Marchand, Jean Omer

MARCHAND, Jean Omer (1872-1936)
(biography in preparation)

A detailed biography of Jean Omer Marchand has recently been published in The Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Vol. 16, 1931-40 (available online).

J.O. MARCHAND (works in Paris, France)

PARIS, FRANCE, The Canadian Pavilion at the Paris Exposition, 1900 (Montreal Daily Star, 7 May 1900, 12, and 1 Nov. 1902, 1902, 19). While attending the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, Marchand was hired by the Canadian Dept. of Public Works to carry out interior modifications and new decoration of the Canadian Pavilion, because the design of the original building did not please Hon. H.J. Tarte, Canadian High Commissioner to the Paris Exposition, and "....did not at all suit Mr. Tarte's critical tastes".

MARCHAND & HASKELL (works in Montreal unless noted)

GRAND SEMINAIRE, Sherbrooke Street West near Cote des Neiges Road, reconstruction of the Chapel and new Library, 1903-07 (La Presse [Montreal], 30 Nov. 1905, 14, descrip.; and 22 March 1907, 1 & 8, illus. & descrip.; R.A.I.C. Journal, iii, Jan.-Feb. 1926, 11, illus.; Montreal, Les Couvents, 1984, 140-55, illus.)
BANK OF MONTREAL, Davidson Street at Nolan Street, 1904 (Le Prix Courant, Week No. 28, 1904, 56)
HOPITAL NOTRE DAME, Sherbrooke Street East at Plessis Street, Contagious Diseases pavilions, 1904; hospital, 1906 (La Presse [Montreal], 31 Dec. 1904, 5, illus.; and 2 Jan. 1906, 1, illus. & descrip.; Montreal Daily Star, 13 Dec. 1904, 16; and 28 Oct. 1905, 10, illus. & descrip.; and 10 March 1906, 20, illus.)
SOEURS DE LA CONGREGATION DE NOTRE DAME MAISON MERE, Sherbrooke Street West at Atwater Avenue, 1905-08, and now called Dawson College (Montreal Daily Star, 5 May 1905, 4, detailed descrip.; and 6 May 1905, 12, illus. & descrip.; C.A.B., xviii, June 1905, 93; La Presse [Montreal], 23 Aug. 1906, 1, illus. & descrip.; and 16 May 1908, 9, illus. & descrip.; Montreal Daily Star, 17 July 1908, 13, descrip.; Const., xx, June 1927, 194, illus.; Montreal, Les Couvents, 1984, 238-43, illus.; P.R. Bisson, 'Un Monument de Classe Internationale: La Maison-Mere de la Congregation Notre-Dame', in ARQ, [Montreal], No. 31, June 1986, 14-18, illus. & descrip.; City of Westmount, Westmount: A Heritage to Preserve, 1991, 25, 39, illus.)
ST. CUNEGONDE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, St. James Street at Vinet Street, 1905-07 (C.A.B., xviii, June 1905, 93; and xx, Oct. 1907, 176, descrip.; La Presse [Montreal], 15 March 1905, 1 and 7, illus. & descrip.; and 22 April 1907, 14, illus. & descrip.; Montreal, Les Eglises, 1981, 420-3, illus.)
MONTREAL STREET RAILWAY CO., Notre Dame Street East near Marlborough Street, Car Sheds 1905; Power House 1906 (Montreal Daily Star, 6 Oct. 1905, 3; and 13 Oct. 1905, 8, descrip.; C.R., xvi, 11 Oct. 1905, 5; C.A.B., xix, July 1906, 108; La Presse [Montreal], 14 Dec. 1907, 9, illus. & descrip.)
CREDIT FONCIER BUILDING, St. James Street at St. Lambert Hill, a ten storey office block, 1905-06 (Montreal Daily Star, 3 June 1905, 28, descrip.; and 10 March 1906, 18, illus.)
ST. BONIFACE, MAN., Roman Catholic Cathedral, Tache Street, 1906-08; burned 1969; but facade still standing (C.A.B., xix, April 1906, illus.; Montreal Daily Star, 13 April 1907, 10, illus. & descrip; Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 19 Jan. 1906, 1 & 9, descrip.;and 24 Feb. 1906, 15, descrip.; and 3 Oct. 1908, 13, illus. & descrip.; Winnipeg Tribune, 23 Jan. 1908, 5, descrip.; and 3 Oct. 1908, 9, illus. & descrip.)
MONTREAL TERMINAL WAREHOUSE & CARTAGE CO., Grey Nuns Street near Common Street, warehouse, 1906 (Ottawa Journal, 13 Jan. 1906, 5, descrip.; C.R., xvi, 17 Jan. 1906, 2; C.A.B., xix, March 1906, 41; Montreal, Architecture Industrielle, 1982, 188-9, illus.)
LACHINE, Hussey Construction Co., St. Antoine Street, warehouse, 1906 (C.R., xvii, 17 Oct. 1906, 2)
SOEURS DE LA CONGREGATION DE NOTRE DAME, Fullum Street, new Academy Building, 1906 (C.R., xvii, 29 Aug. 1906, 6)
(with Edward & W.S. Maxwell) MOUNT ROYAL PARK, The Lookout, a park pavillion, 1906 (La Presse [Montreal], 28 April 1906, 17, illus.; C.A.B., xix, May 1906, 76, descrip.)
(with Johnson & Barnes) EDMONTON, ALTA., Credit Foncier Building, Jasper Avenue West at 103rd Street, 1906 (Edmonton b.p. 835, 11 Aug. 1906; Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 14 Nov. 1907, 11, descrip.)
