KAUFFMANN, William (1823-1875)
(biography in preparation)
KAUFFMANN & BISSELL (works in Rochester, N.Y. and Toronto, Ont.)
ROCHESTER, N.Y., Carthage Suspension Bridge, at the Lower Falls over the Genesee River, 1855-56; collapsed 1857 (Rochester Daily Union, 25 April 1855; Rochester Daily Democrat, 7 June 1855; and 31 July 1856; and 27 April 1857; dwgs. at the Rhees Library, University of Rochester)
ROCHESTER, N.Y., Main Street Bridge, over the Genesee River, 1855-57 (Rochester Daily Democrat, and 13 June 1855; and 16 June 1855; Rochester Daily Union, 18 June 1855)
ROCHESTER, N.Y., City Hospital, "....to be erected on the Cemetery Lot, Buffalo Street", 1855 (Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, 15 Aug. 1855, 22, historical article marking events of 100 years earlier in August 1855)
TORONTO, ONT., Rossin House Hotel, King Street West at York Street, executed with John G. Howard as Consulting Architect, 1855-57; burned 1862; reconstructed by Kauffmann 1865-67; demol. 1969 (Leader [Toronto], 21 Aug. 1856, 2, descrip.; and 23 Aug. 1856, 2, letter from Kauffmann; Globe [Toronto], 13 Dec. 1856, Pictorial Supplement, 4, illus. & descrip.; and 19 Dec. 1864, 2, descrip.; Illustrated London News [London], xlii, 3 Jan. 1863, 20, 22, illus. & descrip.)
TORONTO, ONT., Public Baths & Wash House, Phoebe Street at Maria Street, for Albert Furniss, 1856; demol. 1874 (Globe [Toronto], 13 Dec. 1856, Pictorial Supplement, 1, descrip.)
TORONTO, ONT., Masonic Hall, Toronto Street, 1856-58; demol. 1962 (Globe [Toronto], 30 June 1857, 2, descrip.; G.P. Ure, Handbook of Toronto, 1858, 245-8, descrip.; Canadian Illustrated News, ii, 17 Dec. 1870, 390, 393, illus. & descrip.; Eric Arthur, Toronto - No Mean City, 1964, 132, illus. & descrip.; W. Dendy, Lost Toronto, 1978, 80-1, illus.)
W. KAUFFMANN (works in Toronto)
KING STREET WEST, near Portland Street, double villa for Hon. Chancellor Spragge, 1857; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 30 June 1857, 2)
YONGE STREET, south of Adelaide Street, two stores for John McGee, 1857 (Globe [Toronto], 30 June 1857, 2)
COLLEGE STREET, near Yonge Street, residence for Dr. William C. Chewett, 1857-58; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 30 June 1857, 2, descrip.; Building News [London], iv, 20 Aug. 1858, 846; unsigned drawings at Metro Toronto Reference Library, Baldwin Room, Langley Coll. Item 143-45)
BAY STREET, at Adelaide Street West, block of shops for Henry J. Boulton, 1858 (Building News [London], iv, 20 Aug. 1858, 846)
ATHENAEUM SALOON & CONCERT ROOM, Bay Street near King Street West, built for John Dixon and occupied by H. Beverley , 1858-59; demol. c. 1911 (Globe [Toronto], 5 Aug. 1858, 3, t.c.; Daily Leader [Toronto], 28 May 1859, 2, descrip.; Metro Toronto Reference Libary, Baldwin Room, Pim Papers, 12 Aug. 1858)
PUBLIC HALL [perhaps a Town Hall], Adelaide Street East, at the head of Toronto Street, 1859 (Globe [Toronto], 31 Oct. 1859, descrip.; Ottawa Citizen, 8 Nov. 1859, 2)
TEMPERANCE STREET, four houses for Andrew Carrick, 1860, demol. (Globe [Toronto], 24 April 1860, 3, t.c.)
ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY BUILDING, Wellington Street East at Yonge Street, reconstruction and alterations to existing building, 1860-61; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 28 April 1860, 3, t.c.; and 23 Aug. 1860, 2, descrip.; and 29 May 1861, 2, descrip.; and 26 Feb. 1862, 1, descrip.)
ST. JOSEPH STREET, at Bay Street, residence for James Brown Jr. 'at Cloverhill', 1862; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 26 Feb. 1862, 1, descrip.)
BANK OF TORONTO, Wellington Street East at Church Street, 1862-63; demol. 1961 (Daily British Whig [Kingston], 11 Oct. 1861, 4; Globe [Toronto], 11 March 1862, 3, t.c.; and 6 June 1862, 2, descrip.; and 1 Nov. 1862, 2, descrip.; and 9 July 1863, 2, descrip.; O. Thompson, Toronto in the Camera, 1868, 2, illus.; W. Dendy, Lost Toronto, 1978, 54-5, illus.)
RACQUET COURTS, York Street near Wellington Street West, 1863; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 10 Sept. 1862, 2, t.c.; and 26 May 1863, 2, descrip.)
RICE, LEWIS & SONS, King Street East near Toronto Street, major alterations to existing warehouse, 1863; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 26 March 1863, 2, descrip.)
JARVIS STREET, south of Dundas Street East, additions and alterations to residence for Patrick Foy, 1863 (Leader [Toronto], 29 July 1863, 3, t.c.)
(with Alfred Brunel) THE GLOBE PRINTING CO., King Street East near Toronto Street, office and printing plant, 1863-64; demol. 1890 (Globe [Toronto], 25 June 1863, 2, t.c.; and 1 Dec. 1864, 1, illus. & descrip.; Builder [London], xxii, 31 Dec. 1864, 950, descrip.)
