Carrere, John Merven

CARRERE, John Merven (1858-1911)
(biography in preparation)

CARRERE & HASTINGS (works in Toronto unless noted)

(with F.S. Baker) TRADER'S BANK OF CANADA, Yonge Street at Colborne Street, a 15 storey tower, 1905-06; still standing in 2023 (Toronto Daily Star, 24 March 1905, 4, descrip.; and 24 April 1905, 4, descrip.; Toronto b.p. 1863, 15 Aug. 1905; C.A.B., xviii, Nov. 1905, 165, descrip. and plate illus.; and xx, June 1907, 91-3, illus. & descrip.; W. Dendy & W. Kilbourn, Toronto Observed, 1986, 168-9, illus.)
(with J.M. Lyle) ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE, King Street West near Duncan Street, 1906-07; still standing in 2023 (C.R., xvii, 21 March 1906, 12; Telegram [Toronto], 5 June 1906, 5; Globe [Toronto], 23 June 1906, 15, with Carrere & Hastings noted as the " architects for the new Alexandra Theatre to be erected in this city")
UNION STATION, Front Street West, between Bay Street and York Street, 1906-07, prepared in collaboration with Ross & MacFarlane of Montreal and Francis S. Baker of Toronto, but not built (Toronto Daily Star, 15 Feb 1906, 4; and 4 Aug. 1906, 7; Montreal Daily Star, 24 Jan. 1907, 16, illus. & descrip.). Another design for Union Station would later be erected between 1914 and 1927.

CARRERE & HASTINGS & E.G. BIRD (works in Toronto unless noted)

ROYAL BANK, King Street East near Victoria Street, 1906-07; demol. (The Globe [Toronto], 1 Nov. 1906, 14, descrip.; C.R., xvii, 7 Nov. 1906, 2; Financial Post [Toronto], 12 Sept. 1908, 5, descrip.; Toronto b.p. 8287, 27 June 1907; Const., ii, July 1909, 19, 22, illus.; The Builder [London], cxxiii, 3 Nov. 1922, 659, illus.; Toronto Society of Architects Exhibition Catalogue, 1909, 41, 43, 45, illus.)
BANK OF TORONTO, Elizabeth Street at Elm Street, 1906; demol. (Toronto b.p. 5645, 17 Oct. 1906)
ST. CATHARINES, ONT., Bank of Toronto, Queen Street near King Street, 1906-07; demol. 1966 (Daily Standard (St. Catharines), 17 Oct. 1906, 5; and 10 Nov. 1906, 5, detailed architectural descrip.; and 12 March 1907, 4)
UNION STATION, Front Street West, between Bay Street and York Street, 1907, a design prepared in collaboration with Ross & MacFarlane of Montreal and Francis S. Baker of Toronto, but not built (Montreal Daily Star, 24 Jan. 1907, 16, illus. & descrip.) Another design for Union Station would later be erected between 1914 and 1927.
OSHAWA, ONT., Carnegie Library, Simcoe Street South at Athol Street West, 1907; demol. (M. Beckman, The Best Gift, 1984, 185)
MADISON AVENUE, near Dupont Street, residence for Edgar S. Burton, 1907 (Toronto b.p. 8012, 11 June 1907)
DOMINION BANK, Avenue Road at Davenport Road, 1907-08 (C.R., xviii, 18 Dec. 1907, 20)
WINDSOR, ONT., Dominion Bank, Ouellette Avenue at Sandwich Street, 1908; demol. 2001 (C.R., xix, 4 March 1908, 22, t.c.; Evening Record [Windsor], 3 Feb. 1909, 1, descrip.; Western Architect [Minneapolis], xiii, April 1909, illus.; dwgs. Toronto Dominion Bank Archives; Andrew Foot, Windsor Then & Now, 2021, 22, illus.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Royal Bank, Main Street near Bannatyne Avenue, 1909-11 (C.R., xxiii, 19 May 1909, 21; Const., v, April 1912, 54-9, illus. & descrip.; Architectural Review [London], xxxvi, Aug. 1914, 31-33, illus. & descrip., with Plate XI, illus.; Early Buildings of Manitoba, 1973, 85, illus.; dwgs. Royal Bank Archives, Montreal)
BANK OF TORONTO, Dundas Street West at Keele Street, 1910 (Toronto b.p. 21871, 7 July 1910; dwgs. Toronto Dominion Bank Archives)
BANK OF TORONTO, Roncesvalles Avenue at Dundas Street West, 1910 (Toronto b.p. 22822, 17 Aug. 1910)
(with Ross & MacFarlane) MONTREAL, QUE., Transportation Building, St. James Street at St. Francis Xavier Street, 1910-11; demol. 1965 (La Presse [Montreal], 23 July 1910, 21, illus. & descrip.; C.R., xxiv, 3 Aug. 1910, 38-9, illus. & descrip.; Montreal Daily Star, 4 Feb. 1911, 22, illus.; Const., v, Dec. 1912, 46-56, illus. & descrip.; Architectural Review [London], xxxvi, Aug. 1914, 31-33, illus. & descrip. with Plate VIII,; I. Gournay & F. Vanlaethem, Montreal Metropolis 1880-1930, 1998, 159, 162, 164, illus.)
KINGSTON, ONT., Bank of Toronto, King Street East at Brock Street, 1911; demol. (Daily Standard [Kingston], 21 July 1911, 4)
BANK OF TORONTO HEADQUARTERS, King Street West at Bay Street, 1911-13; demol. 1964; fragments of facade retained at the Garden of the Guild Inn, Scarborough (Montreal Daily Star, 22 Oct. 1910, 33, illus. with early perspective drawing; Const., iv, Sept. 1911, 44, illus.; and vi, Sept. 1913, 328, 332-61, illus. & descrip.; C.R., xxvi, 10 April 1912, 40, illus. & descrip.; and xxvii, 6 Aug. 1913, 44-8, illus. & descrip.; Financial Post [Toronto], 7 March 1914, 27, descrip.; Architecture [New York], xxviii, 15 Oct. 1913, text, 231, and Plate illus. pages lxxxvi to xcii; Architectural Review [London], xxxvi, Aug. 1914, 31-33, illus. & descrip.; W. Dendy, Lost Toronto, 1987, 98-9, illus.)
CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Dufferin Street near King Street West, factory, 1912 (Toronto b.p. 32487, 14 Feb. 1912)
(with Ross & MacDonald) ROYAL BANK, King Street East at Yonge Street, 1913-14 (Const., viii, July 1915, 280; 282-99, illus. & descrip.)
QUEEN'S PARK CRESCENT, near Bloor Street West, major addition to residence for Edward R. Wood, 1914 (dwgs. Building Records Div., City of Toronto)
OJIBWAY, ONT., Master Plan and urban layout of streets for the Town of Ojibway (near Windsor, Ont.), 1915 [Evening Record [Windsor], 15 June 1915, 1, detailed descrip.)