GOUINLOCK, George Wallace (1861-1932) of Toronto, Ont., a leading architect for more than 30 years, and whose works can be found throughout Ontario and as far west as Manitoba and Saskatchewan. He was active in the following offices:
G.W. Gouinlock, Toronto, 1889 to 1899
Gouinlock & Baker, Toronto, Sept. 1899 to June 1902 (with Francis S. Baker)
G.W. Gouinlock, City Architect of Toronto, June 1903 to September 1903, succeeded by Robert McCallum as City Architect of Toronto
G.W. Gouinlock, Toronto, Consulting Architect to the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, 1902 to 1917
G.W. Gouinlock, Toronto, October 1903 to 1919; succeeded by his son G. Roper Gouinlock
(biography in preparation)
G.W. GOUINLOCK (Commercial & Industrial works in Toronto unless noted)
YONGE STREET, at Charles Street West, at the s.w. corner, a 3 storey retail store and offices for Robert Barron, 1889; restored c. 2005; still standing in 2022 (Canadian Grocer [Toronto], iii, 10 May 1889, 3, illus. & descrip. but lacking attribution; list of works in Toronto Illustrated, 1893, 183)
PHILIP JAMIESON DEPARTMENT STORE, Yonge Street at Queen Street West, at the n.w. corner, 1892; restored 1987; still standing in 2022 (C.R., iii, 27 Feb. 1892, 1, t.c.)
AMERICAN WATCH CASE CO., King Street West near Brant Street, factory,, 1893; addition 1913 (C.R., iv, 23 Feb. 1893, 1, t.c.)
PORT ROWAN, ONT., conversion of J.G. Boucher's mill for the new Royal Hotel, 1894 -95 (C.R. v, 6 Dec. 1894, 1)
STEELE BRIGGS SEED CO., Queen Street East near Craven Road, stables and barn, 1895; converted to retail shops; still standing in 2022 (C.R., vi, 7 Nov. 1895, 2, t.c.)
SHEPPARD PUBLISHING CO., Adelaide Street West near Yonge Street, office and warehouse, 1895 (C.A.B., viii, May 1895, 65)
TORONTO LITHOGRAPHING CO. (later Newell & Higel Co.) King Street West at Bathurst Street, office and factory, 1895; additions 1901; demol. 1981 (C.R., vi, 27 June 1895, 1, t.c.; xii, 22 May 1901, 5)
TEMPLE BUILDING, for the Independent Order of Foresters, Richmond Street West at Bay Street, 1895-97; demol. 1970 (Evening Mail [Halifax], 10 June 1895, 2, illus. & detailed architectural descrip.; Globe [Toronto], 5 Dec. 1896, 3-4, illus. & descrip.; Toronto Saturday Night, 8 May 1897, 11, illus. & descrip.; Daily Mail & Empire [Toronto], 19 Dec. 1896, Section Three, 9, illus. & descrip.; C.A.B., viii, June 1895, illus.; x, Jan. 1897, illus.; xii, March 1899, illus.; W. Dendy, Lost Toronto, 1978, 102-3, illus. & descrip.)
TEMPLE CAFE, Bay Street near Richmond Street West, 1898; demol. (dwgs. at Toronto Dominion Bank Archives, Toronto)
TEMPLE BUILDING, basement vaults for the Provincial Trust Co. of Ontario, Richmond Street West at Bay Street, 1897-98; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 10 Dec. 1898, 1, descrip. & illus.)
BRANTFORD, ONT., store and offices for Charles P. McGregor, Dalhousie Street near George Street, 1898 (C.R., ix, 3 Feb. 1898, 2, t.c.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Manitoba Trusts Company Building, Main Street at Notre Dame Street East, 1898-99, a 3 storey commercial block, with George C. Browne, local supervising architect (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 7 Nov. 1896, 6, descrip.; Free Press Home Journal, 17 Aug. 1899, 2, detailed descrip.; C.A.B., xiii, July 1900, illus.)