ST. CHARLES PARISH, rebuilding of the presbytery [or residence] for the church, 1908 (Montreal Daily Star, 27 Feb. 1908, 10, t.c.)
MONTREAL BASEBALL & AMUSEMENT CO., a new public grandstand, 1908 (Montreal Daily Star, 2 April 1908, 10, t.c.)
ST. DENIS STREET, at Carriere Street, apartments for F.X. Prenoveau, 1908 (Le Prix Courant , Week No. 33, 1908, 44)
(with R.A. Brassard) BORDEAUX PRISON, Gouin Boulevard East near Poincare Street, 1909-10; and addition of 'B' Wing, 1930 (C.R., xxii, 16 Dec. 1908, 27, t.c.; and xxv, 26 July 1911, 46-7, illus. & descrip.; and xliv, 17 Sept. 1930, 53; Montreal Daily Star, 30 June 1909, 16, descrip.; La Presse [Montreal], 9 Aug. 1907, 1 and 9, illus. & descrip.; and 10 Aug. 1907, 5, 22, illus.; and 10 July 1909, 9, illus.; and 18 Oct. 1911, 2, illus. & descrip.; Montreal, Les Edifices Publics, 1981, 238-43, illus.)
ST. HUBERT STREET, residence for Celina Beauchamp, 1909 (Le Prix Courant, xlvii, Week No. 27, 1909, 76; Montreal, Les Residences, 1987, 62-3, illus.)
ACADEMY MARCHAND, Berri Street at Dorchester Street East, 1909-10; addition of third floor, 1910 (Montreal, Les Edifices Scolaires, 1980, 118-21, illus.)
GREAT SCOTTISH LIFE INSURANCE CO., Place d'Armes, addition of two floors, 1909 (Montreal, Les Hotels Les Immeubles de Bureaux, 1983, 44-6, illus.)
BANQUE NATIONALE, St. James Street at Place d'Armes Hill, major addition, 1909 (Financial Post [Toronto], 1 May 1909, 12, descrip. C.R., xxiii, 5 May 1909, 23; Const., iii, Sept. 1910, 91, illus. in advert.)
MONTCALM SCHOOL, de Montigny Street East, 1910 (C.R., xxiv, 2 Feb. 1910, 22)
WESTMOUNT, residence located at 4323 Western Avenue, near Redfern Avenue, perhaps for J.L. McCulloch, 1910 (Montreal Daily Star, 12 Feb. 1910, 20, advert.; and 3 Oct. 1910, 12, advert. & descrip.)
OUTREMONT, residence for Gustave Orban, Cote Ste. Catherine Road, 1910; demol. 1972 (Outremont b.p. 291, 23 March 1910)
(with G. Emile Tanguay) QUEBEC CITY, QUE., Parliament Building, addition of the Executive Office Building and Library, 1910; Parliamentary Restaurant, 1916 (Montreal Daily Star, 26 Jan. 1910, 18; and 27 April 1912, 42, descrip.; La Presse [Montreal], 3 June 1910, 1, illus.; L. Noppen & G. Deschenes, Quebec's Parliament Building - Witness to History, 1986, 192, illus.; L. Noppen et al, Quebec Monumental 1890-1990, 38, 71, illus.)
MONTREAL STREET RAILWAY CO., Vervais Road, extensive workshops, car sheds and maintenance buildings, 1910-11 (C.R., xxiv, 20 April 1910, 25; Canadian Railway & Marine World [Montreal], March 1913, 132-8, illus. & descrip.)
KENSINGTON AVENUE, residence for John McKergow, 1910 (C.R., xxiv, 6 April 1910, 27, t.c.)
DOLLARD ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL, St. Urbain Street, 1910 (C.R., xxiv, 22 June 1910, 24)
ACADEMY GARNEAU, Visitation Street, 1910 (La Presse [Montreal], 25 May 1910, 2, illus.; C.R., xxiv, 27 July 1910, 24; Montreal, Les Edifices Scolaires, 1980, 48-51, illus.)
ECOLE NORMALE JACQUES CARTIER, for the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame, Sherbrooke Street West at Atwater Avenue, 1911-12 (La Patrie [Montreal], 22 April 1911, 22, illus.; C.R., xxv, 29 Nov. 1911, 50, illus. & descrip.; Montreal, Les Couvents, 1984, 122-3, illus.)
RAMSAY'S BISCUIT LTD., Duquette Street at Chambly Street, factory, 1911 (C.R., xxv, 10 May 1911, 57)
MONTREAL SMALLPOX HOSPITAL, Moreau Street, reconstruction and new extension, 1911 (Gazette [Montreal], 23 March 1911, 3; C.R., xxv, 24 May 1911, 60)
MONTREAL HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS, Notre Dame Street East near Papineau Avenue, warehouse, 1911 (C.R., xxv, 30 Aug. 1911, 62)
MONTREAL CITY HALL, Notre Dame Street East at Gosford Street, The Annex Building, 1912-13 (Montreal Daily Star, 2 May 1912, 23, descrip.; La Presse [Montreal], 2 May 1912, 24, illus.; C.R., xxvi, 22 May 1912, 61, illus. & descrip.; Montreal, Les Edifices Publics, 1981, 2-3, illus.)
MONTREAL POST OFFICE, 1912. Marchand & Haskell were called in to take over and finish this building for the federal government, after dissatisfaction with the previous architect (Montreal Daily Star, 2 July 1912, 19)
ONTARIO AVENUE, residence for Sir Rodolphe Forget, 1912 (Montreal Star, 5 Oct. 1912, 26, descrip.; Montreal, Les Residences, 1987, 250-3, illus.; F. Remillard & B. Merrett, Mansions of the Golden Square Mile Montreal 185)

