Hoffar, Noble Stonestreet

HOFFAR, Noble Stonestreet (1843-1907)
(biography in preparation)


Commercial & Industrial works

SPRINGER-VAN BRAMER BLOCK NO. 1, Hastings Street opposite the Leland Hotel, 1887; addition, 1889 (Evening Herald [Vancouver], 3 Jan. 1888, 2, descrip.; Vancouver Daily World, 31 Dec. 1888, 4, descrip.; and 4 June 1889, 1)
GREEN BLOCK, Granville Street, commercial block for Mr. Green, 1888 (Evening Herald [Vancouver], 28 June 1888, 1, t.c.; Daily News Advertiser [Vancouver], 29 Sept. 1891, 4, list of works)
SPRINGER-VAN BRAMER BLOCK NO. 2, Cordova Street at Cambie Street, 1888 (Vancouver Daily News Advertiser, 2 Sept. 1888, 8, descrip.; Vancouver Daily World, 29 Sept. 1888, 2, descrip.)
ABBOTT BLOCK, Hastings Street near Homer Street 'beside the Lady Stephen Block', 1888 (Vancouver Daily World, 29 Sept. 1888, 2, descrip.; Daily News Advertiser [Vancouver], 29 Sept. 1891, 4, list of works)
WHETHAM BLOCK, Cordova Street at Cambie Street, for Dr. C. Whetham, 1888 (Vancouver Daily World, 29 Sept. 1888, 2)
DELBRUCK BLOCK NO. 1, Cordova Street, commercial block for George Delbruck, 1888 (Vancouver Daily World, 29 Sept. 1888, 4; and 31 Dec. 1888, 4, descrip.)
DELBRUCK BLOCK NO. 2, Hastings Street, between Granville St. and Seymour Street "adjoining the Leland Hotel", for George Delbruck, 1889-90 (Vancouver Daily World, 27 July 1889, 4; and 29 March 1890, 1) POWER BLOCK, South Granvillle Street, commercial block for Capt. W. Power of Moodyville, 1888 (Vancouver Daily World, 31 Dec. 1888, 4; Daily News Advertiser [Vancouver], 29 Sept. 1891, 4, list of works)
CARRALL STREET, block of stores for G.B. Harris 'adjoining the old Burrard House', 1889 (Vancouver Daily World, 27 March 1889, 4, t.c.)
HORNE BLOCK (also called The Brinsmead Block), West Cordova Street, for J.W. Horne, 1889 (Vancouver Daily World, 10 April 1889, 1, descrip.; and 23 May 1889, 2, descrip.; and 4 June 1889, 1; H. Kalman, Exploring Vancouver, 1978, 33, illus.)
DUNN-MILLER BLOCK, West Cordova Street at Carrall Street, 1889 (Vancouver Daily World, 10 April 1889, 4, descrip.; and 30 May 1889, 4, t.c.; H. Kalman, Exploring Vancouver, 1978, 45, illus.)
ALBANY CHAMBERS, Hastings Street, for Capt. William Power, 1889 (Vancouver Daily World, 11 April 1889, 1, descrip.; and 4 June 1889, 1)
STRUTHERS BLOCK, Cordova Street, for Alex Struthers, 1889 (Vancouver Daily World, 25 April 1889, 1; and 18 May 1889, 1, t.c.)
GRANVILLE HOTEL, Water Street, for Thomas Roberts, 1889 (Daily News Advertiser [Vancouver], 27 Sept. 1891, 4, list of works)
COLONIAL HOTEL, Granville Street at Drake Street, 1890; with later addition at east end by W.T. Whiteway, 1909 (Daily News Advertiser [Vancouver], 29 Sept. 1891, 4, list of works; H. Kalman, Exploring Vancouver, 1993, 104, illus.)
GEORGIA STREET, at Seymour Street, hotel, 1890 (Vancouver Daily World, 27 Feb. 1890, 4, descrip.)
McCONNELL BLOCK, Water Street, 1890 (Vancouver Daily World, 14 April 1890, 1, t.c.)
CORDOVA STREET, block for Gideon Robertson, 1890 (Vancouver Daily World, 28 April 1890, 2, descrip.)
CAMBIE STREET, commercial block for J.W. Horne, 1890 (Vancouver Daily World, 4 June 1890, 1, t.c.)
OPPENHEIMER BROS., Powell Street at Columbia Street, a large three storey addition at the rear of the existing warehouse, with a new third floor added above existing block facing Powell Street, 1891 (Vancouver Daily World, 21 April 1891, 1, t.c.; Daily News Advertiser [Vancouver], 29 Sept. 1891, 4, list of works; H. Kalman, Exploring Vancouver, 1993, 21, illus.; inf. Donald Luxton, Vancouver)
HOTEL METROPOLE, Abbott Street, 1891-92 (Vancouver Daily World, 18 Dec. 1890, 5, t.c.; 24 July 1891, 8; and 4 April 1892, 3, descrip.)
BURNABY, B.C., Royal Oak Hotel, Kingsway at Royal Oak Avenue, a hotel for Levi Morris, 1891 (Vancouver Daily World, 5 May 1891, 1, t.c.; inf. Jim Wolf, Burnaby)
CAMBIE STREET, commercial block for J.F. Garden, 1894 (C.R., v, 18 Oct. 1894, 1)
THE PROVINCE BUILDING, Hastings Street, for the Province Printing & Publishing Co., 1895-96 (C.R., vi, 12 Dec. 1895, 1, t.c.)
THOMAS DUNN & CO., Alexander Street at Carrall Street, warehouse, 1899-1900 (C.R., x, 20 Sept. 1899, 4; Vancouver Daily World, 21 June 1899, 5, t.c.; and 2 Aug. 1899, 6, t.c.; and 15 March 1900, 3, descrip.; and 28 March 1900, 8; H. Kalman, Exploring Vancouver, 1978, 23, illus.)
PATRICK BURNS MEAT CO., brick and stone barn, possibly near or behind Cordova Street, 1899 (Vancouver Daily World, 28 Aug. 1899, 5, t.c.)
DOWNIE BLOCK, West Pender Street, a two storey brick block for Thomas Downie, 1900-01 (Province [Vancouver], 26 Dec. 1900, 1, t.c.; City of Vancouver b.p. 16 May 1901)
GRANVILLE STREET, at West Hastings Street, a one storey commercial block for M. Robinson, merchant tailor, 1901; demol. (Province [Vancouver], 15 Jan. 1901, 9, descrip.; City of Vancouver b.p., 20 March 1901; inf. Patrick Gunn, Vancouver)