KING STREET EAST, near Yonge Street, store for Thomas Haworth, 1863 (Leader [Toronto], 24 Oct. 1863, 2, descrip.; Globe [Toronto], 12 Dec. 1863, 2)
KING STREET EAST, at Church Street, major alterations to store for Stanbury & Co., 1863 (Leader [Toronto], 24 Oct. 1863, 2)
KING STREET WEST, near York Street, bowling alley for John Warwick, 1864; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 17 Feb. 1864, 3, t.c.)
GOULD STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, enlargement with new galleries, 1865; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 27 June 1865, 2, descrip.)
KING STREET WEST, at Spadina Avenue, residence for John Shedden, 1866; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 31 May 1866, 1, descrip.)
SPADINA AVENUE, residence for William Wharin, 1866; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 31 May 1866, 1, descrip.)
WELLINGTON STREET EAST, running south through to Front Street East, major additions and improvements to two wholesale stores for John Crawford, 1866 (Globe [Toronto], 31 May 1866, 1)
CRUICKSHANK LANE, additions and alterations to residence for Dr. John P. Russell, 1866 (Globe [Toronto], 31 May 1866, 1)
JORDAN STREET, at Melinda Street, two stores for Edmund and Antoine Gunther, 1869; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 7 Jan. 1869, 3, t.c.; Daily Telegraph [Toronto], 10 Sept. 1869, 4)
REGISTRY OFFICE, Adelaide Street East, adjacent to the proposed new Post Office, 1869 (Globe [Toronto], 20 Feb. 1869, 1)
TORONTO HIGH SCHOOL, Jarvis Street near Gerrard Street, 1870-71; demol. 1928 (Daily Leader [Toronto], 24 March 1870, 3, descrip.; Globe [Toronto], 18 April 1870, 3, t.c.; Journal of Education for Ontario, May 1870, 79; Dec. 1871, 188, descrip.)
W. KAUFMANN (works outside Toronto)
ETOBICOKE TOWNSHIP, School House for Section 1, Mimico Station, 1857 (Globe [Toronto], 17 Sept. 1857, 3, t.c.)
MONTREAL, QUE., Nordheimer's Music Hall, Great St. James Street, 1858-59; demol. 1888 (Semi-Weekly Spectator (Hamilton), 8 Dec. 1858, 4; Montreal Transcript, 24 June 1859, 2, descrip.; and 4 Aug. 1859, 2, descrip.) )
YORK TOWNSHIP, hotel for Thomas Tuer, on the Weston Plank Road opposite the Peacock Tavern, 1862 (Globe [Toronto], 17 Oct. 1862, 2, t.c.)
BRAMPTON, ONT., two houses for James Brown, 1863-64 (Globe [Toronto], 8 Oct. 1863, 2, t.c.)
YORK TOWNSHIP, School House, on the Second Concession, west of Yonge Street, 1864 (Globe [Toronto], 9 Feb. 1864, 3, t.c.)
LONDON, ONT., Huron College Chapel, St. George Street, 1864; demol. 1887 (London Free Press, 19 Oct. 1864, 3, descrip.; J. Talman, Huron College 1863-1963, 18-19, illus.; unsigned dwgs. at University of Western Ontario, D.B. Weldon Library, Moore Coll.)
CALEDON TOWNSHIP, on the Fourth Concession, west of Hurontario Street, "McLaren's Castle", a mansion for James McLaren, 1864-65; damaged by fire in 1963, but portions still standing in 2024 (Guelph Weekly Mercury, 12 Aug. 1864, 3; Orangeville Banner, 25 Oct.1928, 5, extensive description, but incorrectly attributed to "E. J. Lennox of Toronto" [sic]); Georgetown Herald, 23 Jan. 1929, 4, extensive description, but incorrectly attributed to "E. J. Lennox of Toronto" [sic]). A photograph and detailed architectural description of this castle was published in the Orangeville Banner, 1 July 1948, page 7.
LINDSAY, ONT., Town Hall, Kent Street at Market Street, 1864-65 (Canadian Post [Lindsay], 17 March 1865, 3)
SAULT STE. MARIE, ONT., summer hotel for an unnamed client, c. 1865 (dwgs. at OA, Horwood Coll. 454 E)
BRAMPTON, ONT., Peel County Court House & Jail, Hurontario Street at South Wellington Street, 1865-66 (Globe [Toronto], 15 July 1865, 3, t.c.; and 27 Oct. 1865, 3, t.c.; M. MacRae & A. Adamson, Cornerstones of Order, 1983, 172-3, illus.)
NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE, ONT., Royal Niagara Hotel, Front Street at King Street, 1867-69; demol. 1931 (Globe [Toronto], 7 Oct. 1867, 3, t.c.; Niagara Mail, 6 Nov. 1867, 2)
(with T.W. Cooper) GUELPH, ONT., stable and carriage house for 1ohn Horseman, Grange Street, 1869 (Guelph Evening Mercury, 31 March 1869, 2, t.c.)
(with T.W. Cooper) GUELPH, ONT., foot bridge over the Speed River, 1869 (Guelph Daily Mercury, 14 May 1869, 2, t.c.)
HAMILTON, ONT., Hospital for Inebriates (later converted to Insane Asylum), Fennell Avenue, on Mountain Brow near Upper James Street, 1873-75; demol. (Spectator [Hamilton], 3 June 1873, 3, t.c.; and 15 Jan. 1880, 4, descrip.; Ontario, Sessional Papers, No. 2, 1874, 51-3, descrip.)
HAMILTON, ONT., brewery and residence for David Kuntz, Bay Street North at Market Street, 1874 (Spectator [Hamilton], 16 Oct. 1874, 2, t.c.)
HAMILTON, ONT., residence for Leopold Bauer, John Street North at Brock Street, 1875; demol. (Spectator [Hamilton], 12 April 1875, 2, t.c.)