LENNOX, Edward James (1855-1933), a leading architect in Toronto, Ont. and active there for over 40 years. He was active in the following offices:
McCAW & LENNOX, Toronto, 1876-1881 (with William F. McCaw)
E.J. LENNOX, Toronto, 1882-1926
A biography and photographic portrait of the architect, with list of works, was published in the Toronto Daily Star, 23 June 1905, Industrial Edition Supplement, 24.
(biography in preparation)
E.J. LENNOX (Institutional & Ecclesiastical works in Toronto unless noted)
WELLESEY SCHOOL, St. Albans Street and St. Vincent Street, addition, 1882; demol. (Toronto, Annual Report of the Public Schools of the City of Toronto, 1882, Appendix, 3, illus.)
BLOOR STREET BAPTIST CHURCH, Bloor Street West at Bay Street, 1882-84; Sunday School 1899, all demol. 1926 (Toronto b.p. 191, 9 Dec. 1882; J.R. Robertson, Landmarks of Toronto, 1904, iv, 430-32, illus. & descrip.; C.R., x, 23 Aug. 1899, 1; Toronto Daily Star, 3 July 1926, 10, church history; Monograph, illus.)
CARLTON STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, new Sunday School, 1882, demol. (Globe [Toronto], 22 June 1882, 6, t.c.)
TORONTO ATHLETIC GROUNDS, Rosedale, new clubhouse, curling rink, grandstand and caretaker's residence, 1883 (Globe [Toronto], 30 June 1883, 10, t.c.; Toronto Daily Mail, 30 June 1883, 9, descrip.; and 6 Oct. 1883, 13, descrip.)
ELIZABETH STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL, Elizabeth Street at Chestnut Street, addition, 1884 (Toronto, Annual Report of the Public Schools of the City of Toronto, 1884, Appendix, 4)
ERSKINE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Simcoe Street, reconstruction after fire, 1884; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 12 April 1884, 11; Monograph, illus.)
VICTORIA ORANGE HALL, Queen Street East at Berti Street, 1885; addition 1909; demol. (Daily Mail [Toronto], 2 July 1885, 2, illus. & descrip.; Toronto b.p. 17627, 11 Oct. 1909; Monograph, illus.; Eric Arthur, Toronto - No Mean City, 1964, 178, illus. & descrip.)
COLLEGE STREET METHODIST CHURCH, College Street at Spadina Avenue, new Sunday School, additions and alterations, 1886, demol. (Globe [Toronto], 30 April 1886, 5, t.c.)
CITY HALL, Queen Street West at Bay Street, 1890-99; still standing in 2023 (Globe [Toronto], 13 May 1886, 2, illus. & descrip.; and 20 Dec. 1890, 1, illus. & descrip.; C.A.B., i, Oct. 1888, illus.; and iv, Dec. 1891, 102; and x, Dec. 1897, illus., and xi, Jan 1898, illus.; and xii, Oct. 1899, 193-94, descrip.; and xiii, Nov. 1900, 214-15, illus. & descrip.; City of Toronto Archives, RG 19, Box 1, with drawings; W. Dendy & W. Kilbourn, Toronto Observed, 1986, 148-51, illus. & descrip.; Charles C. Hill, edit., Artists, Architects & Artisans - Canadian Art 1890-1918, 2013, 136-41, illus. & descrip.)
BROADWAY METHODIST TABERNACLE, College Street at Spadina Avenue, 1887-89, demol. (Mail [Toronto], 31 May 1889, 5, descrip. & illus.; T. Champion, Methodist Churches of Toronto, 1899, 183-84, illus. & descrip.; Monograph, illus.; W. Dendy, Lost Toronto, 1978, 132-33, illus. & descrip.)
BELLEVILLE, ONT., John Street Presbyterian Church, alterations, 1888 (C.A.B., i, Feb. 1888, 6)
MARKHAM TOWNSHIP, ONT., a new public school for School Section No. 8, Hagerman's Corners, 14th Avenue, east of Birchmount Road, 1888; still standing 2017 and now called "The School Restaurant" (Globe [Toronto], 14 Jan. 1889, 3, descrip.)