NATIONAL TRUST CO., King Street East near Yonge Street, office building, 1899-1900; addition 1905; demol. (C.R., x, 1 March 1899, 1, 3, descrip.; C.A.B., xiii, Aug. 1900, illus.)
G.W. GOUINLOCK (Institutional & Ecclesiastical works in Toronto unless noted)
BRANTFORD, ONT., School House & Lecture Room, Brant Avenue at James Street, 1891 (Daily Expositor [Brantford], 9 May 1891, 4, t.c.)
BRANTFORD, ONT., St. Andrew's Presbyterian Mission Church, Brant Avenue, in the North Ward, 1891 (Daily Expositor [Brantford], 4 Sept, 1891, 4)
ST. MARYS, ONT., Town Hall, Queen Street East at Church Street North, 1891; still standing in 2022 (St. Mary's Argus, 30 Nov. 1890, Supplement, 1-2, illus.; L. Wilson & L. Pfaff, Early St. Marys, 1981, 34, illus.; H. Kalman, History of Canadian Architecture, 1994, 561-2, illus. & descrip.)
PARIS, ONT., St. James Anglican Church, Burwell Street opposite Church Street, extensive additions and alterations, 1893; still standing in 2022 (C.R., iv, 27 April 1893, 1, t.c.)
ST. JAMES CEMETERY, Parliament Street near Wellesley Street East, addition to the Chapel and Conservatory, 1896; still standing in 2022 (C.R., vii, 10 Sept. 1896, 2)
G.W. GOUINLOCK (Residential works in Toronto unless noted)
FARLEY AVENUE, for John Doyle, 1890 (C.A.B., iii, Sept. 1890, illus.)
MOORE PARK, for William Firstbrook, c. 1890 (list of works in Toronto Illustrated, 1893, 183)
BLOOR STREET EAST, near Yonge Street, for Robert N. Gooch, c. 1891; demol. (list of works in Toronto Illustrated, 1893, 183)
WILSON AVENUE, for William Scully, c. 1891 (list of works in Toronto Illustrated, 1893, 183)
AYR, ONT., for John G. Watson, c. 1891 (list of work in Toronto Illustrated, 1893, 183)
SHERBOURNE STREET, at Selby Street, for Dr. A. Orr Hastings, 1893 (Toronto b.p. 1307, 12 May 1893)
SPADINA ROAD, near Lowther Avenue, pair of houses for George W. Gouinlock, architect, 1894 (Toronto b.p. 1696, 9 July 1894)
EAST YORK TOWNSHIP, Lot 3, Concession 1, for Albert H. Dewdney, 1894-95 (C.R., v, 6 Dec. 1984, 2)
ORILLIA, ONT., for Mrs. William H. Harvey, Peter Street at Tecumseth Street, 1896 (C.R., vi, 16 Jan. 1896, 1, t.c.)
JAMESON AVENUE, near Leopold Street, pair of houses for James B. Gouinlock, 1898 (Toronto b.p. 101, 21 Oct. 1898)
GLADSTONE, MAN., for William Galloway, 1898 (C.R., ix, 2 March 1898, 2)
ST. MARYS, ONT., for James Maxwell, 1898 (C.R., ix, 9 March 1898, 2, t.c.)
BRANTFORD, ONT., for George Watt, Northumberland Street, 1899 (C.R., x, 26 April 1899, 1, t.c.)
GOUINLOCK & BAKER (works in Toronto unless noted)
JAMESON AVENUE, near Queen Street West, residence for William J. Marshall, 1899 (Toronto b.p. 257, 13 Sept. 1899)
BEAUMONT ROAD, near Glen Road, residence for W.L. Blackwell, 1899 (Toronto b.p. 256, 13 Sept. 1899)
S. & A. NORDHEIMER, York Street near Wellington Street West, warehouse, 1900; demol. (Toronto b.p. 9, 30 May 1900)
FORT WILLIAM, ONT., commercial block for James McLaren, Victoria Avenue at May Street, 1900 (C.R., xi, 18 July 1900, 1)
PETERBOROUGH, ONT., extensive additions to industrial buildings for Canadian General Electric Co., 1901 (C.R., xii, 1 May 1901, 1, t.c.)