J.O. MARCHAND (works in Montreal unless noted)

(with G.E. Tanguay) CAP ROUGE, QUE., extensive workshops and maintainence buildings for the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, 1911 (C.R., xxv, 2 Aug. 1911, 63)
WESTMOUNT, residence for J.O. Marchand Architect, Wood Avenue, 1912-14 (Montreal, Les Residences, 1987, 450-3, illus.; City of Westmount, Westmount: A Heritage to Preserve, 1991, 51, illus.)
CIVIC CENTRE, for the City of Montreal, a proposal for a new complex bounded by Bleury Street, St. Denis Street, Dorchester Street and Craig Street, 1913, but not built (Montreal Daily Star, 18 Oct. 1913, 24, illus. & detailed descrip., and interview with the architect J.O. Marchand)
(with Joseph Venne) EGLISE ST. PIERRE CLAVER, St. Joseph Boulevard East at de Lorimier Avenue, 1915-17 (C.R., xxix, 29 Dec. 1915, 1324, illus. & descrip.; Montreal, Les Eglises, 1981, 368-73, illus.)
(with E.A. Doucet & J.A. Morissette) ECOLE GABRIEL-SOUART, Papineau Avenue at Lafontaine Street, 1914-16 (Gazette [Montreal], 11 March 1914, 5; C.R., xxx, 12 April 1916, 364-5, illus. & descrip.; R.A.I.C. Journal, iv, Sept. 1927, 330, illus.; Montreal, Les Edifices Scolaires, 1980, 44-7, illus.)
(with John A. Pearson) OTTAWA, ONT., reconstruction of the Centre Block and Peace Tower, Parliament Hill, Wellington Street, 1917-20; Peace Tower completed 1927 (Ottawa Journal, 31 Jan. 1920, 22, descrip.; C.R., xxxiii, 13 Aug. 1919, 767-74, illus. & descrip.; Const., xvii, May 1924, 140-72, illus. & descrip.; R.A.I.C. Journal, i, Jan.-March 1924, 5-18, illus.)
SHERBROOKE STREET WEST, near Mansfield Street, a temporary Cenotaph for the Royal Visit of the Prince of Wales, 1919 (Montreal Daily Star, 8 Oct. 1919, 17; and 10 Oct. 1919, 18, detailed descrip.)
(with Ernest Cormier) DUBRULE BUILDING, Phillips Place, 1919-21 (Ernest Cormier and Universite de Montreal, 1990, 24, illus.)
TRINITY CONVENT, for the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame, Notre Dame Street East near 13th Avenue, new extension, 1922-23, to replace the wing which burned in 1922 (Montreal, Les Couvents, 1984, 78-81, illus.)
(with Ernest Cormier) ECOLE DES BEAUX ARTS, St. Urbain Street at Sherbrooke Street West, 1923; addition of a third floor on top of existing school, 1928 (C.R., xxxvi, 13 Dec. 1922, 49; Montreal, Les Edifices Scolaires, 1980, 14-5, illus.)
(with J.L.D. Lafreniere) MONTREAL CITY HALL, Notre Dame Street West at Jacques Cartier Square, reconstruction after the fire of March 1922, 1922-25 (Canadian Engineer, xlix, 17 Nov. 1925, 550-1, illus. & descrip.; Const., xix, Feb. 1926, 40-8, 60, illus. & descrip.)
WESTMOUNT, St. Paul's Roman Catholic School, 1924 (A. Gubbay & S. Hooff, Montreal's Little Mountain, 1979, 118-19, illus.)
(with Louis N. Audet) SHERBROOKE, QUE., Normal School, Beckett Road, 1924 (C.R., xxxviii, 6 Aug. 1924, 55)
ECOLE ST. AMBROISE, de Normanville Street, 1924-25 (R.A.I.C. Journal, iv, Sept. 1927, 330, illus.; Montreal, Les Edifices Scolaires, 1980, 212-15, illus.)