GEORGETOWN, ONT., High School, 1889; demol. 1959 (Toronto World, 12 Jan. 1889, 6)
ETOBICOKE, ONT., public school, 1890 (Globe [Toronto], 12 April 1890, 16, t.c.)
TORONTO ATHLETIC CLUB, College Street west of University Avenue, 1891-92; still standing in 2023 (C.A.B., iii, Dec. 1890, illus.; and vi, Sept. 1893, illus.; Toronto Daily Mail, 15 Sept. 1891, 6, descrip.; Globe [Toronto], 23 Jan. 1894, 6, detailed descrip.; J.R. Robertson, Landmarks of Toronto, 1896, ii, 1104-11, illus. & descrip.; Monograph, illus.)
MOUNT PLEASANT CEMETERY, mausoleum for the Massey Family, commissioned by Hart A. Massey, 1891-94; still standing in 2023 (C.R., ii, 12 Sept. 1891, 3; The Globe [Toronto], 10 Dec. 1892, 15, illus. & descrip.; Monograph, illus.; W. Dendy & W. Kilbourn, Toronto Observed, 1986, 141-42, illus. & descrip.)
TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Wilton Avenue at Yonge Street, alterations, 1892; demol. (C.R., iii, 12 March 1892, 2)
FRED VICTOR MISSION, Queen Street East at Jarvis Street, 1893-94; addition 1898; all demol. (Globe [Toronto] 26 Oct. 1894, 8, illus. & descrip.; C.R., ix, 20 July 1898, 3-4; Monograph, illus.)
PERTH, ONT., Town Hall, Gore Street East, alterations and improvements, 1894-95; still standing in 2023 (Perth Courier, 7 Dec. 1894, 4, descrip.; and 14 Dec. 1894, 5, illus.; C.R., v, 13 Dec. 1894, 1)
BROADVIEW AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, 296 Broadview Avenue at Mount Stephen Street, 1894; still standing in 2023 and now called Broadview Faith Temple (Globe [Toronto], 11 June 1894, 5, descrip.; Toronto b.p. 1708, 17 July 1894)
HOUSE OF INDUSTRY, Elm Street at Elizabeth Street, additions, 1898, 1905; still standing in 2023 (Toronto b.p. 273, 4 Aug. 1898; and b.p. 1563, 24 July 1905)
QUEEN CITY YACHT CLUB, clubhouse, Lake Street opposite the York Street Bridge, 1901; demol. (C.R., xii, 20 Feb. 1901, 3)
ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, Bloor Street East near Church Street, alterations and additions to old St. Paul's Church, 1903-04; new Church 1910-13; chancel screen, 1924-26; Sunday School and Parish Hall, 1928; all still standing in 2023 (Monograph, illus.; Canadian Churchman [Toronto], 24 March 1904, 182, illus. & descrip.; M. Nunn, St. Paul's Church - 125th Anniversary, 1967, 2-7, illus. & descrip; C.R., xxvii, 4 June 1913, 53-57, illus. & descrip.; Const., viii, Feb. 1915, 48-56, illus. & descrip.; dwgs. at OA, Lennox Coll.)
TORONTO WESTERN HOSPITAL, Bathurst Street at Dundas Street West, Laundry Building, 1905; New Central Pavilion, 1909-10; Nurses Home, 1925-26; all demol. (Toronto b.p. 903, 19 May 1905; and b.p. 16374, 14 July 1909; Const., xix, Nov. 1926, 366-69, illus & descrip.; W. Dendy, Lost Toronto, 1993, 176-7, illus.)
WELLAND, ONT., Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Division Street near Cross Street, rebuilding and addition to the church, with tower, 1908; still standing in 2023 (Daily Standard [St. Catharines], 17 Sept. 1908, 3, descrip.)
LEGISLATIVE BUILDINGS, Queen's Park, reconstruction of West Wing after a fire, 1909-10; still standing in 2023 (Daily Standard [Kingston], 18 Sept. 1909, 8, t.c.; C.R., xxiv, 16 Feb. 1910, 25, descrip; dwgs. at OA, Lennox Coll.)
