Wickenden, Charles Osborne

WICKENDEN, Charles Osborne (1851-1934), a talented British-born architect active in New Brunswick, Manitoba and British Columbia. He was recorded in the following locations:

C.O. Wickenden, Saint John, N.B. 1878-1880
C.O. Wickenden, Winnipeg, Man., 1882-1888
C.O. Wickenden, Vancouver, B.C., 1889- 1928

(biography in preparation)

C.O. WICKENDEN (works in the Maritimes)

(with J.C. Dumaresq) WOLFVILLE, N.S., Acadia College, Central Building, 1878-79 (Morning Chronicle [Halifax], 12 July 1878, 1, descrip.; R. Longley, Acadia University 1838-1938, 1939, 95; dwgs. at PANS, Dumaresq Coll.)
SAINT JOHN, N.B., St. Luke's Anglican Church, Portland, extensive remodelling with new galleries, ceiling and pews, 1879-80 (Daily Sun [Saint John], 10 Sept. 1879, 3, descrip.; and 29 Jan. 1880, 3, descrip.; Daily Telegraph [SaInt John], 28 Aug. 1880, 2, detailed architectural descrip.; L. Stevens, Review of the First Half Century History of St. Luke's Church, 1889, 105-08, illus. & descrip.)
TRURO, N.S., St. John's Anglican Church, Church Street, completion of the interior of church begun in 1873 by William T. Thomas, 1879-80 (J.Kaulbach, History of St. John's Church, Truro Nova Scotia, 1913, 70)
SAINT JOHN, N.B., commercial block for Patrick Morrisey, Prince William Street at Duke Street, 1880 (Daily Sun [Saint John], 21 May 1880, 3, descrip.; and 20 Oct. 1880, 1, descript.)

C.O. WICKENDEN (works in Manitoba)

EMERSON, MAN., bank for Hepburn & Irwin, Main Street "....between the Emerson House Hotel and the McKay Block", 1882; demol. (Emerson International, 30 March 1882, 5)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Provincial Court House, Kennedy Street, 1882-83; burned 1957 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 19 May 1883, 8, descrip.; C. Cameron & J. Wright, Second Empire Style in Canadian Architecture, 1980, 74-5, illus.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Christ Church (Anglican), Princess Street at Common Street, 1883 (Winnipeg Daily Sun, 31 March 1883, 1, descrip.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., warehouse for Hudson's Bay Company, Main Street, 1883 (Manitoba Free Press, 2 July 1883, 5, t.c.)
NEEPAWA, MAN., Court House, Hamilton Street, 1883-84 (Neepawa Canadian, 12 June 1884, 2, t.c.; M. Carter, Early Canadian Court Houses, 1983, 224, illus.)
BRANDON, MAN., Court House & Gaol, Louise Avenue East, 1883-84 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 20 June 1883, 5; MPA, RG18 A2-879/1885; M. Carter, Early Canadian Court Houses, 1983, 143-5, 223, illus.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Manitoba Mortgage & Investment Co., Portage Avenue at Fort Street, office block, 1883; burned c. 1955 (Winnipeg Daily Sun, 4 July 1883, 4, t.c.; and 13 Sept. 1884, 1, descrip.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Westminster Apartment Block, Donald Street at Ellice Avenue, 1884 (Winnipeg Times, 22 March 1884, 8, descrip.)
ST. BONIFACE, MAN., Provincial Exhibition Grounds, Central Building 1885; extension, 1886; Grain House, Poultry House, stables, 1886 (Daily Manitoban [Winnipeg], 24 Aug. 1885, 4, descrip.; and 8 July 1886, 4, t.c.; and 16 Aug. 1886, 4, t.c.; and 29 Sept. 1886, 1 and 4, illus.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., commercial block for E.R.T. Rowland, Main Street, 1886 (Daily Manitoban [Winnipeg], 28 May 1886, 4, t.c.)
SELKIRK, MAN., Lunatic Asylum, various works, 1886; major addition, 1888 (MPA, RG18 A2, Box 3, 1886; Brandon Weekly Sun, 28 June 1888, 5)
SELKIRK, MAN., Anglican Church, 1886 (Daily Manitoban [Winnipeg], 13 Oct. 1886, 4, t.c.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., St. John's Parish School, Main Street, opposite St. John's College, 1887 (Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg], 29 March 1887, 4, t.c.)
BOISSEVAIN, MAN., Hudson's Bay Co. Store, 1887 (Morning Call [Winnipeg], 25 June 1887, 8)
DELORAINE, MAN., Hudson's Bay Co. Store, 1887 (Morning Call [Winnipeg], 25 June 1887, 5, t.c.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., Western Canada Loan Co., Main Street at Portage Avenue, office block, 1887; burned 1894; rebuilt by S.F. Peters (Winnipeg Sun, 21 July 1887, 4, descrip.; Manitoba Free Press [Winnipeg] 10 Sept. 1887, 4, descrip.)
WINNIPEG, MAN., residence for J.R. Jones, Donald Street at Graham Avenue, 1887 (Winnipeg Sun, 21 July 1887, 4)
RUSSELL, MAN., design for a Monument to two of Boulton's Army scouts who died in the North West Rebellion of 1885, built 1888 (Manitoba Weekly Free Press, 6 Sept. 1888, 4, descrip.)

