Griffith, Henry Sandham

GRIFFITH, Henry Sandham (1865-1943)
(biography in preparation)

H.S. GRIFFITH (Institutional and Ecclesiastical works in Winnipeg)

ASSINIBOINE PUBLIC PARK, adjacent to River Avenue, design and landscape layout for the park, 1894 (Winnipeg Tribune, 7 April 1894, 4, illus. & descrip.)
VICTORIA PARK, Pacific Avenue at Amy Street, design and landscape layout for the park, 1894 (Winnipeg Tribune, 7 April 1894, 4, illus. & descrip.)
ST. JOHN'S PUBLIC PARK, in front of St. John's Cathedral, design and landscape layout for the park, 1894 (Winnipeg Tribune, 7 April 1894, 4, illus. & descrip.)
BROOKSIDE CEMETERY, Notre Dame Avenue, chapel and vault, 1897 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 27 March 1897, 5, t.c.)
CENTRAL FIRE HALL, Albert Street, 1898 (Winnipeg Tribune, 21 June 1898, 5; and 3 Sept. 1898, 3, illus. & descrip.; Morning Telegram [Winnipeg], 29 Sept. 1898, 12)
MACHRAY PUBLIC SCHOOL, Charles Street near College Avenue, 1899 (C.R., x, 22 March 1899, 3)
ISLAND PARK, Exhibition Hall, 1900 (C.R., xi, 30 May 1900, 3)
BATH HOUSE, Logan Avenue at King Street, for Moses Lechtzier, 1901 (Winnipeg Tribune, 12 March 1901, 2)
ST. BONIFACE NORMAL SCHOOL, Masson Street at Aulneau Street, 1902 (Winnipeg, 1989-The Year Past, 37-8, illus.)
TURKISH & RUSSIAN BATH HOUSE, Pacific Avenue at King Street, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 15 April 1903, 4; Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 14 Nov. 1903, 18, illus.)
WINNIPEG GENERAL HOSPITAL, Bannatyne Avenue, major addition, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 6 May 1903, 4)

H.S. GRIFFITH (Commercial & Industrial works in Winnipeg)

JARVIS STREET, at Main Street, block for D.A. Ritchie, 1896 (Winnipeg Tribune, 14 March 1896, 8)
RUPERT AVENUE, studio and gallery for J.F. Mitchell, 1896 (C.R., vii, 21 May 1896, 2; Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 4 July 1896, 1)
RYAN BLOCK, King Street at Bannatyne Avenue, for James Ryan, 1896; addition of one storey, 1903 (C.R., vii, 21 May 1896, 4; Winnipeg, 1990-The Year Past, 47-8, illus.)
McDERMOT AVENUE, near Albert Street, commercial block for Robert Leckie, 1900 (C.R., xi, 30 May 1900, 3)
LOMBARD STREET, commercial block for William F. Alloway, 1900 (C.R., xi, 30 May 1900, 3)
KING STREET, at James Street, warehouse for Christian Olafson, 1901 (Winnipeg Tribune, 12 March 1901, 2; C.R., xii, 17 April 1901, 3)
BAKER BLOCK, Main Street at Bannatyne Avenue, 1901 (Winnipeg, 1984-The Year Past, 1986, 39-40, illus.)
ELM PARK, a summer hotel, 1901 (C.R., xii, 8 May 1901, 4, t.c.)
VENDOME HOTEL, Fort Street, addition of upper floor, 1902 (C.R., xiii, 1 Oct. 1902, 2, t.c.)
CRITERION HOTEL, McDermot Avenue, for John Wilkes, 1903 (Winnipeg Daily Tribune, 11 April 1903, 11, descrip.; Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 14 Nov. 1903, 19, illus.; Winnipeg, 1981-The Year Past, 1982, 39-40, illus.)
SMITH STREET, boarding house for Donald S. Campbell, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 11 March 1903, 3)
WILLIAMSON BROTHERS, Notre Dame Avenue near Young Street, commercial block, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 15 April 1903, 4, t.c.)
HIGGINS AVENUE, three storey boarding house with 40 rooms, for W.G. Fonseca, 1904 (Winnipeg Tribune, 20 Feb. 1904, 10)
MANITOBA HOTEL, Main Street at Market Street, extensive renovations and alterations to existing hotel for Daniel Mooney, 1904 (Winnipeg Daily Tribune, 12 April 1904, 2)
STRATHCONA HOTEL, Main Street at Rupert Avenue, for J. Rosenthal, 1905; later renamed The Merchant's Hotel (C.R., xv, 1 March 1905, 6, t.c.; Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 31 March 1905, 5, illus. & descrip.; Winnipeg Tribune, 15 July 1905, 12, illus.)
OXFORD HOTEL, Notre Dame Avenue, near Portage Avenue, for John McDonald, 1905 (C.R., xvi, 5 April 1905, 6; Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 27 April 1905, 3, illus. & descrip.)

