McKEAN, John Thomas Charles (1840-1911), a talented, ambitious, and remarkably prolific architect in Saint John, New Brunswick for over 40 years. He was active in the following firms:
J.T.C. McKean, Saint John, 1864-1872
McKean & Fairweather, Saint John, 1873-1880 (with G. Ernest Fairweather)
J.T.C. McKean, Saint John, 1880- to Jan. 1892
Dunn & McKean, Saint John, Feb. 1892 to ... .(with R.C. John Dunn)
J.T.C. McKean, Saint John, 1893 to 1902
McKean & Dunn, Saint John, 1902-1906 (with R.C. John Dunn)
(biography in preparation)
J.T.C. McKEAN (works in Saint John and area unless noted)
PORTLAND, residence for Issac Burpee, Mount Pleasant, 1864 (Morning Telegraph [Saint John], 14 Oct. 1864, 2, descrip.)
MECKLENBURG STREET, at Sydney Street, residence for Dr. James Hutchinson, 1865 (Morning Telegraph [Saint John], 12 Aug. 1865, 2)
CROW'S NEST (perhaps in Mount Pleasant), 'Duncraggan', a residence for Frederick T.C. Burpee, 1870 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 7 May 1870, 3)
HOWE'S LAKE, N.B., residence for John Howe, 1870 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 7 May 1870, 3)
SYDNEY STREET, residence for Mrs. M.G. Stephenson, 1870 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 7 May 1870, 3)
ROTHSAY, N.B., residence for Louis G. Almon, 1870 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 7 May 1870, 3)
ST. STEPHEN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, City Road, a Sunday School, 1870 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 1 Sept. 1870, 2, t.c.)
HAMPTON, N.B., Kings County Court House, Main Street at Centennial Road, 1870-72; addition 1900; still standing in 2022 and now the Hampton Town Hall (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 4 Oct. 1870, 2, t.c.; C.R., xi, 31 Jan. 1900, 2; M. Carter, Early Canadian Court Houses, 1993, 66-7, 207, illus.; Parks Canada, Canadas Historic Places, designated 9 June 2009)
PORTLAND, residence for I. Allen Jack, Wright Street, 1871 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 9 May 1871, 2, descrip.)
MOOSEPATH DRIVING PARK & RACE TRACK, new grandstand and Judge's stand, 1871 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 20 June 1871, 2, t.c.)
ST. ANDREWS, N.B., Argyll Hotel, 1871 (Daily Morning News [Saint John] 15 July 1871, 3; dwgs. at Charlotte County Historical Society, St. Andrews; dwgs. at PANB, MC 182)
FREDERICTON, N.B., Temperance Hall, ????? Street, 1871 (Daily Morning News [Saint John], 29 Aug. 1871, 3)
SUSSEX, N.B., residence for George White, 1872 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 25 March 1872, 3)
SUSSEX, N.B., commercial block for Capt. J.H. Vaughan, 1872 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 25 March 1872, 3)
YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, Charlotte Street, 1872 (Acadian Recorder [Halifax], 12 April 1872, 2; Saint John Daily Telegraph, 27 April 1872, 2, t.c.)
DORCHESTER, N.B., Westmoreland County Court House, 1872-75 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, l4 May 1872, 2, descrip.; Daily News [Saint John], 22 Oct. 1875, 3, descrip.)
PORTLAND, two public schools on Winter Street and Adelaide Street, 1872 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 29 June 1872, 3, descrip.)
McKEAN & FAIRWEATHER (works in Saint John)
CARLETON, Albert School, Duke Street at Watson Street, 1874 (Report of the Board of School Trustees of Saint John for 1874, 12-14, descrip.)
PORTLAND, Ward Four School, Winter Street, 1874-75 (Daily Telegraph [Saint John], 11 May 1874, 2, t.c., and 3 Oct. 1874, 1, detailed descrip.; Daily News [Saint John], 11 May 1875, 3, descrip.)