MIMICO, ONT., Public School for S.S. No. 12, Homer Avenue, 1910 (C.R., xxiv, 11 May 1910, 28)
CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION, Woodbine Avenue at Glebeholme Boulevard, 1912-13; burned 1925 (First Fifty Years: Church of the Resurrection 1912-1962, 8-9, illus.)
POSTAL STATION G, Queen Street East at Saulter Street, 1913; still standing in 2023 (C.R., xxvii, 30 July 1913, 69; Canada, Sessional Papers, 1915, Part 3, Report of the Chief Architect, 46-7, descrip.)
HOSPITAL FOR INCURABLES, Dunn Avenue, Nurses Home, 1925, addition to hospital,1926; all demol. (Toronto Daily Star, 16 March 1925, 24, t.c.; Toronto b.p. 79053, 14 April 1925; and b.p. 92719, 10 Sept. 1926)
E.J. LENNOX (Commercial works in Toronto unless noted)
HENRY GRAHAM & CO., also known as The Beatty Building, King Street East near Yonge Street, a four storey retail store and warehouse, 1881-82; demol. c. 1912 (Globe [Toronto], 13 March 1882, 7, descrip.; Monograph, illus.)
MASSEY MANUFACTURING CO., King Street West at Massey Street, offices, library and reading room, 1883; still standing in 2023 (Toronto Daily Mail, 3 March 1883, 16; Monograph, illus.)
SCOTTISH ONTARIO & MANITOBA LAND CO., a block of ten stores, each 3 storeys high, at 664-682 Yonge Street, north of Irwin Street, 1883; still standing in 2023 (Toronto Daily Mail, 17 May 1883, 8, descrip.; Monograph, illus.; P. McHugh, Toronto Architecture: A City Guide, 1985, 79, illus. & descrip.)
MANNING ARCADE, King Street West near Yonge Street, 1884-85; new facade, 1898; three storey addition 1903; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 9 Aug. 1884, 10, descrip.; Toronto Daily Mail, 11 Aug. 1884, 8, descrip.; C.R., ix, 20 July 1898, 3-4; and xiv, 9 Dec. 1903, 3; Monograph, illus.; Eric Arthur, Toronto - No Mean City, 1964, 182, illus.)
MEDICAL COUNCIL BUILDING, Bay Street at Richmond Street West, 1886; demol.; (Telegram [Toronto], 28 Aug. 1886, 6, illus. & descrip; C.A.B., i, Feb. 1888, illus. & descrip.; Monograph, illus.)
KITCHENER, ONT., office for Economical Fire Insurance Co., King Street West, 1888 (C.A.B., i, Feb. 1888, 6)
ADELAIDE CHAMBERS, Adelaide Street East near Church Street, 1889; demol. c. 1960 (Toronto World, 4 May 1889, 4, descrip.)
FREEHOLD LOAN & SAVINGS CO., office block, Victoria Street at Adelaide Street East, 1889-91 (C.A.B., ii, Dec. 1889, illus.; and vi, Nov. 1893, illus.; Globe [Toronto], 18 July 1889, 3, t.c.; Toronto World, 25 Jan. 1890, 4, illus. & descrip.; Monograph, illus.)
BEARD BUILDING, King Street East at Jarvis Street, 1892; demol. 1935 (C.R., iii, 2 April 1892, 2; Monograph, illus.; A. Sobolak, 'A Lennox Folly-The Beard Building', in the Newsletter of the Architectural Conservancy of Toronto, Nov. 1988, 13-18, illus.)
QUEEN CITY GRANITE CO., Yonge Street near St. Mary Street, showroom and workshop, 1895 (Toronto b.p. 2183, 4 Dec. 1895)
ORILLIA, ONT., Mississauga Street at Peter Street, commercial block for George McCormick & T.H. Sheppard, 1896 (Weekly Times [Orillia], 16 Jan. 1896, 7, descrip.)