H.S. GRIFFITH (Residential works in Winnipeg)

EDMONTON STREET, residence for Thomas H. Maxwell, 1894 (Winnipeg Tribune, 23 April 1894, 5)
FURBY STREET, residence for Mr. Gillett, 1894 (Winnipeg Tribune, 23 April 1894, 5)
FURBY STREET, residence for Mr. Gilroy, 1894 (Winnipeg Tribune, 23 April 1894, 5)
MULLIGAN AVENUE, south of Broadway, residence for S. Stevens, 1894 (Winnipeg Tribune, 23 April 1894, 5)
BALMORAL STREET, at Nellie Street, residence for W. Rutherford, 1894 (Winnipeg Tribune, 23 April 1894, 5)
COLONY STREET, residence for Alderman Kennedy, 1894 (Winnipeg Tribune, 16 Aug. 1894, 8)
EDMONTON STREET, across from Central Park, residence for George H. Shaw, 1894; demol. 1912 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 3 Nov. 1894, 1)
WELLINGTON CRESCENT, residence for Herbert Radford, 1899 (C.R., x, 21 June 1899, 2)
EDMONTON STREET, near Ellice Avenue, residence for James H. Crossthwaite, 1900 (C.R., xi, 30 May 1900, 3)
MAIN STREET, near McDermot Avenue, residence for James McCready, 1900 (C.R., xi, 30 May 1900, 3)
HARGRAVE STREET, residence for Edward Nicholson, 1901 (C.R., xii, 17 April 1901, 3)
SMITH STREET, at York Avenue, residence for William A. Ducker, 1901 (C.R., xii, 17 April 1901, 3)
ROSLYN ROAD, residence for Alphonse F. Martin, 1901 (C.R., xii, 17 April 1901, 3)
BALMORAL STREET, near St. Mary Avenue, residence for George Black, 1901 (C.R., xii, 17 April 1901, 3)
HARGRAVE STREET, residence for E. Nicholson, 1901 (C.R., xii, 17 April 1901, 3)
McDERMOT AVENUE, near Gertie Street, residence for John Ingram, 1902 (C.R., xiii, 7 May 1902, 3)
CARLTON STREET, residence for Alexander Reid, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 15 April 1903, 4, t.c.)
REDWOOD AVENUE, residence for George Grisdale, 1904 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 9 Aug. 1904, 10, t.c.)
WELLINGTON CRESCENT, residence for E. Winkler, 1904 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 15 Aug. 1904, 10, t.c.)

H.S. GRIFFITH (works in Portage la Prairie, Man.)

KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Tupper Street South, 1897 (Manitoba Morning Free Press [Winnipeg], 17 May 1897, 3; C.R., viii, 27 May 1897, 2; Manitoba, Early Architecture of Portage la Prairie, 1983, illus.)
COWAN BLOCK, for Dr. Cowan, Saskatchewan Avenue, 1898 (Winnipeg Tribune, 13 Jan. 1898, 6; C.R., viii, 20 Jan. 1898, 3)
ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, Second Street, 1898-99 (C.A.B., xviii, April 1905, 53, descrip & plate illus.; Manitoba, Early Architecture of Portage la Prairie, 1983, illus.)
PRATT'S OPERA HOUSE, extensive remodeling and alterations, 1898 (Winnipeg Tribune, 12 Oct. 1898, 3)
unnamed street, residence for John R. McDonald, 1899 (C.R., x, 12 July 1899, 3)
SASKATCHEWAN AVENUE, store for Dougall McKillop, 1899 (C.R., x, 12 July 1899, 2)
MILLER BROS. HARDWARE, Saskatchewan Avenue, store for Thomas B. Miller, 1899 (Winnipeg Tribune, 12 July 1899, 8; C.R., x, 26 July 1899, 3, t.c.)
SASKATCHEWAN AVENUE, commercial block for William Richardson, 1901 (C.R., xii, 17 April 1901, 2)
BAILEY BLOCK, Saskatchewan Avenue, a commercial block for T.T. Bailey, 1901 (Winnipeg Tribune, 23 April 1901, 8; C.R., xii, 22 May 1901, 3, t.c.; Manitoba, Early Architecture of Portage la Prairie, 1983, illus.)
COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Saskatchewan Avenue West at 4th Street, 1904-05; burned c. 1955 (Manitoba, Early Architecture of Portage la Prairie, 1983, illus.)

H.S. GRIFFITH (works in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta)

STONEWALL, MAN., two commercial blocks and warehouses for unnamed clients, 1895 (C.R., vi, 11 April 1895, 2)
MINNEDOSA, MAN., a two storey brick store for P.J. McDermott, 1898 (Manitoba Morning Free Press [Winnipeg], 2 July 1898, 2, t..c.)
MACDONALD, MAN., residence for John Ferris, 1899 (C.R., x, 12 July 1899, 2, t.c.; Early Buildings of Manitoba, 1973, 134, illus.)
YORKTON, SASK., Public School, 1899 (C.R., x, 21 June 1899, 2, t.c.)
MINNEDOSA, MAN., a private bank for Vere H. Pickering, 1899 (C.R., x, 12 July 1899, 3)
MORDEN, MAN., residence for P.C. Heckels, 1900 (C.R., xi, 30 May 1900, 2)
WESTBOURNE, MAN., Anglican Church, 1900 (C.R., xi, 30 May 1900, 2)
BELMONT, MAN., Public School, 1901 (C.R., xii, 17 April 1901, 3)
MINNEDOSA, MAN., residence for Robert H. Myers, 1901 (C.R., xii, 17 April 1901, 2, t.c.; Winnipeg Tribune, 20 April 1901, 12)
MINNEDOSA, MAN., Presbyterian Church, 1901 (Winnipeg Tribune, 20 April 1901, 12; C.R., xii, 22 May 1901, 4; Manitoba, A Study of Church Buildings in Manitoba, 1987, 163, illus.)
(with William M. Dodd) CALGARY, ALTA., commercial block for William R. Hull, probably for Hull & Sharpe Co., 9th Avenue near First Street West, 1901 (C.R., xii, 29 May 1901, 2)
CARBERRY, MAN., Methodist Church, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 4 March 1903, 2, t.c.)
MacGREGOR, MAN., Public School, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 15 April 1903, 2, t.c.)
NEEPAWA, MAN., Oddfellow's Hall, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 20 May 1903, 2, t.c.)
NEEPAWA, MAN., General Hospital, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 20 May 1903, 2)
ROLAND, MAN., Public School, 1904 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 29 June 1904, 2, t.c.)
BOISSEVAIN, MAN., public school, 1906 (Winnipeg Tribune, 2 June 1906, 7, t.c.)
SASKATOON, SASK., Alexandra School [also called West Side Public School], Avenue H South at 21st Street, 1906-07, a commission won in a competition (The Phoenix [Saskatoon], 13 June 1906, 9, descrip.; Saskatoon Capital, Anniversary Number, 12 May 1909, 37; Morning Leader [Regina], 19 June 1909, 18, illus.)
SASKATOON, SASK., Riverside School [also called Ward Two Public School], Avenue G, 1906 (Saskatoon Phoenix, 8 Aug. 1906, 4)
SASKATOON, SASK., residence for the architect, located "...on the river bank at the foot of Spadina Crescent", 1906 (Saskatoon Phoenix, 8 Aug. 1906, 4)
SASKATOON, SASK., Riversdale Greenhouse, a public botanical greenhouse, 1906 (Phoenix [Saskatoon], 3 Oct. 1906, 4; descrip.)
SASKATOON, SASK., The Kerr Block, for Fred Kerr, on The Avenue, "....adjoining the Young & McBeth Block", 1906-07 (Saskatoon Phoenix, 24 Oct. 1906, 7, descrip.)