MASONIC TEMPLE, Germain Street, adjacent to Trinity Anglican Church, 1875 (Morning Freeman [Saint John], 10 June 1875, 2)
PUBLIC MARKET HALL, Charlotte Street at Market Street, 1875-76 (Morning Freeman [Saint John], 29 June 1875, 3, t.c.; C. Cameron & J. Wright, Second Empire Style in Canadian Architecture, 1980, 78-9, illus.)
VICTORIA SCHOOL, Duke Street at Sydney Street, 1876; burned June 1877, rebuilt 1877 Report of the Board of School Trustees of Saint John for 1875, 14-15, descrip.; Report of the Board...., 1877, 24-5, descrip.; American Architect & Building News [Boston], iii, 26 Jan. 1878, 33, descrip.)
MAGEE BLOCK, Water Street, 1877 (Daily News [Saint John], 25 April 1877, 3, descrip.; 27 Nov. 1877, 3)
SANDS BUILDING, Prince William Street through to Water Street, commerical block for the Sands Estate, 1877 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 10 July 1877, 2; and 16 Aug. 1877, 2, t.c.)
GERMAIN STREET, at Church Street, commercial block for Dr. Allen M. Ring, 1877 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 6 July 1877, 1; and 23 Nov. 1877, 3, descrip.)
THE INSURANCE BLOCK, for Robert Marshall, Prince William Street at Market Square, 1877 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 6 July 1877, 2, descrip.; and 4 Oct. 1877, 1, illus. & descrip.; Daily News [Saint John], 29 Nov. 1877, 3)
WATER STREET, commercial block for Allan Brothers and Bela K. Lawrence, 1877 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 29 June 1877, 1)
KING STREET, near Prince William Street, commercial block for Joseph W. Hall and Charles A. MacDonald, 1877 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 29 June 1877, 1; Daily News [Saint John], 26 Nov. 1877, 3)
THOMAS RANKIN & SONS, Mill Street, rebuilding of bakery block, 1877 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 6 July 1877, 1)
KING STREET, near Germain Street, commercial block for Dr. Sidney H. Taylor, 1877 (Daily News [Saint John], 26 Nov. 1877, 3)
ROBERT ROBERTSON & SONS, Water Street, warehouse, 1877 (Daily News [Saint John], 27 Nov. 1877, 3)
PRINCE WILLIAM STREET, commercial block for Hon. Issac Burpee, 1877 (Daily News [Saint John], 30 Nov. 1877, 3)
CHARLOTTE STREET, residence for James E. White, 1877 (Daily News [Saint John], 3 Dec. 1877, 3)
CHARLOTTE STREET, block for Henry Maxwell, 1877 (Daily News [Saint John], 3 Dec. 1877, 3)
CHARLOTTE STREET, block for Dudne G. Breeze, 1877 (Daily News [Saint John], 3 Dec. 1877, 3)
VICTORIA PUBLIC SCHOOL, Sydney Street at Duke Street, 1877-78 (Daily News [Saint John], 5 Dec. 1877, 3)
PRINCESS STREET, residence for Edward Willis, 1877 (Daily News [Saint John], 12 Dec. 1877, 2)
ORANGE STREET, residence for Donald MacKenzie, 1877 (Daily News [Saint John], 18 Dec. 1877, 3)
ORANGE STREET, residence for Howard D. Troop, 1877 (Daily News [Saint John], 18 Dec. 1877, 3)
WENTWORTH STREET, residence for J.V. Troop, 1877 (dwgs. at PANB, Mott Coll. 281; G. Hughes, Music of the Eye, 1991, 72-4, illus.)
MASONIC HALL, Germain Street, 1878 (Daily News [Saint John], 1 July 1878, 3, descrip.; Saint John Daily Telegraph, 2 July 1878, 3, descrip.; Daily Sun [Saint John], 28 Aug. 1879, 1, illus. & descrip.)
