KNOX, Wilm (1858-1915)
(biography in preparation)
KNOX & ELLIOT (works in Toronto)
WELLESLEY STREET EAST, near Sackville Street, residence for John H. Elliot, architect, 1888 (C.A.B., i, Aug. 1888, 5, illus.)
ROLYAT STREET, near Ossington Avenue, residence for Alexander Ure, 1889 (American Architect & Building News [Boston], xxv, 9 March 1889, illus.)
MARKHAM STREET, near College Street, residence for George Hammond, 1889 (Architectural Era [Syracuse], iii, March 1889, 75)
SHERBOURNE STREET, north of Dundas Street East, residence for Edward Hewitt, 1889 (Inland Architect [Chicago], xxiii, March 1894, illus.)
JARVIS STREET, north of Dundas Street, row of four houses for Edward Hewitt, 1889 (inf. Stephen Otto, Toronto)
QUEEN'S PARK, park pavillion and bandstand, 1889; demol.
HIGH PARK, park pavillion and two refreshment shelters, 1889; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 20 May 1889, 5, t.c.; American Architect & Building News [Boston], xxvi, 20 July 1889, illus.)
KNOX, ELLIOT & JARVIS (works in Toronto unless noted)
TORONTO JUNCTION, residence for Theodore Heintzman, Annette Street at Laws Street, 1889 (Inland Architect [Chicago], xiv, Nov. 1889, illus.; L. Maitland, Queen Anne Revival Style in Canadian Architecture, 1990, 126, illus.)
TORONTO EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT CO., transformer station, Bay Street near Dundas Street West, 1889; still standing in 2020 (Telegram [Toronto], 15 July 1889, 4, t.c.; Toronto World, 17 Oct. 1889, 3, descrip.)
SOUTH SIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Parliament Street near Richmond Street East, 1889-90; altered (Toronto World, 21 Oct. 1889, 3; J.R. Robertson, Landmarks of Toronto, iv, 1904, 299-300, illus.)
BOWMANVILLE, ONT., Disciples of Christ Church, Temperance Street at Church Street, 1890; renamed St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in 1926; still standing in 2024 (Globe [Toronto], 26 April 1890, 10, t.c.; inf. Ian Mason, Sarnia)
CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING, Richmond Street East at Yonge Street, 1890-91; damaged by fire 1981; rebuilt 1981-82 (Toronto World, 31 Oct. 1889, 1, descrip.; C.A.B., ii, Nov. 1889, 124, descrip. and illus.; Globe [Toronto], 17 May 1890, 9, t.c.; Toronto Daily Mail, 23 May 1891, Supplement, 1, illus. and descrip.; W. Dendy & W. Kilbourn, Toronto Observed, 1986, 124-5, illus.)
KNOX & ELLIOT (works in Toronto)
THE GLOBE BUILDING, Yonge Street at Melinda Street, extensive alterations and addition of fifth floor to former Hughes Brothers Building, 1890; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 13 Sept. 1890, 1-4, illus. & descrip.; and 27 Sept. 1890, 2-3, descrip.)
TORONTO JUNCTION, Victoria Presbyterian Church, Annette Street at Medland Street, 1891 (Globe [Toronto], 23 June 1891, 8, descrip.; J.R. Robertson, Landmarks of Toronto, iv, 1904, 595-7)
DISCIPLES OF CHRIST CHURCH, Cecil Street, 1890-91; upper portion of tower and belfry removed c. 1950 and replaced with small dome (Globe [Toronto], 14 March 1891, 7, illus. & descrip.; American Architect & Building News [Boston], xxxi, 7 Feb. 1891, illus.; J.R. Robertson, Landmarks of Toronto, 1904, iv, 501-02, illus.)
HARBORD COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Harbord Street at Euclid Street, 1890-91; mostly demol. in 1930 (Globe [Toronto], 29 Sept. 1890, 5, t.c.; and 9 Jan. 1892, 1, illus. & descrip.; Toronto World, 13 Jan. 1891, 1, descrip.; Inland Architect [Chicago], xx, Nov. 1892, illus.)