H.S. GRIFFITH (works in Victoria, B.C.)

YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, Blanchard Street at View Street, 1909, a commission won in a competition (Evening Post (Victoria), 16 July 1909, 5, descrip.; C.R., xxiii, 28 July 1909, 21)
COOK STREET, residence for George A. Fraser, 1909 (C.R., xxiii, 1 Sept. 1909, 22)
WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Pandora Avenue at Government Street, commercial block, 1909-10 (C.R., xxiii, 15 Dec. 1909, 23; and xxiv, 27 April 1910, 32)
VICTORIA TIMES BLOCK, Broad Street at Fort Street, 1910 (C.R., xxiv, 12 Jan. 1910, 24; Const., iv, March 1911, 57, illus.)
DOMINION TRUST CO., Wharf Street at Government Street, office block, 1910 (Colonist [Victoria], 6 April 1910, 9, descrip.)
DOUGLAS STREET, at Johnson Street, commercial block for F. Moore & H.J. Scott, 1910 (Colonist [Victoria], 25 Sept. 1910, 7, illus. & descrip.)
OAK BAY, "Edgecliffe", a residence for Alexis Martin, Foul Bay Road, 1910 (S. Stark, Oak Bay's Heritage Buildings, 1995, 70, illus.)
SWEENEY & McCONNELL PRINTING CO., Langley Street, 1910 (C.R., xxiv, 20 April 1910, 26; M. Segger & D. Franklin, Exploring Victoria's Architecture, 1996, 64, illus.)
DRAKE HARDWARE CO., Douglas Street near Pandora Avenue, 1910 (C.R., xxiv, 15 June 1910, 29)
PANDORA SAIL & TENT CO., Pandora Avenue near Broad Street, for Phillip J. Jeune, 1910 (Colonist [Victoria], 15 Oct. 1910, 3, illus.)
SMITH BISCUIT CO., Wharf Street near View Street, 1910 (Const., iv, March 1911, 59, illus.)
BROWN BLOCK, Broad Street at View Street, a 6 storey office block for Percival R. Brown, 1911; still standing in 2023 (Victoria Daily Times, 3 Jan. 1911, 19, t.c.; and 18 Jan. 1911, 1 & 16, descrip.; C.R., xxv, 1 Feb. 1911, 36; Colonist [Victoria], 28 June 1911, 15, illus.)
DOUGLAS STREET, near Broughton Street, a 6 storey office block for Bradshaw, Landsberg and Merriman, 1911 (Colonist [Victoria], 18 June 1911, 2, illus. & descrip.)
OAK BAY, residence for Dr. Henry E. Young, Oliver Street, 1911 (S. Stark, Oak Bay's Heritage Buildings, 1986, 104, illus.)
ST. REGIS HOTEL & THEATRE BLOCK, View Street near Broad Street, 1911 (Colonist [Victoria], 26 Feb. 1911, 17, illus. & descrip.)
