xvi, June 1923, 206; inf. Sean Blank, Toronto)
BLOOR STREET WEST, near Avenue Road, for Henry C. Scadding, 1898; demol. (Toronto b.p. 8, 24 Aug. 1898)
GALT, ONT., for Alexander R. Goldie, Brant Road, 1898 (C.R., ix, 24 Aug. 1898, 1)
HOMEWOOD AVENUE, near Wellesley Street East, for Daniel R. Wilkie, 1899 (Toronto b.p. 138, 20 June 1899)
BEAUMONT ROAD, for Walter S. Andrews, c. 1899 (C.A.B., xiii, March 1900, illus.)
QUEEN'S PARK CRESCENT, near Hoskin Avenue, for Sir Joseph W. Flavelle, 1901-02 (C.R., xii, 13 March 1901, 6; W. Dendy & W. Kilbourn, Toronto Observed, 1986, 172-4, illus.; Charles C. Hill, edit., Artists, Architects & Artisans - Canadian Art 1890-1918, 2013, 68-9, illus. & descrip.)
ST. GEORGE STREET, addition to residence for B. Edmund Walker, 1902; demol. 1969 (W. Dendy, Lost Toronto, 1978, 167-71, illus.)
ST. GEORGE STREET, near Russell Street, for William H. Brouse, 1902 (Toronto b.p. 389, 17 Sept. 1902)
(with Huot & Asselin) STE. PETRONILLE, I'LE D'ORLEANS, QUE., large residence for Charles E.L. Porteous, 1902-03 (Charles C. Hill, edit., Artists, Architects & Artisans - Canadian Art 1890-1918, 2013, 148-51, illus. & descrip., with footnote No. 77, p. 208)
LOWTHER AVENUE, at Huron Street, for James W.B. Walsh, 1904 (Toronto b.p. 1047, 15 Aug. 1904)
STONY LAKE, ONT., summer residence and estate on Davis Island for Alfred Davis and Emma Cox, 1904-07; still standing in 2022 (Toronto Life Magazine, Aug. 1993, 60-4, illus. & descrip.; National Post [Toronto], 27 July 2013, PH 10, illus.)
MAYNARD AVENUE, near King Street West, for John A. Pearson, architect, 1905 (Toronto b.p. 1002, 2 June 1905)
ROSEDALE, additions to "Craigleigh", a mansion for Sir Edmund B. Osler, Beau Street opposite South Drive, c. 1905; demol. (R.I.B.A. Journal [London], xx, 25 Jan. 1913, 165-181, illus in essay by Francis S. Baker; and list of works in obituary, Construction [Toronto], xvi, June 1923, 206; inf. Sean Blank, Toronto) WINNIPEG, MAN., residence for Frederick W. Ellis, Wellington Crescent, 1906 (Winnipeg Daily Tribune, 17 Feb. 1906, 2, t.c.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Prince Rupert Apartment Block, Ellice Avenue at Edmonton Street, 1906; demol. (Winnipeg Daily Tribune, 28 March 1906, 2, t.c.; Winnipeg b.p. #1293, 1906)
WINNIPEG, MAN., 'The Deanery', for the Anglican Archbishop S.P. Matheson, adjacent to St. John's Anglican Cathedral, 1906 (C.R., xvii, 4 April 1906, 5, t.c.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., for Frank W. Adams, Roslyn Place, 1906 (Free Press [Winnipeg], 16 April 1906, 17; C.R., xvii, 25 April 1906, 4)
WINNIPEG, MAN., residence for F.H. Telfer, The Kingsway, 1906 (Winnipeg Daily Tribune, 31 March 1906, 5, t.c.)
FOREST HILL ROAD, near St. Clair Avenue West, for Vere C. Brown, 1907 (Toronto b.p. 6616, 14 March 1907)
PARK ROAD, near Crescent Road, for Alfred Johnston, 1908 (Toronto b.p. 11041, 14 May 1908)
FOREST HILL ROAD, near St. Clair Avenue West, for Frederick L. M. Grassett, 1908 (Toronto b.p. 12866, 12 Oct. 1908)
ADMIRAL ROAD, near Bernard Avenue, for Misses M. & E. Currie, 1909 (Toronto b.p. 15168, 10 May 1909)
KINGSTON, ONT., residence for David B. Murray, Alice Street, 1910; demol. (dwgs. at NAC, Power Coll. 81203/19)
QUEEN'S PARK CRESCENT, at Wellesley Street West, substantial additions and alterations to residence for Robert J. Christie, 1910-11; still standing in 2022 (Toronto b.p. 22825, 17 Aug. 1910; Builder [London], cvii, 16 Oct. 1914, plate illus.; Roberto Chiotti, 'Christie Mansion', in Perspectives - The Journal of the Ontario Association of Architects, xxii, No. 4, Winter 2014, 30-31, illus. & descrip.)