CHUBB'S BLOCK, Prince William Street at Princess Street, for James Chubb, 1878 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 9 July 1878, 2, t.c.; and 2 Nov. 1878, 3, descrip.; Daily News [Saint John], 8 Nov. 1878, 3, descrip.)
PRINCE WILLIAM STREET, commercial block for Mrs. Perkins '......adjoining Chubb's Building', 1878 (Daily News [Saint John], 8 Nov. 1878, 3, descrip.)
HOME FOR AGED WOMEN, Broad Street near Wentworth Street, 1878 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 14 Feb. 1878, 1, t.c.; and 23 Oct. 1878, 2, descrip.)
LUNATIC ASYLUM, Lancaster Avenue, North Wing, 1878; South Wing, 1879-80 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 13 July 1878, 2, t.c.; Daily Sun [Saint John], 1 Feb. 1879, 3, descrip.; American Architect & Building News [Boston], iv, 19 Oct. 1878, 134)
CITY HALL, Prince William Street at Princess Street, 1878-79 (Daily News [Saint John], 21 Jan. 1878, 3, descrip.; and 30 May 1878, 3, descrip.; and 15 Nov. 1878, 3, descrip.; American Architect & Building News [Boston], iv, 23 Nov. 1878, Plate 152, illus.)
DAILY TELEGRAPH BUILDING, Canterbury Street at Church Street, 1878-79 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 13 March 1878, 2; ad 29 Oct. 1879, 2, descrip. & illus.)
DOMINION SAVINGS BANK, Princess Street at Canterbury Street, 1878-79 (American Architect & Building News [Boston], iii, 18 May 1878, 175, descrip.; Daily Sun [Saint John], v, 17 May 1879, 3, descrip.; Canada, Sessional Papers, 1880, viii, Appendix 3, 14, descrip.)
(with Thomas S. Scott) CUSTOM HOUSE, Prince William Street at Duke Street, 1878-80; demol. 1961(Saint John Daily Telegraph, 18 Aug. 1877, 1; Daily Sun [Saint John], 20 June 1879, 3; and 26 April 1881, 3, descrip.; Saint John Globe, 4 Feb. 1881, 1, descrip.; Saint John Daily Telegraph, 26 April 1881, 1 and 2, extensive architectural descrip., with floor plans; American Architect & Building News [Boston], vi, 4 Oct. 1879, plate illus.; and vii, 21 Feb. 1880, plate illus.; C. Cameron & J. Wright, Second Empire Style in Canadian Architecture, 1980, 48-9, illus.)
ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Charlotte Street, 1878 (Daily News [Saint John], 24 Sept. 1878, 3, descrip.; Morning Freeman [Saint John], 24 Sept. 1878, 3, descrip.)
PRINCE WILLIAM STREET, commercial block for Henry Davidson, 1878 (American Architect & Building News [Boston] iv, 19 Oct. 1878, 132 & plate illus.)
PRINCESS STREET, residence for George F. Matthews, 1878 (PANB, Mott Coll., 363)
GERMAIN STREET, near Queen Street, residence for Thomas N. Anderson, 1880 (Daily Sun [Saint John], 23 Oct. 1880, 3, descrip.)
PROTESTANT ORPHAN ASYLUM, Britain Street at Carmarthen Street, 1880-81 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 24 July 1880, 2, t.c.; and 4 Aug. 1880, 2, descrip.; and 10 May 1881, 1, descrip.)
McKEAN & FAIRWEATHER (works elsewhere)
BATHURST, N.B., St. George's Anglican Church, 1873 (Daily Morning News [Saint John], 3 Feb. 1873, 3)
CHARLOTTE COUNTY, plans for seven schools for the County School Board, 1873 (St. Croix Courier (Maine), 9 Jan. 1873)
ST. ANDREWS, N.B., moving and rebuilding of the old Custom House for a new School building, 1873 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 2 Sept. 1873, 2)
FREDERICTON, N.B., block of three stores for Edward H. Wilmot, Queen Street at Wilmot's Alley, 1873 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 10 Nov. 1873, 2, descrip.)