EMPRESS BUILDING, Douglas Street near Courtney Street, 1911 (Colonist [Victoria], 1 Oct. 1911, 22, illus. & descrip.; M. Segger & D. Franklin, Exploring Victoria's Architecture, 1996, 65, illus.)
DOMINION BANK, Yates Street at Douglas Street, remodelling of existing block, 1911 (C.R., xxv, 25 Oct. 1911, 64)
FIELD HOTEL & APARTMENTS, Field Street near Douglas Street, 1911 (Colonist [Victoria], 22 Dec. 1911, 14, illus.)
SIKH TEMPLE, Topaz Avenue, 1909; demol. 1969 (Victoria Heritage Foundation, This Old House: Victoria's Heritage Neighbourhoods, Vol. 3, 2021, 79, illus. & descrip.) FAIRFIELD BLOCK, Douglas Street at Cormorant Street, for Grant & Lineham, 1912 (Colonist [Victoria], 19 Jan. 1912, 14, illus. & descrip.; M. Segger & D. Franklin, Exploring Victoria's Architecture, 1996, 68, illus.)
ROCKLAND AVENUE, at Robleda Crescent, addition of a large glass conservatory and greenhouse to the residence of John Arbuthnot, 1912 (Victoria Daily Times, 14 Feb. 1912, 19)
COOK STREET, near Summit Avenue, "Fort Garry", a large residence for Henry S. Griffith, architect, 1911-14 (M. Segger & D. Farnklin, Victoria, 1979, 318-19, illus.; Victoria Heritage Foundation, This Old House: Victoria's Heritage Neighbourhoods, Vol. 3, 2021, 82-4, illus. & descrip.)
METROPOLITAN MOTOR CAR CO, View Street near Douglas Street, 1912 (C.R., xxvi, 3 April 1912, 74)
B.C. PERMANENT LOAN CO. TOWER, Douglas Street at Johnson Street, a ten storey office block, 1912-13; demol. 1965 (Victoria Daily Times, 1 May 1912, 7, descrip.; Daily Building Record [Vancouver], 21 Jan. 1913, 2; inf. Tom Harding, Waterloo, Ont.)
WHARF STREET, office block for R.D. Rorison, 1912 (Colonist [Victoria], 7 May 1912, 5)
STOBART & PEASE, Yates Street, store and office block, 1912 (Colonist [Victoria], 1 Aug. 1912, 2, descrip.)
OAK BAY, residence for Hon. Thomas W. Paterson, Rutland Road, 1914 (S. Stark, Oak Bay's Heritage Buildings, 1986, 116, illus.; Larry McCann, Imagining Uplands, 2016, 287, illus.)
STANDARD FURNITURE CO., Yates Street, 1914 (inf. from D. Luxton, Vancouver)
JOAN CRESCENT, residence for Harry Bullen, 1915-16 (Victoria Heritage Foundation, This Old House: Victoria's Heritage Neighbourhoods, Vol. 3, 2021, 167-68, illus. & descrip.)
ORMONDS LTD., Russell Street, Victoria West, candy factory, 1919 (British Columbia Record [Vancouver], 3 Nov. 1919, 6)