SHEA'S BIJOU THEATRE, Yonge Street near Adelaide Street, for M.S. Robinson, 1898; demol. (C.R., ix, 11 May 1898, 3; Toronto b.p. 272, 4 Aug. 1898)
MANNING CHAMBERS, Queen Street West at Terauley Street, 1899-1900; demol. (Toronto b.p. 291, 27 Sept. 1899; C.A.B., xiii, Aug. 1900, illus.; Monograph, illus.)
McCONKEY'S RESTAURANT, King Street West near Yonge Street, 1899; demol. (C.R., x, 8 March 1899, 3; Toronto b.p. 139, 21 June 1899; Monograph, illus.)
W.A. GRIFFITHS & CO., Bay Street near Richmond Street, showroom with offices above for E.J. Lennox, architect, 1901; demol. (Toronto b.p. 71, 27 June 1901; Monograph, illus.; Architectural Eighteen Club Exhibit Catalogue, 1902, 117, illus.; Globe [Toronto], 22 March 1902, 32, descrip.)
KING EDWARD HOTEL, King Street East at Victoria Street, 1901-03; still standing in 2023 (Catalogue of the First Exhibition of the Toronto Architectural Eighteen Club, 1901, illus.; Toronto b.p. 143, 17 Dec. 1901; and b.p. 47, 2 April 1902; C.R., xiii, 21 May 1902, 6, descrip; W. Dendy & W. Kilbourn, Toronto Observed, 1986, 158-60, illus.)
STRATFORD, ONT., Windsor Hotel, Albert Street at Market Street, addition, 1903 (C.R., xiv, 27 May 1903, 3)
METROPOLITAN BANK BUILDING, King Street West opposite Jordan Street, at 36-38 King St. West, an 8 storey office block for Henry Pellatt and others 1903; demol. (Globe [Toronto], 21 Feb. 1903, 24, descrip.)
PELLATT BLOCK, King Street East near Toronto Street, a 12 storey office building for H.M. Pellatt (C.R., xiv, 18 Feb. 1903, 4; and 2 Dec. 1903, 3; Toronto Daily Star, 5 Dec. 1903, 1, descrip.)
STAR PUBLISHING CO., King Street West near Yonge St., printing office, 1905; demol. (Toronto Daily Star, 15 Sept. 1904, 6, t.c.; Toronto b.p. 1209, 21 June 1905; Monograph, illus.)
BANK OF TORONTO, Yonge Street near Shuter Street, 1906-08; still standing in 2023 (C..A.B., xix, July 1906, illus.; Const., i, June 1908, 28-31, illus. & descrip.; Monograph, illus.)
EXCELSIOR LIFE INSURANCE CO., Victoria Street near Lombard Street, additions and alterations, 1906 (Toronto b.p. 4326, 20 June 1906)
HOBBERLIN BROS. & CO., Yonge Street at Richmond Street East, a 4 storey retail store, warehouse and offices, 1907; addition, 1910; demol. (Toronto Daily Star, 12 Feb 1907, 11, descrip.; Toronto b.p. 7653, 20 May 1907; and b.p. 22777, 13 Aug. 1910)
WOLSELEY TOOL & MOTOR CAR CO., Avenue Road near Yorkville Avenue, showroom and garage, 1912; addition 1914; demol. (Toronto b.p. 33715, 2 May 1912; Const., vii, April 1914, 138, illus.)
McCONKEY'S RESTAURANT, Queen Street West near Bay Street, 1914; demol. (Toronto b.p. 14134, 3 Sept. 1914; Const., viii, Aug. 1915, 338-40, illus.)
EXCELSIOR LIFE INSURANCE CO., Adelaide Street East at Victoria Street, office building, 1914; still standing in 2023 (Toronto b.p. 14023, 25 Aug. 1914; Const., ix, March 1916, 71-73, illus. & descrip.)
E.J. LENNOX (Industrial works in Toronto unless noted)
STANDARD WOOLEN MILLS, Front Street East near Berkeley Street, factory for the Leadley & Barber Knitting Co., 1882; additions 1893, 1899 (Globe [Toronto], 18 Feb. 1882, 11, t.c.)