CALAIS, MAINE, U.S.A., school house, 1873 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 24 Nov. 1873, 3, descrip)
MONCTON, N.B., residence for Charles A. Holstead, Alma Street at Cross Street, 1873 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 24 Nov. 1873, 3)
MONCTON, N.B., residence for Dr. R.G. Baxter, Main Street at Alma Street, 1873 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 24 Nov. 1873, 3)
SUSSEX, N.B., Trinity Anglican Church, 1873 (Daily Morning News [Saint John], 1 Feb. 1873, 3, descrip.; and 25 Feb. 1874, 3, descrip.)
SUSSEX STATION, N.B., school house, 1874 (Daily News [Saint John], 3 Feb. 1874, 3, descrip.)
FREDERICTON, N.B., project for new Museum & Library at the Univ. of New Brunswick, designed 1875, but not built (John Leroux, Building a University: The Architecture of the University of New Brunswick, 2010, 27, illus.)
FREDERICTON, N.B., City Hall & Market Building, Queen Street, 1875-76 (New Brunswick Reporter [Fredericton], 14 April 1875, 2, descrip.; and 19 April 1876, 2, descrip.; Canada, Town Halls of Canada, 214-15, 217, illus.)
KINGSCLEAR, N.B., enlargement and restoration of St. Peter's Church, Spring Hill, 1876 (New Brunswick Reporter [Fredericton], 19 April 1876, 2, descrip.)
FREDERICTON, N.B., Normal School, Queen Street, 1876-77; and stone & cast iron fence, 1879 (New Brunswick Reporter [Fredericton] 21 June 1876, 2, descrip.; Daily Sun [Saint John], 6 Oct. 1879, 1, descrip.; New Brunswick, Education Circular, No. 6, 1877, 49-50, descrip.)
FAIRVILLE, N.B., Anglican Church, 1877 (Daily News [Saint John], 15 June 1877, 3, descrip.)
CHATHAM, N.B., parsonage for Rev. D. Forsyth, of St. Mary's Anglican Church, 1877 (Daily News [Saint John], 29 Sept. 1877, 3; dwgs. at PANB, MC 113 and MC 135)
(attributed) HAMPTON, N.B., commercial block for William Barnes, 1879 (unsigned dwgs. at PANB, Mott Coll., 395)
J.T.C. McKEAN (works in Saint John, N.B. unless noted)
SAINT JOHN BOLT & NUT CO., Paradise Row at Lombard Street, factory and warehouse, 1880-81 (Saint John Daily Telegraph, 19 Oct. 1880, 2, t.c.; and 25 March 1881, 3, descrip.)
GENERAL PUBLIC HOSPITAL, Hospital Street, addition, 1881 (Saint John Globe, 20 April 1881, 1, t.c.)
COBURG STREET, at the head of Cliff Street, pair of houses for Bela R. Lawrence, 1881 (Saint John Globe, 21 April 1881, 1)
PORTLAND (a suburb of Saint John), a large cotton mill for William Parks & Son, ' the Valley near the Intercolonial Railway Station', 1881 (Daily Telegraph [Saint John], 14 May 1881, descrip.; and 13 June 1881) Note - this mill complex is likely the same project listed below, for the Saint John Cotton Co.)
SAINT JOHN COTTON CO., extensive 4 storey cotton mill complex for Mr. Parks, Albion Street at Wright's Shipyard, Courtenay Bay, 1881-82 (Morning Herald [Halifax], 17 May 1881, 1, detailed architectural descrip.; Daily Evening News [Saint John], 23 Jan. 1882, 2, descrip.; Daily Sun [Saint John], 7 June 1882, 1, descrip.)
INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY STATION, Mill Street, 1883-85; demol.; Car Shed and Locomotive House, 1884 (Saint John Globe, 18 Aug. 1883, 2, descrip.; and 22 Nov. 1883, 1, descrip.; and 28 May 1885, 1, descrip.; Daily Sun [Saint John], 16 May 1884, 2, descrip.)