H.S. GRIFFITH (works in Vancouver and area)

NEW WESTMINSTER, Dominion Trust Block, Columbia Street, 1907 (J.D. Scott, Once in the Royal City - The Heritage of New Westminster, 1985, 84, illus.)
PORT COQUITLAM, Hospital for the Insane, Central Building, 1909; Chronic Patients Block, 1909-11 (C.R., xxiii, 14 April 1909, 19, t.c.; Colonist [Victoria], 14 Jan. 1913, 2, descrip.; B.C., Sessional Papers, 1910, Public Accounts, 102)
NEW WESTMINSTER, Cliff Block, Sixth Street, for Charles E. Cliff, 1910 (J.D. Scott, Once in the Royal City - The Heritage of New Westminster, 1985, 112, illlus.)
IMPERIAL TOWNSITE, B.C., The Imperial Hotel, north side of Burrard Inlet, for the Imperial Fir Co., 1910-11 (Vancouver Daily World, 15 Nov. 1910, 1 & 19, illus. & descrip.; 19 Nov. 1910, Section Two, 2, illus.)
DENMAN ISLAND, school for the British Columbia Dept.of Public Works, 1911 (C.R., xxv, 2 Aug. 1911, 60)
DOMINION TRUST CO., West Pender Street at Homer Street, office block for British Columbia Securities, 1912 (Province [Vancouver], 2 March 1912, 34, illus. & descrip.; Vancouver Daily World, 29 June 1912, 17, descrip.; H. Kalman, Exploring Vancouver, 1978, 97, illus.)
YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, West Georgia Street, begun 1912; completed later in 1923 and called the ST. JULIEN APARTMENTS (Province [Vancouver], 31 Aug. 1911, 9, descrip.; Vancouver Daily World, 2 March 1912, 42; and 3 Sept. 1923, 15, descrip.; The Sun [Vancouver], 11 Nov. 1912, 17, descrip.; C.R., xxvii, 12 Feb. 1913, 75; Daily News-Advertiser [Vancouver], 26 Jan. 1913, 22, illus.; dwgs. at Vancouver City Archives)
JAPANESE METHODIST MISSION, Powell Street at Jackson Avenue, 1919 (Vancouver Daily World, 18 Aug. 1919, 13, t.c.; British Columbia Record [Vancouver], 3 Nov. 1919, 2; dwgs. at Vancouver City Archives)
ENGLISH BAY, roller rink and dance hall for the English Bay Amusement Co., 1920 (C.R., xxxiv, 3 March 1920, 66, t.c.)
GRANVILLE ISLAND, factory for Columbia Butulithic Co., 1925 (dwgs. at Vancouver City Archives)
CLANDONALD APARTMENTS, West 43rd Avenue, 1928 (dwgs. at Vancouver City Archives)
WEST BROADWAY, near Fir Street, store and apartments for T. Edward, 1929 (dwgs. at Vancouver City Archives)
T. EDWARDS UNDERTAKERS, Granville Street at West 10th Avenue, 1929 (dwgs. at Vancouver City Archives)
UNITED CHURCH CHAPEL & SEMINARY, Dunlevy Street at East Pender Street, 1930 (dwgs. at Vancouver City Archives)
BERNA APARTMENTS, West 10th Avenue near Birch Street, 1932 (dwgs. at Vancouver City Archives)
BUCHAN APARTMENT HOTEL, Haro Street at Gilford Street, a 3 storey apartment block for Federated Holdings Ltd.,1935; still standing in 2022 (Vancouver Sun, 6 June 1935, 1; News-Herald [Vancouver], 7 June 1935, 8, descrip.; dwgs. at Vancouver City Archives)
RICHBOROUGH APARTMENTS, Robson Street near Denman Street, for Humphrey & Akhurst, 1939-40; demol. (Vancouver Sun, 18 Nov. 1939, 25, illus.; C.R., lii, 6 Dec. 1939, 35)
WEST VANCOUVER, residence for Beatrice A.A. Furber, Queen's Avenue, 1940 (dwgs. at West Vancouver Municipal Hall; inf. from D. Luxton, Vancouver)
BARRYMORE APARTMENTS, 1131 Barclay Street near Bute Street, 1941, still standing in 2024 (Vancouver Sun, 17 Jan. 1941, 23; inf. from D. Luxton, Vancouver)
PARK THEATRE, Cambie Street near West 18th Street, 1941 (Sun [Vancouver], 3 March 1941, 2)
HUNTINGTON APARTMENTS, Beach Avenue at Gilford Street, 1941 (C.R., liv, 30 April 1941, 36)
VIVIAN DIESELS AMMUNITION LTD., Station Street, 1943 (dwgs. at Vancouver City Archives)


WINNIPEG, MAN., Carnegie Library, 1903. Griffith was one of eight architects who submitted plans for this project. His entry, signed "Every Line a Thought", and presented " the Corinthian style" was declared the winner and he received First Premium. His design was described in detail in the Winnipeg Daily Tribune, 3 Feb. 1903, 3. Within a month, however, he had lost the commission when cost estimates showed his scheme had exceeded the permitted budget, and the project was passed to the second prize winner Samuel Hooper (Winnipeg Daily Tribune, 7 March 1903, 12).
VANCOUVER, B.C., The Industrial Exhibition Building, Hastings Park, 1909. H.S. Griffith of Victoria one of five architectural firms invited to submit a design for the large exhibit hall on the Exhibitions Grounds in Vancouver in 1909 (Vancouver Daily World, 10 May 1909, 8). The winnner was Henry B. Watson of Vancouver.
LONDON, ENGLAND, The London Daily Mail Ideal Home Competition, 1921. H.S. Griffith was one of nine Vancouver architects who submitted designs in this international competition open to all architects from Canada and the British Commonwealth (Vancouver Daily World, 7 Dec. 1921, 19, descrip. of the competition). The first prize was $1,500 and a free trip to London. It is unclear who won the competition for this annual event which was first staged in 1908.