BROWN, Ernest Thomas (1876-1950), a native of Brighton, England, attended the Technical School there in 1898-1900. He articled with E.E. Chapman, a local architect, then moved to London, Engl. to assist Walter Flint, architect. Brown emigrated to Canada after 1900 and took up residence in Regina in 1905 where he was a draftsman for E.M. Storey (in 1905-06), and later an assistant in the office of the Saskatchewan Dept. of Public Works (in 1906-11). He maintained a private practice in Regina in 1911-13, and in March 1913 he was appointed as Deputy Minister of the Public Works Dept. of Saskatchewan, succeeding J.F. Robinson.
Brown then moved to Vancouver in 1915 where he remained until 1923. He lived in Revelstoke (in 1924-25) and opened an office in Kamloops where he practised from 1926 to 1928. He moved to Calgary in late 1928 and was active there as resident architect for the Dominion Government in 1941-45. Many of his drawings from the post-war period survive and can be found at the Glenbow Institute (Acc. 7539). Brown died in Calgary on 1 May 1950 (obit. Calgary Herald, 1 May 1950, 21; Albertan [Calgary], 2 May 1950, 9; obit. Lethbridge Herald, 2 May 1950, 7; D. Luxton, Building the West: The Early Architects of British Columbia, 2003, 455-6, 494; inf. Glenbow Museum, Calgary)
E.T. BROWN (works in Saskatchewan)
WESTMAN BUILDING, 12th Avenue near Cornwall Street, a 3 storey commercial block, later called The Aldon Block, and renamed The Gordon Block, located east of the Credit Foncier Building, 1912; burned Sept. 2023 and demolished (Morning Leader [Regina], 14 Feb. 1912, 9, descriip.)
MOOSOMIN, SASK., Land Titles Building, Windover Avenue, 1912 (Annual Report of the Dept. of Public Works of Saskatchewan, 1912-13, 86, descrip.)
REGINA, SASK., St. Joseph's Roman Catholic School, Thirteenth Avenue, 1912 (Regina Separate School Board, Minute Books)
REGINA, SASK., Regina Lawn Tennis & Bowling Club, a clubhouse, 19th Avenue at Albert Street, 1912 (Morning Leader [Regina], 11 April 1912, 6)
REGINA, SASK., Sawyer Massey Co., warehouse, 1912 (C.R., xxvi, 21 Aug. 1912, 68)
SALTCOATS, SASK., Saskatchewan Telephone Exchange, 1912 (Morning Leader [Regina], 9 Sept. 1912, 12, t.c.)
REGINA, SASK., Dominion Dairy & Produce Co., McIntyre Street at 7th Avenue, 1912 (Morning Leader [Regina], 10 Sept. 1912, 7, illus. & descrip.)
REGINA, SASK., Fire Hall No. 3, Robinson Street at 14th Avenue, 1912 (C.R., xxvi, 25 Sept. 1912, 67)
KENASTON, SASK., public school, 1913 (Morning Leader [Regina], 11 April 1913, 19, t.c.; inf. Ross Herrington, Regina)
E.T. BROWN (works in Alberta and British Columbia)
REDCLIFF, ALTA., Presbyterian Church, 4th Avenue S.E. at 2nd Street S.E., begun 1920; completed 1928 and renamed Gordon Memorial United Church; still standing in 2023 (Redcliffe Review [Redcliffe, Alta.], 20 May 1920, 1)
KAMLOOPS, B.C., Royal Inland Hospital, Nurse's Home and Power House, 1926-27 (Const., xix, Sept. 1926, 294; Canadian Hotel Review, vi, Sept. 1928, 18)
KAMLOOPS, B.C., Plaza Hotel, Victoria Street at 4th Avenue, 1927; a 6 storey hotel block, still standing in 2023 (C.R., xli, 27 April 1927, 53; Canadian Hotel Review, vi, Sept. 1928, 17-19, illus.)
KAMLOOPS, B.C., Elk's Fraternal Lodge, Fourth Avenue at Seymour Street, 1927 (Kamloops Sentinel, 4 Feb. 1927, 1, illus.; Vernon News, 1 Dec. 1927, 5, descrip.)
KAMLOOPS, B.C., Sentinel Building, 1927-28 (Kamloops Sentinel, 10 July 1928, 1, list of works)
CALGARY, ALTA., Elk's Block, 7th Avenue West, 1928 (C.R., xlii, 1 Aug. 1928, 50; dwgs. Canadian Architectural Archives, Univ. of Calgary, 37A 7825)
LETHBRIDGE, ALTA., High School, 15th Street South, 1928 (Lethbridge Herald, 3 Nov. 1927, 7, descrip.; C.R., xlii, 25 Jan. 1928, 61, t.c.)
LETHBRIDGE, ALTA., Marquis Hotel, Fourth Avenue, 1928; demol. 1988 (Canadian Hotel Review, vi, July 1928, 12-15, illus. & descrip.; R.A.I.C. Journal, v, July 1928, xv, illus. in advert.)
CALGARY, ALTA., St. Michael's Anglican Church, 16th Avenue at 3rd Street N.W., 1928-29; church closed 1997; demol. 2003 (The Anglican Church in Calgary 1878-1974, 72)
KAMLOOPS, B.C., Riverview Public School, 1929 (C.R., xliii, 30 Jan. 1929, 50)
TRAIL, B.C., Crown Point Hotel, Bay Avenue at Spokane Street, a 4 storey hotel for Trail Hotels Ltd.,1929; still standing in 2023 (C.R., xliii, 2 Oct. 1929, 67)
CALGARY, ALTA., Jewish Community Building, 18th Avenue S.W., 1936-42, completed 1949, altered 1998 (dwgs. at Glenbow Museum, Calgary, M7539, E.T. Brown Papers, Oversize Plan folio, Item 170)
CALGARY, ALTA., Col. Belcher Military Hospital, 4th Street West at 12th Avenue, 1941-42 (C.R., liv, 3 Dec. 1941, 28)
STRATHMORE, ALTA., a four room High School, for the Wheatland School District, 1946 (Strathmore Standard, 30 May 1946, 1)
KATHRYN, ALTA., a two room High School, for the Wheatland School District, 1946 (Strathmore Standard, 30 May 1946, 1)
CALGARY, ALTA., Bamlett Agencies Ltd., 8th Avenue West, office block, 1949 (C.R., lxii, Aug. 1949, 224)
RADIUM HOT SPRINGS, B.C., The Radium Bath House & Swimming Pool, near Kootenay National Park, 1950 (list of works in obituary)