BRANTFORD, ONT., residence for Mrs. A.D. Clement, Church Street, 1901 (C.R., xii, 15 May 1901, 3, t.c.)
BRANTFORD, ONT., additions and alterations to Zion Presbyterian Church, Darling Street, 1901 (C.R., xii, 15 May 1901, 3, t.c.)
BRANTFORD, ONT., residence for David Waterous, Park Avenue, 1901 (C.R., xii, 15 May 1901, 3, t.c)
TORONTO LITHOGRAPHING CO., King Street West near Spadina Avenue, office and warehouse, 1901; addition 1910 (Toronto b.p. 77, 28 June 1901; 19937, 21 April 1910)
BARRIE, ONT., Royal Victoria Hospital, Ross Street, 1901 (C.R., xii, 22 May 1901, 3, t.c.)
MIDLAND, ONT., commercial building with a Y.M.C.A. for F.W. Jeffrey, 1901 (C.R., xii, 22 May 1901, 3)
FORESTER’S OUTDOOR ARCHWAY, Bay Street at Richmond Street West, a large commemorative arch in front of the Temple Building, for the visit of the Duke & Duchess of York, 1901; demol. (Toronto Daily Star, 5 Oct. 1901, 10, illus. &. descrip.)
HOMEWOOD AVENUE, residence for Joseph M. West, 1901 (C.R., xii, 16 Oct. 1901, 2)
CHRISTIE, BROWN & CO., Adelaide Street East at George Street, a large 5 storey warehouse, 1902; still standing in 2022 (Toronto b.p. 163, 31 Dec. 1901)
ALEXANDRA APARTMENTS, University Avenue near Orde Street, 1901-02; demol. c. 1955 (Toronto Daily Star, 12 Nov. 1901, 1, detailed descrip.; Toronto b.p. 67, 11 Nov. 1901; and b.p. 243, 28 May 1902)
G.W. GOUINLOCK (buildings at the Canadian National Exhibition Grounds, Toronto)
MANUFACTURERS & LIBERAL ARTS BUILDING, 1902; burned 1961 (C.R., xiii, 12 March 1902, 5; Const., ii, Aug. 1909, 61, illus.)
STOVE BUILDING, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 29 April 1903, 2, t.c.)
DAIRY BUILDING, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 10 June 1903, 6)
DEMONSTRATION THEATRE, 1903; demol. (Toronto b.p. 1348, 24 June 1903)
ART GALLERY, 1905; demol. (Toronto Daily Star, 7 Feb 1905, 5, descrip.; Const., ii, Aug. 1909, 61, illus.; dwgs. at C.N.E. Archives, Toronto; OA, Horwood Coll. 417b)
ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, 1905 (dwgs. at C.N.E. Engineering Dept.)
LIVE STOCK BUILDING, 1905; demol. (C.R., xvi, 4 Oct. 1905, 4)
PROCESS & IMPLEMENTS BUILDING, 1906; demol. (Toronto b.p. 2997, 1 March 1906; Const., ii, Aug. 1909, 60, illus.)
PRESS BUILDING, Princes’ Boulevard at Manitoba Drive, 1906; still standing in 2024 (Toronto Daily Star, 24 Feb. 1906, 3, descrip.; C.R., xvii, 25 April 1906, 12; Const., ii, Aug. 1909, 64, illus.)
HORTICULTURAL BUILDING, 1906-07; restored 1981 (Toronto Daily Star, 24 Feb. 1906, 3, descrip.; C.R., xvii, 24 Oct. 1906, 2, 4; Canadian Engineer, xiv, March 1907, 103-4, illus. & descrip.; Const., ii, Aug. 1909, 63, illus.)