(with L.A. Amos) WESTMOUNT, Institut Pedagogique de Montreal, Westmount Avneue at Claremont Avenue, 1925; major additions, 1931 (R.A.I.C. Journal, vi, April 1929, 137-9, illus.; Montreal Daily Star, 7 Jan. 1930, 3; Montreal, Les Couvents, 1984, 200-03, illus.; City of Westmount, Westmount: A Heritage to Preserve, 1991, 59, illus.)
AISLE ST. BENOIT JOSEPH-LABRE, Notre Dame Street East at de Beaurivage Street, new Presbytery, 1925 (Montreal, Les Couvents, 1984, 18-23, illus.)
ECOLE MADELEINE-DE-VERCHERES, Cartier Street at de Bellechase Street, 1926-27 (Montreal, Les Edifices Scolaires, 1980, 110-13, illus.)
EGLISE NOTRE DAME DE GRACE, Notre-Dame-de Grâce Avenue at Decarie Boulevard, addition of a 140 ft. tower, with chapel, parish hall and library, 1926-28 (Gazette [Montreal], 16 April 1927, 4, descrip.; Montreal Daily Star, 16 April 1927, 6, descrip.; R.A.I.C. Journal, vi, Feb. 1929, 44, 47, illus.; Montreal, Les Eglises, 1981, 112-17, illus.)
GENEREAUX PUBLIC BATHS, Amherst Street near Ontario Street, 1926 (Montreal Daily Star, 3 Feb. 1926, 21, t.c.;, R.A.I.C. Journal, vi, June 1929, 213-15, illus. & descrip.; Montreal, Les Edifices Publics, 1981, 14-15, illus.)
(with H. Talbot Gouin) NOTRE DAME DU MONT CARMEL ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL, 1927 (Montreal Daily Star, 28 May 1927, 41, t.c.)
JUVENILE COURT, St. Denis Street near St. Joseph Boulevard, 1927-29; and later addition of two wings 1930 (Montreal Daily Star, 16 Nov. 1927, 3, descrip.; and 19 May 1928, 37, t.c.; C.R., xliii, 9 Jan. 1929, 48; and xliv, 28 May 1930, 207; Montreal, Les Edifices Publics, 1981, 64-7, illus.)
ECOLE JACQUES VIGER, Dorchester Street East at St. Andre Street, 1928 (Montreal Daily Star, 11 April 1928, 14, descrip.; C.R., xlii, 2 May 1928, 53)
WESTMOUNT, residence for Leopold M. Fortier, Sunnyside Avenue, 1930 (Montreal, Les Residences, 1987, 254-5, illus.; City of Westmount, Westmount: A Heritage to Preserve, 1991, 59, illus.)
ECOLE DE LA VISITATION, Hamelin Street, 1930 (C.R., xliv, 23 July 1930, 62)
HOPITAL FRANCAIS STE. JEANNE d'ARC, Prince Arthur Street West at St. Urbain Street, major addition, 1930-31 (Canadian Hotel Review, viii, June 1930, 32)
(with G.A. Monette) ACADEMY ST. ALPHONSE d'YOUVILLE, Berri Street at Cremazie Boulevard, major addition, 1931 (C.R., xlv, 24 June 1931, 52)
DOMINION SQUARE, Public Comfort Station, a prototype erected in several locations in Montreal, 1931 (Canadian Engineer, lxi, 6 Oct. 1931, illus. on cover)
(with Joseph Sawyer) HOPITAL NOTRE-DAME-DE-LA-MERCI, Gouin Boulevard West near Norwood Avenue, 1931-32 (La Presse [Montreal], 27 Sept. 1929, 17, illus. & descrip.; C.R., xlv, 9 Sept. 1931, 55; R.A.I.C. Journal, xxii, Nov. 1945, 235, illus.; Montreal, Les Couvents, 1984, 166-69, illus.)
REFORM SCHOOL, for the Brothers of Charity, Sherbrooke Street East at Beaugrand Street, 1932 (C.R., xlvi, 6 Jan. 1932, 45; Montreal, Les Couvents, 1984, 114-17, illus.)
QUEBEC CITY, QUE., residence for Dr. Omer Paquet, d'Auteuil Street, 1933 (L. Noppen et al, Quebec Monumental 1890-1990, 36, illus.)
EAST END HIGH SCHOOL, Hochelaga Street near Letournoux Street, 1934 (Gazette [Montreal], 24 March 1934, 5, descrip.)


