CRAM, Ralph Adams (1863-1942)
(biography in preparation)
(with Albert Kahn) WALKERVILLE, ONT., St. Mary's Anglican Church, with Parish House and Rectory, Niagara Street at Argyle Road, 1903-04 (Evening Record [Windsor], 11 Aug. 1902, 1, illus. & descrip.; C.A.B., xvi, May 1903, illus.; Brickbuilder [Boston], xiv, Aug. 1905, 170, 172, illus.; St. Mary's Church Walkerville 50th Anniversary 1904-1954, 14-16, 18, 21, illus.; Cameron Macdonell, 'Duplicity and the Edwardian Patron', in Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, xxxi, No. 2, 2006, 23-36, illus.; Cameron Macdonell, 'Humouring The Humours: Introduction to the Comedic Gothic of Cram & Goodhue', in Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, Vol. xxxvii, No. 2, December 2012, 13-29, illus.; E. Anthony, The Architecture of Ralph Adams Cram and His Office, 2007, 77-8, illus.; Cameron Macdonnell, Ghost Stories: Ralph Adams Cram - Modern Gothic, Media, and Microhistory at a Canadian Church, 2017)
HALIFAX, N.S., All Saints Anglican Cathedral, Tower Road, 1907-10 (Evening Mail [Halifax], 5 Feb. 1907, 10; Canadian Churchman [Toronto], 22 Aug. 1907, 538-40, illus. & descrip.; C.A.B., xxi, Jan. 1908, 11-14, illus. & descrip.; Evening Mail [Halifax], 20 Oct. 1908, 4; and 31 Aug. 1910, 1 and 6, detailed architectural descrip.; and 3 Sept. 1910, 8, detailed descrip.; H. Kalman, History of Canadian Architecture, 1994, 712-14, illus.; E. Anthony, The Architecture of Ralph Adams Cram and His Office, 2007, 62-3, illus.)
TORONTO, ONT., St. Alban's Anglican Cathedral, Howland Avenue at Barton Avenue, designed 1911; begun 1913, but only a portion of building completed, and project later abandoned by 1935 (Toronto Star Weekly, 1 April 1911, Section Two, p. 1, detailed descrip.; Evening Journal [Ottawa], 20 Sept. 1913, 21; orig. watercolour perspective by Cram now in the possession of Royal St. George's College, Toronto)
VICTORIA, B.C, Christ Church Anglican Cathedral, 1893 (E. Anthony, The Architecture of Ralph Adams Cram and His Office, 2007, 57, illus.). The firm of Cram & Goodhue were one of ten competitors in this international competition (Daily Colonist [Victoria], 1 Jan. 1893, 9). The First Premium was awarded to Evers & Keith of Seattle, but their design was later modified by J.C.M. Keith and it did not begin construction until 1926.