FRONT STREET EAST, near Church Street, factory for Robert Watson & Thomas Watson, 1888 (C.A.B., i, Feb. 1888, 6)
PEARL STREET, near University Avenue, factory for James Morrison, 1888 (C.A.B., i, Feb. 1888, 6)
MILBURN BUILDING, Colborne Street near Church Street, a row of five warehouses, each 4 storeys high, 1888-89; still standing in 2023 (Monograph, illus.)
NORTHEY MANUFACTURING CO., King Street West near Dufferin Street, factory, 1892; addition 1896 (Canadian Engineer, ii, Nov. 1894, 214-15, illus. & descrip.; Toronto b.p. 1184, 9 Dec. 1892; b.p. 3525, 11 Dec. 1896)
COMET BICYCLE CO., Temperance Street, factory, 1894-95; later converted to Aikenhead's Hardware; still standing in 2023 (Toronto b.p. 1699, 16 July 1894; Monograph, illus.)
WELLINGTON STREET WEST, near Yonge Street, warehouse for Hutchison, Nisbet & Auld, 1895 (C.R., vi, 28 Feb. 1895, 3)
TORONTO RADIATOR CO., Dufferin Street near Queen Street West, additions to factory, 1895 (C.R., vi, 16 May 1895, 3)
COBBAN MANUFACTURING CO., Esplanade West at Lake Street, factory, 1896; damaged by fire in August 1930; demol. in 1931 (Toronto b.p. 3137, 8 April 1896; Monograph, illus.)
TORONTO FOUNDRY CO., Jefferson Avenue at Liberty Street, warehouse, foundry & office, 1901 (C.R., xii, 28 Aug. 1901, 1, t.c.)
TORONTO BEDDING CO., Jefferson Avenue near Liberty Street, factory, 1903 (Toronto b.p. 1965, 6 Nov. 1903)
STAUNTON'S LTD., Yonge Street near Davenport Road, addition to factory, 1905 (Toronto b.p. 2679, 8 Dec. 1905)
STONEY CREEK,ONT., Division Electric Sub Station for the Toronto & Niagara Power Co., 1905 (Toronto Daily Star, 3 July 1905, 6, t.c.; C.R., xvi, 5 July 1905, 2, t.c.)
TWENTY MILE CREEK, ONT., Division Electric Sub Station for the Toronto & Niagara Power Co., 1905 (Toronto Daily Star, 3 July 1905, 6, t.c.; C.R., xvi, 5 July 1905, 2, t.c.)
CLARKSON, ONT., Division Electric Sub Station for the Toronto & Niagara Power Co., 1905 (Toronto Daily Star, 3 July 1905, 6, t.c.; C.R., xvi, 5 July 1905, 2, t.c.)
TORONTO & NIAGARA POWER CO., Davenport Road near Spadina Road, transformer substation, 1904-05 (Toronto Daily Star, 17 June 1904, 6, t.c.; Globe [Toronto], 14 Sept. 1904, 12; M. Litvak, E.J. Lennox-Builder of Toronto, 1995, 56-7, 71-2, illus.; dwgs. at OA, Lennox Coll.)
NIAGARA FALLS, ONT., Power House for the Toronto & Niagara Power Co., Niagara Falls Parkway, designed 1904; built 1906-08; addition 1911; all still standing in 2023 (Daily Standard [St. Catharines], 11 Jan. 1904, 6, detailed architectural descrip.; Toronto Daily Star, 15 Aug. 1904, 1, descrip.; Globe [Toronto], 14 Sept. 1904, 12; C.R., xvii, 28 March 1906, 5; xxv, 25 Oct. 1911, 63, t.c.; Const., ii, Oct. 1909, 46-51, illus. & descrip.; Monograph, illus.; H. Kalman, History of Canadian Architecture, 1994, 592-3, illus. & descrip.)