C.O. WICKENDEN (works elsewhere)

KENORA, ONT., Hudson's Bay Co. Store, 1886 (inf. from R. Rostecki, Winnipeg)
CALGARY, ALTA., residence for William Pearce, Reinach Avenue, 1888 (Glenbow Museum, Archives A P359c, Specifications)
CALGARY, ALTA., Hudson's Bay Co. Store, Stephen Avenue, 1890 (Calgary Tribune, 14 May 1890, 8, descrip. and t.c.)
VERNON, B.C., Kalemalka (or Kalamalka) Hotel, Barnard Avenue at Eighth Street, for W.J. Meakin, a large 3 storey hotel for the Okanagan Land & Development Co., 1891-92; with later addition 1911 by Bell & Constant; altered c. 1980; 3rd floor later removed; original building still standing in 2022 behind recent street additions (Vancouver Daily World, 12 Feb. 1891, 2, t.c.; Vernon News, 6 August 1891, 5, detailed architectural descrip.; and 16 June 1892, 5)

C.O. WICKENDEN (works in Vancouver)

PENDER STREET, store and residence for J.P. Tompkins, 1889 (Vancouver Daily World, 9 Jan. 1889, 4; and 20 Feb. 1889, 4)
INNES-THOMPSON BLOCK, Hastings Street, "adjoining the present A.G. Ferguson Block", 1889 (Vancouver Daily World, 2 April 1889, 4; and 4 June 1889, 1, descrip.; H. Kalman, Exploring Vancouver, 1978, 90, illus.)
TOWN & ROBINSON BLOCK, Carrall Street, 1889 (Vancouver Daily World, 4 June 1889, 1)
TATLOW BLOCK, Hastings Street, 1889 (Vancouver Daily News Advertiser, 18 June 1889, 7, descrip.)
VANCOUVER DAILY NEWS ADVERTISER CO., Cambie Street, office block, 1889; demol. (Vancouver Daily World, 31 Dec. 1889, 5)
TURNER BLOCK, Cordova Street, commercial block for George Turner, 1889 (Vancouver Daily World, 18 June 1889, 4, descrip.; and 31 Dec. 1889, 5)
CHRIST CHURCH (Anglican), Georgia Street at Burrard Street, begun 1889-90; completed 1894 (Vancouver Daily World, 15 March 1889, 1, descrip.; and 31 Dec. 1889, 5); with cornerstone laying ceremony and completion in 1894 (Vancouver Daily World, 4 Aug. 1894, 7; H. Kalman, Exploring Vancouver, 1978, 106, illus.)
LEFEVRE BLOCK, Hastings Street at Seymour Street, for Dr. J.M. Lefevre, 1890 (Vancouver Daily World, 11 April 1890, 4, descrip.; H. Kalman, Exploring Vancouver, 1978, 88, illus.)
TEMPLETON BLOCK, Hastings Street at Carrall Street, commercial block for William Templeton, 1891 (Vancouver Daily World, 28 May 1891, 4)
BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, Hastings Street at Richards Street, 1891-92; addition 1908 (Vancouver Daily World, 16 Oct. 1891, 8, descrip.; and 31 Dec. 1892, 6, descrip.; and 29 July 1893, 1, descrip.; C.R., ii, 21 Nov. 1891, 2, t.c.; and xix, 25 March 1908, 22)