GRANDSTAND, 1907; burned 1946 (Toronto b.p. 6329, 7 Feb. 1907; Canadian Engineer, xiv, March 1907, 103-4, illus. & descrip.; Const., ii, Aug. 1909, 59, illus.)
RAILWAYS BUILDING, 1907; burned 1987; restored 1990 (Toronto Daily Star, 28 Feb. 1907, 6; C.R., xviii, 3 April 1907, 2, t.c.; Const., ii, Aug. 1909, 64, illus.)
TRANSPORTATION BUILDING, 1909; demol. (Toronto Daily Star, 24 Feb. 1909, 1, descrip.; Const., ii, Aug. 1909, 59, illus.; dwgs. at C.N.E. Archives, Toronto)
BANDSTAND, 1910; demol. (C.R., xxiv, 15 June 1910, 27)
POULTRY BUILDING, 1910; addition 1914; demol. (Toronto b.p. 21804, 2 July 1910; Const., iv, March 1911, 61-2, illus. & descrip.)
WOMEN'S BUILDING, 1911; demol. (C.R., xxv, 5 April 1911, 48, 55-6)
DOMINION AND PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT BUILDING, 1912 (C.R., xxvi, 24 Jan. 1912, 64; 20 March 1912, 67; City of Toronto b.p. 34977, 15 June 1912; dwgs. at C.N.E. Engineering Dept., Toronto)
DUFFERIN GATE, 1912; demol. 1959 (C.R., xxvi, 24 Jan. 1912, 64; W. Dendy, Lost Toronto, 1978, 46-7, illus.)
FIRE HALL & POLICE STATION, 1912 (C.R., xxvi, 6 March 1912, 66, t.c.; dwgs. at C.N.E. Engineering Dept.)
CATTLE ARCADE, 1913; demol. (C.R., xxvii, 4 June 1913, 70)
SHEEP PEN BUILDING, 1914; demol. (Toronto b.p. 14009, 24 Aug. 1914)
MACHINERY HALL, 1914 ; demol.(C.R., xxviii, 28 Oct. 1914, 58)
LAVATORY BUILDINGS, 1917 (Const., x, Jan. 1917, 39)
G.W. GOUINLOCK (Commercial & Industrial works in Toronto unless noted)
GLADSTONE, MAN., store for the Galloway Bros., Morris Avenue, 1902 (inf. from Province of Manitoba, Historic Resouces Div., Winnipeg)
MEAFORD, ONT., factory for Seaman, Kent Co., 1902 (C.R., xiii, 23 July 1902, 1, t.c.)
BANK OF HAMILTON BLOCK,, n.e. corner of Queen Street West at Spadina Avenue, 1902-03 ; demol. 2023 except for façade to be retained and incorporated into new building in 2024-25 (C.R., xiii, 15 Oct. 1902, 3)
ROLPH & CLARK CO., Simcoe Street at Pearl Street, warehouse, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 23 Sept. 1903, 3, t.c.; Globe & Mail [Toronto], 22 March 2019, H7, illus. & descrip., but lacking attribution to the architect)
LEADER HOTEL, King Street East at Leader Lane, 1903, demol. 1925 (Toronto b.p. 1022, 23 April 1903)
DOMINION PAPER BOX CO., King Street West near Brant Street, warehouse, 1903 (Toronto b.p. 724, 9 Feb. 1903)
BRANTFORD, ONT., interior renovations to the Opera House, 1903 (Daily Expositor [Brantford], 13 Oct. 1903, 4 & 7, descrip.)