DOMINION RADIATOR CO., Dufferin Street near Lappin Avenue, factory, 1907 (Toronto b.p. 6261, 19 Jan. 1907)
PHILLIPS MANUFACTURING CO, Carlaw Avenue near Queen Street East, factory, 1907 (Canadian Engineer, xiv, 8 Feb. 1907)
TORONTO ELECTRIC LIGHT CO., Esplanade East at Scott Street, office and warehouse, 1910 (Toronto b.p. 23719, 11 Oct. 1910)
RUSSELL MOTOR CAR CO., Keele Street near St. Clair Avenue West, factory, 1911-12 (Toronto b.p. 31406, 4 Nov. 1911)
E.J. LENNOX (Residential works in Toronto unless noted)
JARVIS STREET, north of Queen Street, residence for William McClain, 1882 (Toronto b.p. 31, 23 Feb. 1882)
GROSVENOR STREET, near Yonge Street, pair of houses for William J. McCormack, 1882 (Toronto b.p. 192, 9 Dec. 1882)
GERRARD STREET EAST, at Victoria Street, pair of houses for Mrs. Alice Bilton, 1882-83 (Toronto b.p. 194, 9 Dec. 1882; Monograph, illus.)
JARVIS STREET, at Charles Street, residence for Henry J. Clarke, 1882 (Toronto b.p. 195, 9 Dec. 1882)
BLOOR STREET WEST, near St. George Street, 'North Villa', residence for William H. Lailey, 1882 (Monograph, illus.; L. Maitland, Queen Anne Revival Style in Canadian Architecture, 1990, 123, illus.)
JARVIS STREET, near Earl Street, residence for Hart A. Massey, 1883-85, additions 1885-86; Conservatory, 1888 (W. Dendy & W. Kilbourn, Toronto Observed, 1986, 116, illus.; dwgs. at NAC, Acc. 756/23090, Sheets 9 & 11)
SHUTER STREET, near Jarvis Street, residence for Robert Watson, 1883 (Monograph, illus.)
ISABELLA STREET, near Church Street, residence for James Gormley, 1883 (Monograph, illus.)
BLOOR STREET WEST, near St. Thomas Street, 'Park Grove', residence for Thomas Lailey, 1885 (Monograph, illus.)
MADISON AVENUE, near Bloor Street West, residence for Lewis Lukes, 1888-89 (C.A.B., iv, Dec. 1891, illus.; Monograph, illus.; W. Dendy & W. Kilbourn, Toronto Observed, 1986, 118-19, illus.)
ST. ANDREW'S SQUARE, three houses for J. Davis, 1888 (C.A.B., i, Feb. 1888, 6)
CARLTON STREET, three houses for Thomas V. Gearing, 1888 (C.A.B., i, Feb. 1888, 6)
WILCOX STREET, two houses for William R. Steward, 1888; demol. (C.A.B., i, Feb. 1888, 6)
CHURCH STREET, near Gerrard Street East, residence for Dr. James E. Graham, and later occupied by Dr. George R. McDonagh, 1888; demol. c. 1975 (C.A.B., i, Nov. 1888, illus.; Monograph, illus.; Eric Arthur, Toronto - No Mean City, 1964, 188, illus.)
SELBY STREET, residence for Arkless H. Rundle, 1888 (Monograph, illus.)
JARVIS STREET, near Gloucester Street, residence for Charles R. Rundle, 1889-90 (Monograph, illus; W. Dendy & W. Kilbourn, Toronto Observed, 1986, 117, illus.)
SHERBOURNE STREET, north of Dundas Street East, residence for Archibald MacMurchy, c. 1889 (Monograph, illus.)
CARLTON STREET, pair of houses for John T. Shapter, c. 1890 (Monograph, illus.)
JARVIS STREET, near Earl Street, residence for Thomas Long, c. 1890 (Monograph, illus.)
DOWLING AVENUE, residence for George N. Reynolds, 1890 (C.R., i, 27 Sept. 1890, 2; Monograph, illus.)
SCARBOROUGH, ONT., Kingston Road, cottage for Arthur F. Lobb, c. 1891 (C.A.B., v, Nov. 1892, illus.; Monograph, illus.)
BINSCARTH ROAD, residence for Arkless H. Rundle, 1891 (Monograph, illus.)
