MALLANDAINE, Edward Sr. (1827-1905)
(biography in preparation)
(works in Victoria unless noted)
POSTAL STATION & CUSTOMS HOUSE, Government Street, 1872 (Daily Colonist [Victoria], 1 Oct. 1872, 3, descrip.)
ROYAL HOSPITAL, Pandora Avenue near Chambers Street, additions and alterations to the existing hospital to create an Asylum for the Insane, 1872; addition 1878 (Victoria Daily Standard, 27 July 1872, 2, t.c.; 2 Aug. 1872, 3, descrip.; Daily Colonist [Victoria], 4 Oct. 1872, 2, editorial; 5 Oct. 1872, 3, letter from Mallandaine; British Columbia, Sessional Papers, 1879, Public Accounts, 126)
COMOX, B.C., public school, 1873 (Victoria Daily Standard, 18 March 1873, 2, t.c.)
METCHOSIN, B.C., St. Mary's Anglican Church, 1873 (Daily Colonist [Victoria], 25 July 1873, 3, descrip.; 24 Oct. 1873, 3; M. Segger & D. Franklin, Exploring Victoria's Architecture, 1996, 277, illus.)
ROSS BAY CEMETERY, Fairfield Road at Memorial Crescent, landscape plan, 1873 (M. Segger & D. Franklin, Exploring Victoria's Architecture, 1996, 143-4, illus.; Victoria Heritage Foundation, This Old House: Victoria's Heritage Neighbourhoods, Vol. 4, 2009, 120-21, illus. & descrip.)
NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C., rebuilding of the Colonial Hotel, 1874-75 (Daily Colonist [Victoria], 19 Dec. 1874, 3)
COWICHAN, B.C., St. Mary's Anglican Church, 1875-76 (Daily Colonist [Victoria], 26 March 1875, 3; 8 July 1877, 3, letter from Mallandaine)
CLINTON, B.C., Court House, 1876; burned 1898 (British Columbia, Sessional Papers, 1877, Public Accounts, 342; dwgs. at BCPA)
COWICHAN, B.C., Gaol Building, 1876 (British Columbia, Sessional Papers, 1877, Public Accounts, 341)
COMOX, B.C., Gaol Building, 1876 (British Columbia, Sessional Papers, 1877, Public Accounts, 341)
CEDAR HILL, B.C., teacher's residence near the school, 1876 (British Columbia, Sessional Papers, 1877, Public Accounts, 250-51, 340)
NANAIMO, B.C., public school, 1878 (British Columbia, Sessional Papers, 1879, Public Accounts, 126)
SAANICH, B.C., St. Michael's Anglican Church, West Saanich Road, 1883 (M. Segger & D. Franklin, Exploring Victoria's Architecture, 1996, 253, illus.)
YATES STREET, near Commercial Alley, a two storey commercial block for an unnamed client, located " to the American Hotel", 1886 (Victoria Daily Times, 6 Feb. 1886, 4)
ST. JAMES ANGLICAN CHURCH, Quebec Street at St. John Street, parsonage for the church, 1886 (Daily Colonist [Victoria], 29 June 1886, 2, t.c.)
BASTION SQUARE, commercial block for Senator W.S. MacDonald and M.W.T. Drake, 1886-87 (Daily Colonist [Victoria], 1 Oct. 1886, 3, t.c.; 22 May 1887, 1)
SAANICH, B.C., St. Luke's Anglican Church, Cedar Hill Cross Road, 1887-88 (M. Segger and D. Franklin, Victoria, 1979, 316-17, illus.)
MacCAULEY'S POINT, a military barracks for C Battery, 1888 (Victoria Daily Times, 28 June 1888, 4)
YOUNG STREET, at Michigan Street, residence for Dr. William Jackson, and occupied by his son Fred J. Jackson, 1888 (Victoria Daily Times, 28 June 1888, 4; 27 Dec. 1888, 3)
KINGSTON STREET, residence for Robert J. Plummer, 1888 (Victoria Daily Times, 28 June 1888, 4)
SIMCOE STREET, at Medana Street, residence for Mrs. Paul Medana, 1888; still standing in 2022 (Victoria Daily Times, 27 Dec. 1888, 3)
MENZIES STREET, residence for Romolo Medana, 1888 (Victoria Daily Times, 27 Dec. 1888, 3)
NANAIMO, B.C., residence for Samuel M. Robins, J.P., Comox Road "....about two miles from Nanaimo", 1889 (Nanaimo Free Press, 14 May 1889, 3)
BROAD STREET, a 4 storey commercial block for an unnamed client, 1890-91 (Victoria Daily Times, 22 Oct. 1890, 4, t.c.)
CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL, addition, and alterations and repairs to the adjacent Boys school, with addition of a large shed 110 ft. x 40 ft., on the school grounds, 1892 (Victoria Daily Times, 20 Jan. 1892, 2, descrip.; and 8, t.c.; and 5 Feb. 1892, 5, descrip.)
JOHNSON STREET, at Broad Street, commercial block for an unnamed client, 1892 (Daily Colonist [Victoria], 3 May 1892, 6, descrip.)
COMOX, B.C., St. Peter's Anglican Church, Church Street near Comox Avenue, 1892; demol. 1939 and replaced by a new church designed by Percy L. James (Nanaimo Free Press, 9 July 1892, 3, descrip.)
JAMES BAY, proposal for a brick and stone arch bridge, 1899 (C.R., x, 22 March 1899, 2)