WALMER ROAD, near Davenport Road, for Douglas G. Ross, 1910 (Toronto b.p. 21901, 7 July 1910)
DUNVEGAN ROAD, near Lonsdale Road, for J.L. Ross, 1912 (Toronto b.p. 35492, 26 June 1912)
AVENUE ROAD, at Edmund Avenue, additions to 'Benvenuto', for Sir William MacKenzie, 1914 (Toronto b.p. 9083, 5 Feb. 1914)
OSHAWA, ONT., 'Parkwood', for Robert S. McLaughlin, Simcoe Street North, 1916-17 (C.R., xxxi, 24 Jan. 1917, 81-2, illus. & descrip.; Const., xii, June 1919, 164-71, illus. & descrip.)
GALT, ONT., extensive alterations to 'Rothie Norman', a residence for R.O. McCulloch, Blenheim Road, c. 1920 (C.H.G., iv, Feb. 1927, 48, illus.)
PORT CREDIT, ONT., 'Alannah', for Mrs. A.C. McMaster, Dixie Road, c. 1920 (C.H.G., xviii, Sept. 1941, 22-3, illus.)

DARLING, PEARSON & OVER (works in Winnipeg unless noted)

CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO., Portage Avenue at Main Street, major addition to existing block, "...to be extended thirty feet south on Main Street" (Winnipeg Tribune, 6 June 1902, 5, descrip.)
BALMORAL PLACE, near Broadway, a brick residence for an unnamed client, 1903 (Winnipeg Tribune, 26 Feb. 1903, 2, t.c.)
McMILLAN STREET, at Nassau Street, a wood frame residence for an unnamed client, 1903 (Winnipeg Tribune, 16 March 1903, 2, t.c.)
ASSINIBOINE AVENUE, residence for J.C. Gordon, 1903 (Winnipeg Tribune, 22 June 1903, 2, t.c.)
STRADBROOKE PLACE, residence for F.W. White, 1904 (Winnipeg Tribune, 3 March 1904, 2, t.c.)
ST. PHILIP'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, Eugenie Street at Tache Avenue, Norwood, 1904; still standing in 2023 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 23 May 1904, 7, illus. & descrip.; Winnipeg Daily Tribune, 30 May 1904, 3, illus. & descrip.)
UNION BANK BUILDING, Main Street at William Avenue, a 10 storey tower, 1904 (Winnipeg Daily Tribune,1 Feb. 1904, 5; and 27 July 1904, 2, illus. & descrip.)
ADAMS BROTHERS LTD., Market Street East, warehouse, 1904 (Winnipeg Daily Tribune, 10 Feb. 1904, 2, t.c.; Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 3 Oct. 1904, 9, illus. & descrip.)
THE IDEAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS CO., Portage Avenue at Hargrave Street, for William Grundy, 1904 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 3 Dec. 1904, 9, illus. & descrip.; Winnipeg Daily Tribune, 23 Sept. 1905, 1)
ALASKA FEATHER & DOWN CO. (later Ideal Bedding Co.), warehouse, Princess Street near Logan Avenue, 1904 (C.A.B., xvii, Oct. 1904, 173; Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 24 November 1904, 18; and 4 Feb. 1905, 19, illus. & descrip.)
POSTAL OFFICE BUILDING & POSTAL STATION, Portage Avenue, west of Fort Street, 1904-06 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 23 July 1904, 1; and 22 Oct.. 1904, 15, illus. & descrip.; C.A.B., xvii, Nov. 1904, 181, descrip. & plate illus.; Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 30 Oct. 1905, 18, illus. & descrip.; and 6 Dec. 1906, 41, illus. & descrip.; and 5 Sept. 1908, 25, illus. & descrip.)
HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, Donald Street, a new Rectory for the church, 1905 (Winnipeg Tribune, 20 March 1905, 2, t.c.)
ST. CHARLES COUNTRY CLUB, 1905 (Winnipeg Tribune, 21 March 1905, 1, descrip.; Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 8 July 1905, 8, illus. & descrip.; C.A.B., xviii, Nov. 1905, 149, descrip. & plate illus.)
MANITOBA MEDICAL COLLEGE, Bannatyne Avenue at Emily Street, 1905 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 21 March 1905, 6, illus. & descrip.; C.R., xvi, 22 March 1905, 6, t.c.)
DONALD STREET, residence for Hunt W.A. Chambre, 1905 (C.R., xvi, 29 March 1905, 6)
(with M.B. Aylesworth, local associate architect) PORT ARTHUR, ONT., Canadian Bank of Commerce, 1905 (Manitoba Free Press, 14 April 1905, 2, t.c.)
PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, MAN., addition to the General Hospital, 1905 (C.R., xvi, 26 April 1905, 6)
WINNIPEG LODGING & COFFEE HOUSE, Logan Avenue at Martha Street, 1905 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 6 May 1905, 10, descrip.; and 3 June 1905, 6; Manitoba, Missions & Settlement Houses in Manitoba 1880-1930, by L. Murphy, 1986, 27, illus.; Winnipeg, 1991-The Year Past, 1993, 34-5, illus.)