REFORM CLUB, Adelaide Street West near Yonge Street, major renovation of existing warehouse, 1890 (Globe [Toronto], 9 Jan. 1891, 6, descrip.)
JARVIS STREET, north of Carlton Street, residence for Edward F. Blake, 1891; later addition in 1897 by David Dick (Inland Architect [Chicago], xx, Nov. 1892, illus.)
ST. JAMES HOTEL (later the Grand Union Hotel), Front Street West at Simcoe Street, 1892; demol. c. 1960 (Cleveland Architectural Club Catalogue, 1896, Item 1)
YONGE STREET, at King Street East, commercial block for Simeon H. Janes, 1892; demol. 1912 (Toronto b.p. 888, 25 June 1892)
KING STREET EAST, near Victoria Street, warehouse for Simeon H. Janes, 1892; demol. (Toronto b.p. 938, 9 Aug. 1892)
KNOX & ELLIOT (works in Ohio)
CLEVELAND, OHIO, National Carbon Co., Madison Avenue at West 117th Street, office building, 1896 (E. Johannesen, Cleveland Architecture 1876-1976, 1979, 46, illus.)
CLEVELAND, OHIO, Trinity Congregational Church, Cedar Avenue, 1895-96 (American Architect & Building News [Boston], lii, 6 June 1896, 95 and plate illus.)
MILLERSBURG, OHIO, Holmes County Infirmary, 1896 (American Architect & Building News [Boston], lii, 6 June 1896, 95 and plate illus.)
CEDAR POINT, OHIO [near Sandusky], a large hotel overlooking Lake Erie, 1902 (Cleveland Plain Dealer, 19 Oct. 1902; Sandusky Daily Star, 20 Oct. 1902, 8)
CLEVELAND, OHIO, Rockefeller Building, Superior Avenue at West 6th Street, 1904-05 (Inland Architect [Chicago], xlviii, Dec. 1906, illus.; and xlix, May 1907, illus.; Ohio Architect & Builder [Cleveland], xviii, Oct. 1911, 45, illus.; M.P. Schofield, Landmark Architecture of Cleveland, 1976, 22-3, illus.)
CLEVELAND, OHIO, McKinley Apartments, Detroit Avenue at West 81st Street, 1906 (Cleveland A.I.A., Guide to Cleveland Architecture, 1991, 18.5)
CLEVELAND, OHIO, Hippodrome Theatre & Office Building, 1907; demol. 1980 (Marion Daily Mirror [Marion, Ohio], 30 Dec. 1907, 3, descrip.; Ohio Architect & Builder [Cleveland], xii, Sept. 1908, 22, illus.; and xviii, Oct. 1911, 33, illus.; D. Naylor, American Picture Palaces, 1981, 215)
CLEVELAND, OHIO, Pelton Apartments, 1911 (Ohio Architect & Builder [Cleveland], xviii, Oct. 1911, 41, illus.)
CLEVELAND, OHIO, Elks Club, Huron Road, for the Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, 1909-10 (Ohio Architect & Builder [Cleveland], xiv, Oct. 1909, 58; Brickbuilder [Boston], xxi, Feb. 1912, 23, illus.)
CLEVELAND, OHIO, large residence for Mr. Chamberlain, 3rd Street, 1910 (Ohio Architect & Builder [Cleveland], xv, May 1910, 54)
CLEVELAND, OHIO, Loraine Avenue Public Library, 1912 (Cleveland A.I.A., Guide to Cleveland Architecture, 1991, 1.6)
CLEVELAND, OHIO, Public Market Building, for A.B. Smythe, Euclid Avenue at East 46th Street, 1915 (Ohio Architect & Builder [Cleveland], xxv, June 1915, 79)
(works elsewhere)
NEEDHAM, MASS., residence for Clarence H. Hathaway, 1889 (C.A.B., ii, Oct. 1889, illus.)