BLOOR STREET EAST, near Huntley Street, residence for James B. Boustead, 1892 (Monograph, illus.)
JARVIS STREET, near Isabella Street, residence for William R. Johnston, 1895 (C.R., vi, 23 May 1895, 3, t.c.)
TORONTO ISLAND, Caretaker's cottage, 1897 (Globe [Toronto], 24 Nov. 1897, 5, t.c.)
WELLESLEY STREET EAST, near Bleeker Street, pair of houses for Charles R. Rundle, 1897 (Toronto b.p. 161, 15 Dec. 1897)
DUPONT STREET, near Chicora Avenue, pair of houses for Thomas Moore, 1900 (C.R., xi, 20 June 1900, 3)
ST. GEORGE STREET, opposite Sussex Avenue, addition to the residence of William R. Riddell, 1900-01; demol. (Toronto b.p. 46, 22 Dec. 1900)
SOUTH DRIVE, near Sherbourne Street North, residence for Hugh Munro, 1902 (Toronto b.p. 206, 30 Jan. 1902)
ST. GEORGE STREET, near Bernard Avenue, residence for Robert Watson, 1902 (Toronto b.p. 316, 2 Sept. 1902; Monograph, illus.)
ELM AVENUE, near Glen Road, residence for Charles R. Rundle, 1902 (Toronto b.p. 536, 24 Oct. 1902; Toronto Society of Architects Exhibit Catalogue, 1909, 119, illus.)
MUSKOKA, ONT., summer house and boat house for Edward R. Wood, Lake Rosseau, c. 1902-03 (Monograph, illus.; L. Lundell, Old Muskoka: Century Cottages & Summer Estates, 2003, 164-7, illus.)
CHESNUT PARK ROAD, residence for Worts D. Smart, 1903 (Toronto b.p. 2032, 20 Nov. 1903; Toronto Star Weekly, 22 June 1929, Gravure Section, p. 7, illus.; Monograph, illus.)
HOMEWOOD AVENUE, residence for James B. Ryan, 1904 (Toronto b.p. 343, 30 April 1904)
HAWTHORNE AVENUE, near Dale Avenue, residence for Edward Leadley, 1904 (Toronto b.p. 1172, 9 Sept. 1904; Toronto Society of Architects Exhibit Catalgoue, 1909, 121, illus.; Monograph, illus.)
UNIVERSITY AVENUE, near Elm Street, residence for David Fasken, c. 1905, demol. (Monograph, illus.)
NANTON CRESCENT, near Dale Avenue, residence for Frederick H. Searle, 1906 (Toronto b.p. 3369, 9 April 1906)
WALMER ROAD, stables, watertower, boiler house, greenhouses and residence for Henry M. Pellatt, 1905 (W. Dendy & W. Kilbourn, Toronto Observed, 1986, 180-81, illus.)
CASA LOMA, a mansion for Henry M. Pellatt, Austin Terrace near Walmer Road, 1909-11;; still standing in 2023 (Financial Post [Toronto], 18 July 1936, 20, history and descrip.; J. Denison, Casa Loma and the Man Who Built It, 1982; W. Dendy & W. Kilbourn, Toronto Observed, 1986, 178-82, illus. & descrip.; Matthew Reeve, "Canadian Gothic: Empire, Medievalism and Modernity in Sir Henry Pellat's Casa Loma", in A Medieval Legacy - Essays in Honour of Prof. Malcolm Thurlby, 2020, 351-72, illus. & descrip. [online])
AUSTIN TERRACE, near Walmer Road, 'Lenwil', a residence for E.J. Lennox, architect, 1913-15; still standing in 2023 (M. Litvak, E.J. Lennox -Builder of Toronto, 1995, 87-8, 95-7, illus.)
TORONTO, ONT., Union Station, Front Street West, 1904. Lennox was one of three Toronto architects invited to submit a design for this $3 million dollar project (Toronto Daily Star, 14 Nov. 1904, 1). The project was later handed to Carrere & Hastings of New York City in 1907, but their scheme was never built.