PARIS, FRANCE, Design for a Church, 1896, a student project submitted in competition at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris when Marchand was enrolled in the Second Year (C.A.B., ix, April 1896, 52 and plate illus.)
MONTREAL, QUE., Ste. Cunegonde City Hall, Richelieu Street at Vinet Street, 1903. Marchand was one of three architects invited to submit an entry in this local competition (Montreal Daily Star, 27 Nov. 1903, 9). The winner was J. Cajetan Dufort (C.R., xiv, 2 Dec. 1903, 1).
MONTREAL, QUE., Mount Royal Park Pavilion, 1904. Marchand was one of three competitors who were asked to submit a design for an observation pavilion on the top of Mount Royal overlooking Montreal. His flamboyant scheme was described as 'a blend of the Renaissance style with the modern style (La Presse [Montreal], 2 Nov. 1904, 11, illus. & descrip.). The Parks Committee postponed a decision on a winning scheme, and Marchand was later commissioned in 1906 to design a more modest structure in collaboration with Edward & W.S. Maxwell.
MONTREAL, QUE., Medical Faculty Building, McGill University, Pine Avenue, 1907. Eight local Montreal architectural firms were invited to submit designs for this major educational building (Gazette [Montreal], 22 July 1907, 3). The plans by Marchand & Haskell were passed over in favour of the winning design by Brown & Vallance
REGINA, SASK., Legislative Buildings, 1907. Seven architectural firms from Canada and United States were invited to submit detailed proposals to the jury composed of Percy E. Nobbs of Montreal and Bertram G. Goodhue of New York. The scheme prepared by Edward & W.S. Maxwell was declared as the winner. A glass negative illustrating the design by Marchand & Haskell survives and is now held at the Regina office of the Saskatchewan Archives Board (Neg. R-B248).
MONTREAL, QUE., Bibliotheque St. Sulpice, St. Denis Street, Montreal, 1911. Marchand was awarded Second Prize of $500 for his uncharacteristic Gothic Revival design, but this was set aside and Eugene Payette was awarded First Premium. Marchand's drawings survive in the Fonds St. Sulpice, held at the Bibliothèque Nationale du Quebec at Montreal (La Presse [Montreal], 8 Aug. 1911, 1, illus.; J.R. Lassonde, Le Bibliothèque Saint-Sulpice 1910-1931, 1986, 55, 61, 67, illus.)
KINGSTON, ONT., Memorial Archway, at Royal Military College, 1920. The Montreal office of J.O. Marchand was one of 7 architects invited to prepare a design for this large outdoor arch. The eventual winner was John M. Lyle of Toronto (inf. Sarah Toomey, Chief Librarian, Massey Library, Royal Military College, Kingston)