HUDSON'S BAY CO., Georgia Street at Granville Street, department store, 1892; demol. 1912 (Vancouver Daily World, 20 May 1891, 2, descrip.; and 1 April 1892, 2, descrip.; C.A.B., viii, Jan. 1895, 11, with correction Feb. 1895, 20)
CORDOVA STREET, commercial block for George I. Wilson, 1892 (Vancouver Daily World, 15 March 1892, 8)
HASTINGS STREET, store for Abray & Gray, 1892 (Vancouver Daily World, 5 Aug. 1892, 5, t.c.)
HASTINGS STREET, block for W.E. Thomson, 1893 (Vancouver Daily World, 22 July 1893, 2, t.c.)
VANCOUVER CLUB, Hastings Street, 1892-93; demol. 1930 (Vancouver Daily World, 18 Aug. 1894, 3, illus. & descrip.; P. Bissley, History of the Vancouver Club, 1971, 13-19)
THE ARCADE, West Hastings Street near Cambie Street, for Harvey Haddon, 1894 (Vancouver Daily World, 19 May 1894, 8; C.R., v, 21 June 1894, 2)
HUDSON'S BAY CO. WAREHOUSE, Water Street, 1894; burned 1972; rebuilt (Vancouver Daily World, 30 Aug. 1894, 3, descrip.; D. Luxton, City of Vancouver: Statements of Significance for Gastown, 2004, 74)
TATLOW BLOCK, Hastings Street 'adjoining the Bank of British North America', 1894 (Vancouver Daily World, 18 Sept. 1894, 8)
BRACKMAN & KER MILLING CO., West Hastings Street near Carral Street, warehouse, 1898 (C.R., ix, 9 March 1898, 2, t.c.; Vancouver Daily World, 26 March 1898, 2)
WATER STREET, warehouse for the Estate of Hon. Theo Davies 'near the W.H. Malkin & Co. warehouse', 1898 (Province [Vancouver], 6 August 1898, 2, descrip.; and 11 Aug. 1898, 3, descrip.)
PENDER STREET, near Thurlow Street, three brick houses for C.O. Wickenden, architect and owner, 1899 (Vancouver Daily World, 30 Sept. 1899, 3)
NORTH VANCOUVER, the Hotel North Vancouver, for Mr. Larson, 1902 (Vancouver Daily World, 23 April 1902, 7, descrip.)
NORTH VANCOUVER MUNICIPAL HALL, 1st Street at Lonsdale Avenue, 1904 (Vancouver Daily World, 19 Feb. 1904, 10, t.c.; North Vancouver, Minutes of Municipal Council, 6 July 1904)
NORTH VANCOUVER, a two storey commercial building on The Esplanade for J. Balfour Ker, 1910-11 (Vancouver Daily World, 1 Nov. 1910, Section Two, p. 21, t.c.)
BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, Richards Street at West Hastings Street, major addition, 1928 (Province [Vancouver], 10 May 1928, 32)


FREDERICTON, N.B., Legislative Building, 1879. Wickenden was one of 14 competitors who submitted plans for this important commission (American Architect & Building News [Boston], v, 5 April 1879, 109). His scheme was not premiated, and J.C. Dumaresq was awarded First Prize. A detailed description of the design prepared by Wickenden, and presented in the Italian Renaissance style, was published in the Daily Telegraph [Saint John], 21 March 1879, 2, and 16 Feb. 1882, page 5.