WARWICK BROTHERS & RUTTER LTD., King Street West near Spadina Avenue, warehouse, 1904-05; addition 1913 (Toronto b.p. 1453, 28 Oct. 1904)
ALFRED ANSLEY & CO., Wellington Street West near Bay Street, warehouse, 1904-05; demol. (Toronto b.p. 1455, 1 Nov. 1904)
BELLEVILLE, ONT, warehouse for J. & J. Lonsdale & Co., 1905 (C.R., xvi, 19 July 1905, 1)
SHARPLES SEPARATOR CO., Dundas Street West at Vincent Street, factory, 1906 (Toronto b.p.5588, 12 Oct. 1906)
GAYETY THEATRE, Richmond Street West near Bay Street, 1907; demol. (Toronto Daily Star, 23 Feb. 1907, 21, descrip.; Telegram [Toronto], 23 Feb. 1907, 25, illus. & descrip.; Const., i, Jan. 1908, 32-4, illus.)
SOVEREIGN BANK, King Street East at George Street, 1907 (Toronto b.p. 7710, 23 May 1907)
DOUGLAS McCALL CO. LTD., Wellington Street West near York Street, warehouse, 1907; demol. (C.R., xviii, 27 March 1907, 8)
CANADIAN BIRKBECK INVESTMENT CO., Adelaide Street East near Yonge Street, 1907-08; restored 1986-87 (Toronto b.p. 9651, 28 Nov. 1907; Const., iii, Sept. 1910, 85, illus.)
MUSKOKA, ONT., The Wawa Hotel, at Norway Point, a summer hotel on the Lake of Bays opposite Bigwin's Island, 1907-08 (C.R., xviii, 25 Dec. 1907, 19, Toronto Daily Star, 17 Jan. 1908, 14, detailed architectural descrip.)
HENRY DISSTON & SONS, Fraser Avenue, factory, 1909 (Toronto Daily Star, 6 Feb 1909, 2; Toronto b.p. 16525, 24 July 1909)
TORONTO CARPET MANUFACTURING CO., King Street West at Fraser Avenue, addition to warehouses, 1909 (Toronto b.p. 17541, 5 Oct. 1909)
OTIS FENSOM ELEVATOR CO., Bay Street near Front Street West, office and warehouse, 1912; demol. (Toronto b.p. 36775, 21 Aug. 1912; Const., xiv, Oct. 1921, 11, illus. in advert.)
HUGH C. MACLEAN LTD., Adelaide Street West at Charlotte Street, warehouse, 1913-14 (Toronto b.p. 7812, 1 Nov. 1913)
ONTARIO HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION, University Avenue near College Street, administration building, 1914-15; demol. 1991 except for facade (C.R., xxx, 3 May 1916, 425-7, illus. & descrip.; Const., ix, July 1916, 227-31, illus. & descrip.)
ST. GEORGE STREET, Automobile Service Garage, 1916 (Const., x, Feb. 1917, 57-8, illus. & descrip.)
REGINA, SASK., office and warehouse for Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Broad Street at Sixth Avenue, 1919 (Daily Leader [Regina], 23 Aug. 1919, 13, descrip.; and 11 Sept. 1919, 14; dwgs. at SAB, Regina, R.P. 9.58)
G.W. GOUINLOCK (Institutional & Ecclesiastical works in Toronto unless noted)
NIAGARA FALLS, ONT., extensive additions and remodelling of the Roman Catholic Carmelite Monastery, Stanley Avenue near Roger Crescent, 1903; still standing in 2022 (C.R., xiv, 28 Oct. 1903, 2)
PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, Queen's Park Crescent, south of Wellesley Street West, major addition for the North Library Wing, 1909-10; still standing in 2022 (C.R., xxii, 30 Dec. 1908, 27; Detroit Free Press, 18 April 1909, 10, illus. & descrip.; Evening Record [Windsor], 19 April 1909, 1, illus. & descrip.; Daily Standard [Kingston], 7 Feb. 1910, 4, t.c., with details of trades; E. Arthur, From Front Street to Queen's Park, 1979, 85; dwgs. at OA, RG 15-13-2-135)
WOODBINE RACE TRACK, Queen Street East at Kingston Road, new Grandstand, 1913; demol. (Toronto b.p. 6472, 25 Aug. 1913; Telegram [Toronto], 26 Sept. 1913, 20, illus. & descrip.)