Institutional works

VANCOUVER CITY HALL & COURT HOUSE, Hastings Street at Cambie Street, 1892-93 (Vancouver Daily World, 9 June 1892, 1, descrip.; and 25 Jan .1893, 8, descrip.; and 16 Nov. 1893, 3, descrip.)
PARADE FLOAT, for the Dominion Day Parade in Vancouver, an allegorical float based on the theme of "Welcome", 1900 (Vancouver Daily World, 3 July 1900, 2, descrip.)

Residential works

HASTINGS STREET, at Burrard Street, residence for F.C. Innes, 1888 (Vancouver Daily World, 29 Sept. 1888, 2, descrip.)
MELVILLE STREET, residence for Mrs. M.A. Bagnall, 1888 (Victoria Daily Times, 24 Aug. 1888, 4; Vancouver Daily World, 29 Sept. 1888, 3; and 31 Dec. 1888, 4)
GEORGIA STREET, at Thurlow Street, residence for Thomas Dunn, 1889 (Vancouver Daily World, 9 March 1889, 4)
ALBERNI STREET, near Broughton Street, residence for Mrs. Isabella Hosker, 1902 (City of Vancouver b.p. 5 Feb. 1902; inf. Patrick Gunn, Vancouver)


MISSION, B.C., hotel for Alderman J.W. Horne, 1890 (Vancover Daily World, 7 Oct. 1890, 1, descrip.)