MONCTON, N.B., Intercolonial Railway Office Building, 1883-84 (Saint John Globe, 25 Jan. 1884, 1, descrip.; Daily Transcript [Moncton], 9 June 1884, 3, descrip.)
BATHURST, N.B., St. George's Anglican Church, King Avenue near St. Patrick Street, 1883, still standing in 2024 (New Brunswick Reporter [Fredericton], 6 Oct. 1883, 3)
HAMPTON, N.B., St. Paul's Anglican Church, Kennebecasis River Road at St. Paul's Street, 1886-87, still standing in 2024 (Daily Sun [Saint John], 25 Sept. 1886, 5; and 6 Dec. 1887, 3, descrip.)
TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH, Germain Street, interior wood canopy and screen, 1887 (Daily Sun [Saint John], 17 June 1887, 3, descrip.; Souvenir of the Queen's Jubilee at Saint John, N.B., 1887, 9)
HILLSBOROUGH, N.B., St. Mary's Anglican Church, Mill Street at Legion Street, 1887, still standing in 2024 (inf. Garry Shutlak, Halifax)
DOUGLAS ROAD, residence for Hon. James Holly, 1889-90 (Daily Sun [Saint John], 7 Jan. 1890, 2, descrip.)
UNION CLUB, Germain Street at Princess Street, 1890 (Daily Sun [Saint John], 3 June 1890, 2, descrip.)
ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH (the Stone Church), Carleton Street, interior alterations to this historic church, 1895; still standing in 2023 (A. Fleming, History of St. John's Church, Saint John, N.B., 1925, 134-5)
JAMES PENDER & CO., Charlotte Street, warehouse, 1895 (C.R., vi, 11 July 1895, 2)
CARLETON STREET, at Wellington Row, office and residence for Dr. Neagle, 1897 (C.R., viii, 18 March 1897, 3)
MECKLENBURG STREET, major alterations and improvements to residence for J.B. Magee and William C. Magee, 1899 (C.R., x, 16 Aug. 1899, 3, t.c.)
BANK OF NEW BRUNSWICK, Prince William Street, extensive alterations, 1901 (C.R., xi, 16 Jan. 1901, 2)
DUFFERIN SCHOOL, Elm Street at Magazine Street, 1902 (C.R., xiii, 18 June 1902, 2)
McKEAN & DUNN (works in Saint John, N.B. unless noted)
KINGSTON, N.B., MacDonald Consolidated School, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 24 June 1903, 3; New Brunswick, Journal of the Legislative Assembly, 1904, illus.)
ST. MALACHI'S SCHOOL, Sydney Street at Leinster Street, remodelling, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 29 April 1903, 2)
ASSUMPTION ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Dufferin Row, Saint John West, reconstruction after a fire, 1905-06 (C.R., xv, 22 Feb. 1905, 6; G. Hughes, Music of the Eye, 1991, 114-16, illus.)
FREDERICTON, N.B., Legislative Building, 1879. McKean & Fairweather were one of 14 competitors who submitted plans for this important commission (American Architect & Building News [Boston], v, 5 April 1879, 109). Their scheme was awarded Second Prize of $300, and J.C. Dumaresq was awarded First Prize. A detailed description of the Gothic design prepared by McKean & Fairweather was published in the Daily Telegraph [Saint John], 21 March 1879, 2, and 16 Feb. 1882, page 5.
SAINT JOHN, N.B., Carnegie Library, 1902. McKean & Dunn of Saint John were one of 18 architects from the United States and Canada who submitted drawings in this international competition (Daily Telegraph [Saint John], 18 July 1902, 3, list of competitors). He was among the 4 finalists, and a description of his design appeared in the Daily Telegraph [Saint John], 22 July 1902, 8, The eventual winner was
G. Ernest Fairweather of Saint John.