G.W. GOUINLOCK (Residential works in Toronto unless noted)
BRANTFORD, ONT., major addition and alterations to residence for Mrs. James Cockshutt, located at 21 Lorne Avenue, 1902 (Brantford Expositor, 31 July 1902, 3, t.c.)
WALMER ROAD, near Lowther Avenue, residence for George W. Gouinlock, architect, 1902 (Toronto b.p. 282, 19 Aug. 1902; Const., ii, June 1909, 87-8, illus. & descrip.)
PENETANGUISHENE, ONT., for Mr. Beck, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 15 July 1903, 2)
QUEEN'S PARK CRESCENT, near Wellesely Street West, for Sir William T. White, 1903 (Toronto b.p. 917, 26 March 1903; Const., iv, Jan. 1911, 84-5, illus. & descrip.)
MAPLE AVENUE, near Sherbourne Street North, for George E. Bryant, 1904 (Toronto b.p. 259, 18 April 1904)
DOVERCOURT ROAD, near Dewson Street, for James Phillips, 1904 (Toronto b.p. 268, 19 April 1904)
NORTH TORONTO, 'Glengrove', (later called Ansley Castle), a mansion for Alfred Ansley, Heather Street at Glengrove Avenue, 1905; demol. c. 1925 (C.R., xvi, 16 Aug. 1905, 6; Const., ii, Sept. 1909, 50-2, illus. & descrip.)
CRESCENT ROAD, near Scarth Road, for John D. Cholwill, 1905 (Toronto b.p. 1964, 1 Sept. 1905)
ELLIS AVENUE, for Sydney Howard, 1906 (C.R., xvii, 14 March 1906, 2)
CLAREMONT., ONT., for Thomas Graham, 1906 (C.R., xvii, 21 March 1906, 4)
WALMER ROAD, near Lowther Avenue, mansion for Edward Gurney, 1905-06 (Evening Times (Hamilton), 7 Oct. 1905, 5, descrip.; Toronto b.p. 4391, 26 June 1906; Const., iv, Sept. 1911, 63-7, illus. & descrip.; inf. Robert Hamilton)
DOWLING AVENUE, near King Street West, for Otto Higel, 1906-07 (Toronto b.p. 6 Dec. 1906)
AVENUE ROAD, near Balmoral Avenue, for James Worts, 1907-08 (Toronto b.p. 9628, 25 Nov. 1907; Const., iii, July 1910, 118-9, illus.)
BROADVIEW AVENUE, near Hogarth Avenue, residence for William P. Hubbard, 1908-09; renovated and restored 2017-18 and now part of Montcrest School (Globe & Mail [Toronto], 1 Nov. 2019, H5, illus.; inf. from Toronto Historical Board)
HIGHLAND AVENUE, for William K. George, 1909 (Const., iii, June 1910, 41, illus. in advert.)
WALMER ROAD, near Lowther Avenue, for John McKnight, 1910 (Toronto b.p. 22874, 23 Aug. 1910)
HIGHLAND AVENUE, for Henry C. Schofield, 1911 (Toronto b.p. 25706, 18 March 1911)
BRANTFORD, ONT., Carnegie Library, 1902. Gouinlock was one of five architects invited to submit a design for this building (Brantford Expositor, 12 July 1902. 2; and 4 Aug. 1902, 1). The plans by Gouinlock were set aside and Stewart, Stewart & Taylor of Hamilton were awarded the commission.
OTTAWA, ONT., Departmental and Justice Buildings, 1907. Gouinlock was one of 30 architects from across Canada who submitted a design for this major commission (Evening Journal [Ottawa], 4 Sept. 1907, 1, list of entrants). The juror Edmund Burke ranked his design in 15th place. The first prize was awarded to E. & W.S. Maxwell of Montreal, but their scheme was never built.