SPENCE STREET, residence for A. Matheson, 1905 (Winnipeg Tribune, 27 April 1905, 2, t.c.; C.R., xvi, 3 May 1905, 6)
CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Notre Dame Avenue, office building and warehouse, 1905 (Winnipeg Tribune, 25 May 1905, 2, t.c.; and 23 Sept. 1905, 1)
ST. BONIFACE, MAN., Western Canada Flour Mill Co., a new barrel mill building, and storage warehouse adjacent, Archibald Street near Messier Street, 1905; demol. 2007 (Winnipeg Tribune, 6 July 1905, 2, t.c.; and 22 July 1905, 2, illus. & descrip.; and 16 Dec. 1905, Section Three, p. 2, illus.)
BROADWAY, near Smith Street, residence for Dr. Robert J. Blanchard, 1905 (C.R., xvi, 26 July 1905, 5)
CANADA MALTING CO., Notre Dame Avenue West, brewery and malting building, 1905 (Winnipeg Tribune, 23 Sept. 1905, 1)
DOMINION RADIATOR CO., Victoria Street, warehouse, 1905 (Winnipeg Tribune, 23 Sept. 1905, 1)
ASSINIBOINE AVENUE, at Hargrave Street, residence for John C. Gordon, 1905 (C.A.B., xix, Aug. 1906, 117, descrip. and plate illus.)
SASKATOON, SASK., Union Bank, a five storey block, 2nd Avenue at 21st Street, 1909-10 (Daily Phoenix [Saskatoon], 25 June 1909, 5, descrip.)


WESTERN ASSURANCE CO., Wellington Street East at Scott Street, office block, 1878. Frank Darling was one of at least 6 architects who submitted a design for this large commercial project, and he exhibited his design at the Ontario Society of Artists exhibition in 1879. The winner was Richard A. Waite of Buffalo, N.Y.
TORONTO, ONT., Provincial Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, 1880-81. Sixteen entries were received during the First Stage of this important competition in October 1880. The scheme by Darling & Curry, designed in a thirteenth century Gothic style and signed 'October' , was judged to be the best of the non-premiated designs (Mail [Toronto], 4 Dec. 1880, 2, descrip.). It was '......a very artistic design, displaying a novelty of conception in plans and much picturesqueness in elevation, but it's authors careless disregard for limit of cost is an unfortunate circumstance' (OA, RG15, Box E1, Vol. 17, Envelope 1, Report of the Jury). In March of 1881 they were asked to revise their plans and resubmit their scheme along with five other competitors, but the provincial government later rejected all of the schemes. Darling's drawings survive and can be found at the National Archives in Ottawa (NAC, National Map Coll., 82303/34, Dwgs. 1 to 3). It was not until 1887 that Darling was offered compensation by the provincial government for his drawings (Free Press [London], 1 April 1887, 6)
Design for a House of Moderate Cost, 1889, by Darling & Curry (C.A.B., ii, June 1889, illus. plate)
TORONTO, ONT., Board of Trade Building, Yonge Street at Front Street, 1889. Under the pseudonym of 'Utility', Darling & Curry submitted a restrained Romanesque Revival design (C.A.B., ii, March 1889, 28, descrip.; April 1889, plate illus.). Their scheme placed among the four finalists but the commission was eventually awarded to James & James of New York City.
TORONTO, ONT., Union Station, Front Street West, 1904. Darling & Pearson were one of three Toronto architectural firms invited to submit a design for this $3 million dollar project (Toronto Daily Star, 14 Nov. 1904, 1). The project was later handed to Carrere & Hastings of New York City in 1907, but their scheme was never built.
MONTREAL, QUE., Metropolitan Bank, 1904. Darling & Pearson exhibited a 'competition sketch' for this building at the Ontario Association of Architects Exhibit (C.A.B., xvii, Jan. 1904, 16)
OTTAWA, ONT., Departmental & Justice Buildings, 1907. From the thirty entries submitted, the scheme by Darling & Pearson scored highly, and received Second Prize of $4,000. Their scheme was '......a vigorous and scholarly design, irregular in plan, and conspicuous for the qualities which the first prize design lacks' (C.A.B., xx, Sept. 1907, 184). The Montreal firm of E. & W.S. Maxwell received First Premium, but the project was never built.
REGINA, SASK., Provincial Legislative Buildings, 1907-08. Seven competitors from the United States and Canada were invited to submit drawings for this project. Darling & Pearson proposed a refined and carefully proportioned Beaux-Arts complex but their design was set aside and again, as in the previous competition in Ottawa, the Montreal firm of E. & W.S. Maxwell was awarded First Prize (Const., i, Oct. 1907, 39; Saskatchewan, Sessional Papers, Annual Report of the Dept. of Public Works, 1907-08, 155-66, descrip.). The drawings by Darling & Pearson survive (Saskatchewan Archives Board, Regina, Drawings Coll.)
REGINA, SASK., Civic Hospital, 14th Avenue, 1908. The Toronto firm of Darling & Pearson was one of 8 architectural offices from the USA and Canada who were invited to submit plans for this large commission (Leader [Regina], 12 May 1908, 8). Their design was set aside in favour of the winning scheme by Storey & Van Egmond of Regina.